Page 6 - Boca ViewPointe - June '24
P. 6

Page 6, Viewpointe                                                    June 2024
      Pet Grief - It Is Real

      By Josette Veltri                                    • Search for meaning - when a pet dies, it is natural to      Most importantly give yourself the grace and self-
                                                        question the meaning and purpose of your pet’s life. You may   compassion you need to heal.
         Yes, you and I will grieve                     not find the answers but coming to terms with these questions      Resources:
      the loss of our pets and like                     is another part of your grief journey.             with-losing-a-pet,,  www.
      the loss of a loved one, the                         • Accept support from others – talking with others who have,
      memories live on forever.                         also experienced the death of a pet is important and comforting.
      Some feel the pain of pet                         Things to Remember                                    Josette  Veltri,  a Boca  Point  resident,  is  a  certified
      loss as overwhelming and                             Some may find it difficult to understand the special bond   educator and coach on loss and transition. Her purpose, to
      difficult; others feel better                     you shared with your pet. Do not be surprised if many well-  assist clients heal and move forward so they can go from I
      after a few weeks or months.                      intended friends or family members say, “It was just a dog,” or   Can’t to I Can, One Step at a Time. She can be reached at
      Research shows the intensity                      “Just a cat, you can always get another one.” They have their   josette@nextstepnewstart. com (
      of our grief is attributed to                     opinions and you have yours. Let it go and permit yourself   in/josettejveltri/) 
      the  human-pet  bond,                             permission to mourn.
      our support networks,
      misplaced guilt, and
      the uncertainty of
      future pet ownership.                               Community Association Meetings Monthly Schedule
      The grieving process                                                 (All meetings held via Zoom and in person.)
      happens over time and cannot be hurried or forced. There is
      no timetable, and it feels different for everyone.
         As with the loss of a loved one, common feelings such
      as sadness and loneliness are normal reactions that can     All meetings will be held electronically via Zoom and in person. The following is our regular
      be expected after the loss of a pet. Do not be surprised if
      secondary losses are also felt, such as the loss of a routine   schedule of monthly meetings, however, sometimes meetings are cancelled or schedules are
      like feeding and walking times, the loss of companionship,   revised due to holidays, etc. If you would like to attend, please call the BPCA office, (561)
      support, purpose, and even living arrangements. Coming   395-7551, the day before the meeting to request the Zoom link be emailed to you.
      home to the silence after the death of your pet or without
      their friendly greeting can trigger intense painful emotions.
      Trying to ignore or minimize the pain will only make it   Access Control & Safety Committee              TBD
      worse overall.
         To heal we must feel - there is no getting around it.   Architectural Control Site Committee          TBD
      Not expressing our feelings is like holding a beach ball
      underwater. Eventually, the arms give out, we let go and   Board of Directors                            3rd Tuesday of each month at 9:30 a.m.
      the beach ball explodes straight up with a vengeance. And
      so, it is with all our pent-up grieving emotions. So, stop   Budget & Finance Committee                  TBD
      bottling up your sadness, anger, frustrations, etc., and allow
      the healing process of mourning to begin.
         You may be wondering why pet grief hurts so much.
      It hurts because our pets represent unconditional love.
      They looked forward to us coming home greeting us with
      a wagging tail or a purring sound. In other words, our
      pets represented our most secure attachment. They were
      dependable and now they are gone.
         So how does one cope with the grief of our pets? The
      following are some suggestions to actively mourn your pet
      loss from the American Veterinarian Medical Association:
         • Acknowledge the reality of the death - acknowledging
      the full reality of your pet loss takes time. Be kind to
      yourself as you adjust to life without your beloved pet.                                                               Servicing PETS of Boca Raton
         • Move toward the pain – learning to experience your                                                                      for over 20 years
      emotions following the death of a pet is difficult, but it is                                                             “Caring is our Specialty”
      important and part of the healing process.
         •  Continue  your  relationship  through  memories  -                                                              Complete medical, Surgical and Dental
      memories allow your pet to live on in you. Embrace the                                                                   Facility SPA Bath & Grooming
         • Adjust to your new identity - part of your self-identity
      might come from being a pet owner. Others may also think
                                                                             alue Af
                                                              Loss of V
      of you in relation to your pet. Adjusting to this change is a   Loss of Value After
      central need of mourning.
                                                                  A Car Accident
                                                                  A Car Accident
          Current Events


           The Current Events Group meet every Monday from
        10am-11:30am at the BPCA office. The members consist
        of both men and women and all Boca Pointe residents are
        invited to attend. If you would like more information or
        to sign up, please call 516-835-2670. 

                                                                       All Appraisal Diminished Value

       Hot Topics                                             If your vehicle has been damaged in an accident and you are not at fault it has likely

       Group Notice                                           lost value, even after completely repaired to pre loss condition. Most potential buyers
                                                                       will pay less for a vehicle once they find it has been in an accident.
                                                                      Call now to hear how much you are entitled to for Diminished Value.
          We are a women’s group who remember Reva
       Tucker. Hot Topics has resumed meetings every Friday
       and are seeking new members. Please join us for lively                                       Call Now
       discussions at 11:00am to 12:30pm at the Boca Pointe
       Community Office. If you would like more information                              954-234-5898
       or to sign up, please call 561-715-8298. 
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