Page 15 - Boca ViewPointe - June '24
P. 15

June 2024                                                     Viewpointe, Page 15
      Are You Ageist Against Yourself?

      By Lisa Sileo

      Edgewater at Boca Pointe Embraces “Ageless Living”
      for Better Health
         If you’ve ever thought, ‘I’m too old for this,” or joke
      to others about having a “senior moment,” it’s time to
      change your mindset on growing older. Medical experts
      and researchers warn it’s fundamental for your health – do
      yourself a favor and think twice before engaging in any
      negative self-talk about aging!
         Often our internal dialogue and deepest thoughts can shape
      our experiences more than we realize. In a groundbreaking
      study, internal ageism, or our own negative perceptions on
      aging, can profoundly impact our health, longevity, and the   higher rates of ageism were more likely to have poor physical
      risk of dementia.                                 or mental health and more chronic health conditions.
      What is Self-Inflicted Ageism?                    Breaking the Age Code
         “Older adults have never really thought that they were      Dr. Becca Levy wrote the bestselling book “Breaking the
      practicing ageism against themselves, and this can drastically   Age Code: How Your Beliefs About Aging Determine How
      limit our potential for growth and vitality,” said Connie   Long & Well You Live,” and found through her research
      Rasmussen, Director of Rehabilitation and Special Programs   that older people with more positive age beliefs were also
      at Acts Retirement-Life Communities. Edgewater at Boca   much less likely to develop dementia. In fact, even those
      Pointe is an Acts community which caters to residents to help   participants who carried a gene that puts them at higher risk
      them stay active, healthy and independent.        for Alzheimer’s, were nearly 50% less likely to develop
         Rasmussen recently gave a widely popular presentation   the disease than their peers who held negative age beliefs
      to Acts residents about the often-overlooked issue of self-  (Source: Yale School of Public Health).
      inflicted ageism and how to combat it.               Dr. Levy found people with a more positive mindset on
         “When people believe that aging is a negative time of life,   growing older outlived their pessimistic peers by an average
      they are more likely to have a negative experience,” she said,   7.5 years. Her research found adults with a negative view on   lead to withdrawal and isolation. Negative emotions can also
      citing research that found nearly all older adults have experienced   aging are less motivated to prioritize their health and fitness,   elevate biological stress levels, thereby increasing the risk of
      some forms of “everyday ageism,” but those who experienced   and often are less confident in social settings, which could   heart disease and stroke.
                                                                                                           How To Shift Your Mindset

