Page 5 - Boca ViewPointe - June '24
P. 5

June 2024                                                      Viewpointe, Page 5
      Jewish Federation Of South Palm Beach County March Of

      The Living Celebrates Yom Ha’atzmaut With Campus March

         On May 14, the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach      For more information on the March of
      County campus came alive with a vibrant celebration as   the Living program and how you can get
      members of the March of the Living program celebrated   involved, please visit www.jewishboca.
      Yom Ha’atzmaut with a march from the Holocaust Pavilion   org/departments/programs/mol/ or email
      through campus. The event was a powerful tribute to Israel’s
      independence, featuring a showcase of Israeli music,      Deepest thanks to Boca Pointe
      cultural festivities, and reflective moments that highlighted   Federation Campaign Chairs: Jane
      the community’s unity and commitment to Israel.   and Dan Fishkoff, and to Committee
         Over 100 participants attended, including local   Members: Rhoda Berkow, Allen Brayer,
      Holocaust survivors, March of the Living (MOL)    Richard Glazer & Elaine Kaplan, Harold
      participants, alumni and From March to Miriam students.   Katz, Joel Meisner, Arlene  Penner,
      The procession symbolized the community’s shared   Murray Pitkowsky, Mel Schoen, Doris
      love and unwavering support for Israel as well as their   & Stuart  Zeuner,  for  their  continued
      commitment to honoring the memory of the Holocaust.   dedication and leadership.
      Following the march, attendees enjoyed a BBQ dinner,      If you or a neighbor are in need
      providing an opportunity for members to connect, share   of help, please contact Ruth & Norman
      stories, and deepen their bonds.                  Rales Jewish Family Services at 561-852-
         A highlight of the evening was the showcase of photos   3333. In addition, our main Federation
      from the most recent MOL trip to Poland. These images   telephone number,  561-852-3100, is
      served as a reminder of the importance of remembering the   monitored regularly for voicemail
      Holocaust and the enduring impact of programs like MOL   messages.
      and From March to Miriam.                            Learn more about our Federation and
         “Our message is one of community, sharing testimonies   how you can help at www.jewishboca.
      from survivors and educating on the importance of   org - or contact Shirley Gross at or
      Israel,” shared Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach   561.852.3182 (leave a voicemail). 
      County March of the Living Director, Stephanie Nichol.                                                       Community
      “We empower both our survivors and students as they
      step forward as witnesses and advocates and embrace
      the message of L’Dor Vador. Watching the connections                                                          Association
      and relationships develop between the survivors and our
      students is incredibly special.”
         The event further reinforced our community’s unwavering                                              Annual Meeting
      support of Israel and its future. Am Yisrael Chai!

                                                                                                              All Village Association Directors Invited
                                                                                                              Open to residents who would like to attend

                                                                                                                      Tuesday, June 25th, 2024
                                                                                                                     Edgewater at Boca Pointe
                                                                                                                  23315 Blue Water Cir. Boca Raton
                                                                                                                        9:30 am Registration
                                                                                                                      10:00 am Meeting Begins.

                                                                                                                   Year End BPCA Audit Results
                                                                                                                      Hacker & Ramano, CPA’s

                                                                                                                 “State of the Association” Address
      Debbie Rudmann, Michelle Archambault, Lesli Ros   Stephanie Nichol                                      BPCA Chairman/President Robert Cornell

                                                                                                                     General Discussion- Q & A

                                                                                                                We ask that all attendees RSVP the
                                                                                                            BPCA Management office (561) 395-7551 

                                                                                                                                                Operating as

                                                                                                                            Please Be Courteous
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                                                                                                               Renters-  If  you  plan  to  renew  your  lease
          Dr. Barry M. Wander, MS, DVM • Dr. Robert B. Wander, DVM                                          at Boca Pointe, please provide the BPCA
                                                                                                            Management office  a copy of  your renewal
                                                                                                            lease and vehicle registration prior to your lease
           The Garden Shops at Boca                                    Phone: 561-447-7966                  expiration date. Both items are needed to ensure
           7050 W. Palmetto Park Rd, # 21                                          Fax: 561-447-8868        that your transponder does not get deactivated
           Boca Raton, FL 33433                                           when the lease ends. Please email to admin@
                                         ANIMAL CLINICS OF FLORIDA                                
                                                                                                              Thank you! 
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