Page 2 - Boca ViewPointe - June '24
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Page 2, Viewpointe                                                    June 2024
      Surprise, Surprise,                                                              Board Of Directors

      Surprise!                                                   June 2024 – May 2025 Officers/Executive Committee

                                                           Chairman and President  Robert Cornell          District 5 Barbara Windheim (El Dorado)
      By Harold Katz, R.Ph.                                Vice Chairman       Bob Greenstein                 Esplanada, Caravelle, Palomar, La Corniche,
                                                           Vice President      David Sussman                  and El Dorado
         Surprise, surprise,                               Secretary           Steve Retzer                District 6 Marvin Lazarowitz (Villa del Sol)
      surprise! After being told                           Treasurer           Lawrence Gelfond               Villa Flora, Montego Bay, Villa del Sol, and Palladium
      that one drink of 12 ounces                                                                          District 7 David Arlein (Pointe 100)
      of beer, or 5 ounces of wine,                        District Directors                                 The Plum/Cortina, Villa Sonrisa and Pointe 100
      or 1 1/2 ounces of 80 proof                          District 1 Morton Karper (Valencia)             District 8 Jacob Stark (Costa del Sol)
      spirits per day was not only                            Encantada, Valencia and The Palms               Costa del Sol and Costa Brava
      safe to drink, but was “heart                        District 2 Chandra Stewart-Keith (Panaché)      District 9 P.J. Petkovic (Stratford Court)
      healthy” as well, we are                                  Promenade, Imperial Royale, Imperial, Regency      Edgewater at Boca Pointe and Stratford Court
                                                             and Panaché
      now told otherwise from                              District 3 Steve Retzer (La Mirada)                     At Large Directors
      several sources:                                        La Mirada and Meridiana                              Through May 2025
         An analysis of 83 studies                         District 4 Bob Greenstein (Lakes of La Paz)  Robert Cornell (Costa Brava)  Dan Gabrielle (La Corniche)
      published in the journal                                El Viento, La Paz, and Southwinds  David Sussman (Valencia)    Lawrence Gelfond (La Corniche)
      Lancet found that people                                                                   Howard Weinstein (El Dorado)
      who drank 5 or 6 glasses
      of wine or pints of beer per
      week had an increased risk
      of stroke, heart disease, heart
      failure, and other forms of
      cardiovascular  disease. A
      2023 analysis of studies
      published in the journal
      Hypertension connected drinking any amount of alcohol to
      a rise in blood pressure, even in those who had normal blood
      pressure. The WHO (World Health Organization) concluded
      that “No level of alcohol is safe for our health”.
         Given the foregoing bad news, must we give up a minor or
      major love affair we may have had with “spiritus frumenti”?
      No, but we would be well served to check out how these
      factors apply to our personal health records:
         1. Age. Seniors metabolize alcohol differently, with
      different results.
         2. Sex. Women’s bodies are more sensitive to alcohol’s
      harmful effects.
         3. Personal medical conditions must be considered.
         4. Family history of alcohol use should be weighed.
         5. Interactions with prescription drugs and OTC (Over
      the counter) drugs being used should be reviewed.
         According to the psychologists who study these patterns,
      patients who pass most of these foregoing factors can easily
      accommodate a social drink with dinner, or the like. The key
      word here is moderation. One drink is not two. One beer is
      not two. So enjoy your cocktail before dinner. It relaxes you.

         Harold Katz R.Ph., Edgewater Estates. 


             Dog Owners

         It is your responsibility
          to pick up after your
         dog. It’s the law. Some
            of you have been
          negligent in doing so.

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       Editorial copy appearing herewith is not necessarily the viewpoint of
                                                                                                                Reba Cole, RN
       Seabreeze Publications of Central Florida. Most editorial copy is created by   Your Local Representative:
       the homeowners and is edited by their appointed editor.

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                        (561) 746-3244
                        FAX (561) 746-2509                                      (561)-860-1897

        Seabreeze Publications
                         M. Sean Reid                        Call your local representative, or visit us at
                       S. Miller • E. Miller
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                          Whitsyms In-Home Care is licensed to operate in Florida: 30210978, 30211390, 30211293, 30211382, 30211226
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