Page 14 - PGA Community News- June '24
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Page 14, PGA C.A.N.!                                                  June 2024                                                                                                                                                     June 2024
      Female Leaders Vow To Mentor,

      Inspire The Next Generation At The 2024

      Cynthia Allen Gracey Women In Leadership Awards Event

      Executive Women Of The Palm Beaches Foundation    event highlight were the award presentations to four   Chair Sharon Bock, Esq., and 2024 WILA Vice Chairs Dana
      Celebrate 40 Years Of Building Allyship And Opportunity   women executives, selected from a pool of 34 impressive   K. Brookes and Geeta Singh shared the stage to express their
      Among Professional Women                          nominees. The following award winners were honored for   gratitude and inspiration for their guests, event sponsors,
         The  Executive Women                           their outstanding accomplishments within the realms of   nonprofit partners and EWPBF’s many grant and scholarship
      of the Palm Beaches                               private, nonprofit and public sectors; an emerging leader   recipients.
      Foundation, Inc. (EWPBF)                          was also named: Public Sector Award Honoree Ava Parker,      2024 WILA was generously sponsored, in part, by the
      celebrated  41  years  of                         president, Palm Beach State College; Private Sector Award   Lois Pope LIFE Foundation, Nexgen, Palm Beach State
      building a strong mentoring                       Honoree Tricia Taylor, President, The Breakers Palm Beach;   College, Morgan Stanley, and A1 Moving & Storage, and
      community among local                             Nonprofit Sector Award Honoree Diana Stanley, CEO, The   media sponsors WPBF 25, Hubbard Radio and The Palm
      female executives – a                             Lord’s Place; and Emerging Leader Award Honoree Christine   Beach Post/LocaliQ.
      tradition that continues today.                   Sylvain, founder and executive director, Path To College.
      At its 40th Annual Cynthia                           2024 WILA Chair Diane McNeal, 2024 WILA Honorary   Female Leaders Vow To Mentor on page 15
      Allen Gracey  Women in
      Leadership Awards (WILA)                                                                     “Service is our number one priority”
      luncheon, more than 400
      guests recognized the power                                                                               561-743-0070
      of women helping women.
         Featuring  Cofounder  Charlotte Pelton presenting                                         
      of OrangeTheory Fitness  to Lois Pope, who was unable
      Ellen Latham as its keynote  to attend.
      speaker,  WILA  was  held
      on April 18, at the Kravis
      Center for the Performing
      Arts. Proceeds  of  the
      event support scholarship
      programs and grants to
      local nonprofits that focus
      on empowering girls and
         EWPBF honored  Lois
      Pope with a Lifetime
      Achievement Award  for                                                                                                        Expires 7/15/24.
      Philanthropy and paid
      homage to her immeasurable
      impact upon the world. An  Lisa Peterfreund, David Vance                                                            State Licensed & Insured
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                                                           Find us on:                                             Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
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                                                           Ask us about the Ygrene Federally                   E: / W:
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                                                           enables you to re-roof and pay over
      Geeta Singh, Diane McNeal, Ellen Latham, Dana K. Brookes  time with very low interest rates!                      Florida State Certified
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           Garage sales & yard sales

               are NOT allowed in                                          Florida owner and         see whAt our Clients hAve to sAy:
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                                                                                                      work.” - Toni & Jim, WPB

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