Page 21 - PGA Community News- June '24
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June 2024                                                                  June 2024                                                   PGA C.A.N.!, Page 21

      Impact The Palm Beaches from page 20                                                                    For more information about Impact the Palm Beaches and
                                                                                                           how to become a member, visit

      Karen Hinda and Keely  Virginia Spencer and Vicki
      Gideon-Taylor            Pugh
                                                        Melissa Haley, Lisa LaFrance, Susan Fayette
         Impact  members  contribute  $1,100  annually,  which
      includes a $100 administrative fee, and each member’s $1,000      Impact 100 is a worldwide organization with more than 60
      donation is pooled together to fund multiple $100,000 grants.   chapters and steadily growing. Their motto is “One Woman,
      The full amount of membership is tax-deductible. After this   One Meeting, One Vote.” It is designed for women who   Shawn Ho-Hing-King, Deeawn Roundtree, Martine Senatus
      awards celebration, Impact the Palm Beaches will have given   want to find an efficient and collaborative means of creating
      away nearly $2 million in transformative grants to nonprofits   transformational change in their community. Women can
      in our community. Impact grants fund the following service   become as involved as they wish in the process.
      areas: arts and culture, education, environment and animal      The Town of Palm Beach United Way is the fiscal agent
      welfare, health and wellness, and family.         of Impact the Palm Beaches.

               LET US HELP YOU

         Ship Your Valuable Packages & Furniture                                                           Hollani Davis, WPTV 5 event  Christine Raymond  and

                                                                                                           emcee                   Taylor Materio

        •  CLOTHING           •  SCULPTURES                  •  CUSTOM PACKING AND CRATING
        •  DISHES             •  ARTWORK                     •  ESTATES PACKING AND
        •  ANTIQUES           •  COMPUTERS                       SHIPPING

                               WE PACK AND                                   FREE

                              SHIP WITH TLC                             PICK UP AT YOUR

                                                                                                                  Reminder From

                                                                                                             Palm Beach Gardens

                                                                                                               Police Department

                                                                                                                    Adopt These Habits To
                                                                                                                 Prevent Vehicle Burglaries

                                                                                                               • Please lock your vehicle doors every time –
                              Dishes, Glasses, Furniture                                                    even for a quick stop or at home.

          Copies, Fax Service, Notary, US Mail, Stamps                                                        • Never leave items of any kind inside your
                                                                                                            vehicle. Hiding items doesn’t work!
                                                                                                              • At a minimum, if you must leave items, place
                                                                                                            them in your trunk.
                                                                                                              • Cell phone/iPod power cords, GPS holders
                                                                                                            and other key sets act as neon signs.
                                                                                                              • Park in well-lit areas, stay alert and call in
                                                                                                            any suspicious activities to the police department
                                                                                                            nonemergency number: 799-4445.

                                                                       Phone: 561-799-3900
         10130 Northlake Blvd. #214

         West Palm Beach, FL. 33412                                    Fax: 561-799-3905
                                                                       Cell: 561-598-4413

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                Ask For Jean or Joseph                                                                          Computer Install/Setup/Repair

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            The UPS Store                                    The UPS Store                                    
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             Card And Save                                                                                        Call S.E.T. to install your “new computer, printer
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           5% Off Shipping                                        Copies                                   FOR SMALL BUSINESSES FOR AS LOW AS $50.00 AN HOUR,
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                  Packaging                               good in combination with any other offers. Valid   QUALITY MAINTENANCE, ATTENTION TO DETAIL AND
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                                                          Mail Boxes Etc., Inc.                                             (561) 315-0144
                                                                                                              CALL S.E.T. TODAY FOR YOUR COMPUTER NEEDS!
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