Page 8 - Boca ViewPointe - June '24
P. 8

Page 8, Viewpointe                                                    June 2024
      Sprong! Spring Had Sprung

      By William A. Gralnick                               Joining the crocuses were the Azalea bushes, Tulips, and   low humidity are luscious. I’ve always thought April and
                                                        Rosebuds. Some of the yards had Rhododendrons. They   part of May were the wonder months. The weather is usually
         As you, dear readers,                          had big buds and big flowers. The Spring vendors began   great and for the tourists and the prices begin to go down.
      are reading this spring is                        to show up. The Fuller Brush man, the knife sharpener in   Then there is Fall. We have sweltered through the work
      officially over. Spring,                          his little truck with the grinding wheel and my favorites,   of carrying the air around on our backs with the humidity
      unlike the other seasons,                         Sam the Good Humor man, and I-never-knew-his -name-  matching or sometimes exceeding the temperature. Ugh.
      is full of  goodness and                          but-he-was-an-immigrant-with-a-heavy-accent  (Whew!)   Then one morning we’re greeted by a morning that has
      memories. This past spring, any spring, is worth reflecting on.  flower man. While Dave the Good Humor man was heard   half the humidity of the day before and the temperature
         I remember fondly the long Spring seasons in Brooklyn.   coming from blocks away by the jingling of his truck’s bells,   beginning to drop, though climate change is having an
      First would come the blue and white crocuses. Sometimes   the flower man was different. His “truck” was a horse and   impact on all of this. Believe it or not, there’s already a
      their littles would push up while there was still snow on the   wagon which he sat atop looking like he was making his   tropical storm spinning around already in the Atlantic. There
      ground. Leaves would unfurl bringing green to the street.   way through the hinterlands of the Wild West. But behind   used to be a day in the winter that was like that magical
      The unique noise that snow tires made on the cement; those   him was a flatbed that had shelves built into them. Attached   day in the Fall. You’d wake up and wow, it was chilly. I
      sounds were disappeared when the tires were removed and   to the back and sides were bags of fertilizer and tools the   can remember days in the low forties and high thirties and
      relegated back to their place in the garage. Out of one garage   careless gardener discovered had vanished between winter   even that historic day when it sort of snowed in Miami.
      came a neighbor’s 1905 Willy’s Overland, crank starter, and   and spring.                            Such days seem to be evaporating.
      rubber horn. The air was crisp and nippy, but we all said      If you looked up the definition of bored with it you’d      As for the flora, come spring we get an explosion of
      yes when the car stopped coughing and shaking and Mr.   find a picture of the horse. He probably could do the route   tropical colors. And the fauna changes too. Some birds stay
      Marks yelled, “Who wants to go for a ride?” Suddenly the   in his sleep. You could hear the clop-clop-clop of his hooves   here year-round. And why not? No long-distance flying
      Robins with their red breasts and blue eggs would appear   from a block or more away as they echoed from house to   needed. You can always find a Blue Jay that decided to hang
      as if they all arrived last night, unpacked, and were ready   house. But more distinctly you heard him. Ringing out from   around and of course the Mockingbirds. But those Robins
      come sun up to call out their morning greetings. Then came   nowhere you could see came his voice: “WHOOOP! FLA-  that show up in Brooklyn, they left from here. Many other
      the Cardinals and their red coats and the bold blue of the   WAHS, FLA-WAHS. WHOOP! FLA-WAHS, FLA-WAHS.   species of birds stop off on their migration. We make it more
      Blue Jay. Amongst them were the woodpeckers with their   This was my cue. I’d get going on my own (imaginary) horse   and more difficult for them. In the past decade, we’ve lost
      distinctive rat-a-tat-tat beak pounding at the trees for bugs.   and head for our house yelling, “Mom, it’s the flower man!”   two billion (with a B) birds to loss of habitat, a profusion
      You’d think they’d need some aspirin for the headache that   He, the horse, and the wagon would turn the corner. Mom   of glass skyscrapers and air power windmills, and the use
      such pounding must produce.                       would be waiting. Geraniums and pansies were her usual   of pesticides that get into their food chain.
         And for us kids, gone were the galoshes and their metal   buy. He’d snatch off the shelves the ones she wanted, give      Yes, many of us from colder climes get crazy waiting for
      closers that sounded like they needed an oil job. The layers   the clay pot it was in a sharp smack, and catch the freed   summer to finally end. Many pine for the days they can put
      of clothing began to thin out, the spring rains and the   plant in his hand. It went from hand to paper bag. Need a   on real sweaters and real fall/winter jackets. But from my
      temperatures added some heft to the air. Before you knew   flower pot? That cost extra.              perspective, this place is just fine thank you very much. Sure,
      it the jackets were no longer necessary or taken off as the      And here, in Boca Raton? None of that. There once was   I could do without the anxiety of hurricane seasons, but it’s a
      game began. In short order, we were playing in T-shirts.  a writer for the Miami Herald Sunday Magazine, Tropic. Al   truism of life that with the good comes some bad. So, enjoy
         Something else that disappeared was the slush. The   Burt was an award-winning journalist who spent the last two-  every day we get before the good Lord plugs in the sauna.
      rising temperatures melted the snow that now hugged the   plus decades of his 47-year career as a roving reporter. That I
      curbs having been pushed more than once against them   remember his name is a triumph of genetics over science…He      Columnist and author Bill Gralnick was born and
      by the snow ploughs. It was wet, cold, and had chocolate-  wrote an article that reminded everyone that there were seasons   raised in Brooklyn, NY. He is writing a three-part
      chip-like black dirt packed in it. We were glad to see it all   in Florida but they were subtle. You had to look for them and   humorous memoir. The first is “The War of the Itchy Balls
      begin making rivers along the curbside and running into the   with enough patience, you’d find them, they wouldn’t just pop   and Other Tales from Brooklyn.” Just published is the
      sewers. Glader more were the moms or household helpers   out at you in stages like they did up north.  sequel, “George Washington Didn’t Sleep Here.” Both are
      who did the laundry that always had post-play sopping wet      Take the last several weeks. True we could use some   available on Amazon. You can find his writing at https://
      socks and pants.                                  wind but the mild temperatures, the breezy days, and the 
      Let Go Of Yesterday

