Page 14 - Boca ViewPointe - June '24
P. 14

Page 14, Viewpointe                                                   June 2024
      Welcome To The Fantastic World Of Feng Shui!!!

      By Milagros Gutierrez de Herrera P.H.D.              7.-  That location is very important since it leads   words. Be in the chosen room in the greatest silence and
                                                        us exactly in the search for our objectives to be met. I   let or wait for the area in question to give us a signal of
      Dear readers:                                     am going to illustrate with an example to facilitate this   change or suggestion. The ideal would also be to empty
         In this new installment we want to give you a gift now,   point. If you want to find love but you are energizing the   the room and then place those furniture or objects to a
      since these years of writing for you, our loyal followers,   prosperity zone, They are two different goals. It’s like   minimum and go little by little, for this you have to have
      we have received with great pleasure comments derived   when we are going to buy a dress for a certain invitation,   time and patience and “observe in great detail each thing
      from reading the articles that this community is pleased   but our gaze is directed at a bag that we have wanted to   that we are placing”, this slow time is good for us. to give
      to publish. Therefore, we have decided to prepare this   buy for a long time (energy distraction).   us the space of time and place so that our vision of the
      guide-questionnaire so that you can carry out a diagnosis      8.- Once we are clear about the area to energize,   place gives us the “go-ahead”.
      of your spaces to harmonize and energize.  It is very   because I remind you that the ancient science of FENG      Finally, dear readers, we are available to answer your
      important to note that it can be applied in different areas   SHUI, is WIND AND WATER. By so much, it is very   concerns in this regard in order to help you in this task,
      of your homes, workplaces, commercial premises, among   important that you concentrate on the activity in question,   which can be applied to the entire house, premises or any
      others.                                           so that you put in all your effort and it will become   property.
         To do this, each and every one of the areas that we   pure energy. Find a space of time where there are no   Milagros.
      want to activate the stagnant energy must be reviewed,   distractions, noise disturbances, interruptions so that you
      understanding that said energy must be located according   are fully absorbed.                          Author Milagros Gutierrez de Herrera, Feng
      to the Bagua Map (see article published in May 2023).      9.- A very good recommendation that has always been   Shui Specialist is a resident of the Plum. Email:
      This location, taking into account the Bagua Map, will   suggested is to “hear the silence” of the space, in other 
      help us locate the exact area of what we really want to
      optimize in our lives.
         Let’s do it.
         Let’s start:
         1.- Locate the space we want to work on.
         2.- Have it located in the Bagua Map.
         3.- Check in detail those corners, corners, etc. where
      they are generally of little or no use.
         4.- Ask the rest of the family members or co-workers
      why they sit, rest, or rest in a certain area and why not in
         5.- No less important is it to “observe” our pets and
      their favorite places to take a nap or a fixed place to sleep
      or rest when returning from the street or the park after
      having taken their daily walk?
         5.a.- Children also place themselves in preferred places
      in home or other spaces, this can be a good indication of
      places of good energy.
         6.- Keep in mind according to the Bagua Map that
      each area of the home occupies a space in what would be
      the life of human beings and their personal, family and
      professional life project?

        Are You Watching

        Your Speed?

           Please obey all posted speed limit
        signs throughout Boca Pointe for the
        safety of our residents. As a reminder,
        the speed limits are as follows:
           Boca Pointe Drive 30mph
           Via de Sonrisa del Norte 25mph
           Promenade Drive 20mph
        BEING ENFORCED!! 

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