                                                                                                             “Multiple studies show, when we shift our mindset on
                                                                                    ª                      ageing as a time for growth, joy and vitality, we end up
                                                                                                           living purpose-driven, vibrant lives with joy and vitality,”
                                                                                                           Rasmussen said.
                                                                                                             “Acts residents enjoyed learning about ageless living –
                  Two Boca Raton Offices: 151 N. Ocean Blvd. • 21073 Powerline Rd. #63                       seeing 100 and 102-year-olds running marathons or sprinting
                                                  “DEDICATED TO RESULTS”                                   100-yard dashes,” she said. “It’s amazing what can happen
                                                                                                                           JUST LISTED
                                                                                                                           JUST LISTED
                                                     BOCA POINTE RESIDENT & CLUB MEMBER                    when we don’t limit ourselves and are surrounded with
                                                                                                                              VILLA FLORA
                                                      JUST LISTED
                                                      JUST LISTED                       SOLD               resources for support. At Edgewater at Boca Pointe, we have
                                                                                                                        3/3/2 Renovated Single Story
                                                                                                           so many resources to help residents lead more vibrant lives.”
                                                                                                              Edgewater offers ample opportunities for this
                                                                                       SOLD $855,000       transformative mindset to flourish. Through initiatives
                                                                                         VILLA FLORA       like the THRIVE program, residents are empowered to
                                                                                    3/3/2 Renovated Single Story  proactively manage their health and fitness, guided by senior
                                                                                      SOLD $485,000
                                                                                   BOCA POINTE - EL VIENTO  living experts, and given access to programs from preventing
                                                       VILLA DEL SOL                    2/2 + Den          falls to enhancing cognitive function and mood.
                                                 Single Story  • 3/2/2 Car Garage    Spectacular golf views!
                                                                                       SOLD $750,000          “We created programs to help residents increase their
                                               SOLD $839,000        SOLD $640,000     DEER CREEK GOLF ESTATES
                                            BOCA POINTE CARAVELLE     BOCA POINTE - LA MIRADA   Updated 3/2 pool home   physical activity, have better sleep, less pain and better brain
                                               3/3 2 car garage    STUNNING GOLF VIEWS!  on golf course    function,” Rasmussen said. “This also reduces the effects of
        FULL SERVICE AGENT                    Beautifully updated    Remodeled 3/2.5 2 car garage          chronic diseases, prevents falls . . . the list is endless.”
        Ilene Polito                       SOLD 7917 Travelers Tree Dr.  SOLD 23291 FeatherPalm Ct.   SOLD 7880 Travelers Tree Dr   The Uplifting Results
                                           SOLD 4776 Sierra Lane
                                                                                     SOLD 6670 Villa Sonrisa
                                                               SOLD 22652 Esplanada Circle W.
        (561) 302-6669                     SOLD 22991 Clear Echo Dr, #86  SOLD 7675 Via Grande                Norm Colb, a resident of St. Andrews Estates, another
        ILENE@BOCAHOME.COM                                                Acts community in Boca Raton, Florida, said moving in
                                                                                                           profoundly changed his lifestyle - for the better.
                                                                                                              “Living at an Acts community is one of the best decisions
                                                                                                           I’ve ever made, far exceeding what I had hoped when I moved
                                                                                                           here from California,” Colb said. “One of the reasons I’m so
                                                                                                           enthusiastic about living here is my physical therapist who
                                                                                                           introduced me to Activator Poles, so I’m able to be more
                                                                                                           active and social.”
                                                                                                              “If left to myself, I would not be a walker,” he admitted.
                                                                                                           “I’m fairly lazy, but these simple sticks have really changed
                                                                                                           my life. I can’t imagine going a day without them.”
                                                                                                              Rasmussen likens a positive mindset on aging, and the
                                                                                                           right resources, to a plant able to weather any storm.
        Scott Cohen is Here to Help!                                                                          “Aging is like growing a plant: older adults have deep

        Your fellow Boca Pointe Resident is available to                                                   roots of wisdom, experience, and often have freedoms; it’s
                                                                                                           the roots that sustain us,” she said. “We can grow if given
        help with Property Insurance Claims to ensure                                                      the right fertilizer and resources like education, fitness and
        your insurance company treats you fairly!                                                          rehabilitation.”
                                                                                                              “This support is readily available to all residents living
         Do You Have an INSURANCE CLAIM?                                                                   at an Acts community,” she added. “Ageless living is our
        ●  Water damage?               ●  Fire?                                                               To learn more about living at Edgewater at Boca
        ●  Roof leak?                  ●  Mold?                                                            Pointe, please reach out to: 561-465-7011. 
        ●  Damaged floor tile?         ●  Storm damage?
        ●  Plumbing leak?              ●  Kitchen/Bathroom damage?                                                      Attention
        ●  Cabinet damage?
                        Scott Will Get You the Settlement YOU Deserve!                                                Boca Pointe

         Closed, Denied, Underpaid Claim? He can help! Call for a FREE no obligation inspection!                       Residents!
                                           No recovery? No fee!!                                                    Flatten All Your Boxes!
                     Your insurance company has experts on their side – SHOULDN’T YOU?                         Our recycling trucks do not pick up your
                        Call Scott directly (954) 937-1224 /                                cardboard boxes if they are not flattened.
                                                                        Instead, they go to trash and are burned with
                                                                                                            regular refuse....lost revenue for residents of
       Policyholders who hired public adjusters for non-catastrophe claims received 574% more money than those who did not hire a P.A, Filing a claim can
                not legally affect your coverage. This is a solicitation if you have filed a claim and are happy with your settlement please disregard this advertisement.  Boca Pointe. 
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