      By Judith Levy                                       Bite the bullet, get out of your unsmiling days and laugh   that person sitting alone? Go over and say hello. Every friend
                                                        and the world will laugh with you. What is it they say, cry   you’ll ever have was once a stranger.
         Your yesterday had                             and you cry alone. Don’t do it, alone is lonely, there’s still a
      joy, sadness, problems and                        world out there waiting for you to join in, so do it! You may      Judith Levy speaks for organizations and is the New
      dreams but sadly that’s all                       not be interested in meeting another man or woman, but it   York Times best-selling author of  GRANDMOTHER
      gone and the people who                           would be nice to have a friend. Someone who smiles when   REMEMBERS, which has sold over four million copies
      inhabited your yesterday,                         they see you and listens when you need to share something   and the mega best-seller GRANDFATHER REMEMBERS,
      a great many of them have                         important to you, and basically is a friend. A new friend,   published by HarperCollins. Both books, perfect gifts, are
      moved on, so you should do                        someone who wants a happy tomorrow just as you do. See   available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. 
      that as well. Looking into
      the rear-view mirror doesn’t
      work if you want to go forward. There’s a time to grieve but
      that time must at some point come to an end and it will serve
      you well to turn the page and go forward. The people that
      you miss and loved would only want good things for you, so
      listen to their hearts and reach for today and tomorrow.
         Force yourself, join with other people, make new friends.
      Don’t sit alone and grieve, that helps no one, least of all you.
      Even your children will be happier if they know that you are
      busy, reaching out to join with other people, and not sitting
      alone and remembering an unreachable past. It’s really a
      good example for them to see that you can still smile and
      have achieved a modicum of pleasurable times, seen a play,
      heard a lecture, gone to dinner with new friends, otherwise
      they worry and are concerned about you when they need to
      follow your good example and go forward with their lives
      as well.

          On behalf of The Club at Boca Pointe
        we would like to remind our residents that
        NO walking, running, bicycle riding or dog
        walking  is  permitted on
        the golf course or golf
        cart paths. For safety
        reasons, the paths are
        for golf carts only.

          Thank you
        for cooperating
        with The Club's

        policy. 
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