Page 18 - Boca ViewPointe - June '24
P. 18

Page 18, Viewpointe                                                   June 2024

      Jackie Silberglied, Allan Wickstein, and Gail Meddoff
      fabulous Pap Corps board members. Jackie’s always
      available with her cards (561) 703-3301.

           Community Channel
              Have You Seen It?

             The Boca Pointe Community information channel
          is currently broadcast on Comcast channel 63 and
          soon will be transitioning to channel 1075. Please
          check both channels on your TV to see which channel
          hosts our community information. If you are unable
          to view either channel, please call our office (561)
          395-7551. Tune in for community updates, BPCA/
          committee meeting dates and current events. 

                                                          Avoiding Probate On Your Home

                                                          By Martin Zevin, Attorney                        right to sell the property during your lifetime or make any
                                                            There are several ways to                      other changes to the Deed without the permission of your
                                                          avoid probate on your home                       children. The Enhanced Life Estate Deed has very specific
                                                          when you die. If you are single,                 legal language in order to be effective; therefore, do not
                                                          there will be probate when you                   attempt to do this on your own.
                                                          die unless you choose one of                       Even with the Enhanced Life Estate Deed, there are risks,
                 Golf Carts                               the following options. If you                    particularly if your child has a bankruptcy, outstanding judgment
                                                          are married and own your home
                                                                                                           or undergoes divorce. The worst risk, however, is if, God forbid,
            Please Drive Carefully!                       together, your surviving spouse                  your children die with you in a common accident. There would
                                                                                                           then need to be probate for your children and for you.
                                                          will not have probate; however,
                                                                                                             The best way to avoid probate on your home is to do
                                                          there will be probate when the
                                                          second of you passes away, unless one of these options is done.  a Revocable Living Trust. When you sign the Revocable
                                                            Let us assume that you own your home jointly with your spouse  Living Trust Agreement, you also sign a Deed transferring
                                                          and that you have two children. Both of you desire to have your  the property to you as Trustees of your Trust. You are able to
                                                          two children inherit your home equally when you both pass away.  keep your homestead exemption, maintain complete control
                                                            The first option would be to add the names of your two  of the property during your lifetime and make amendments
                                                          children to the Deed as joint tenants with right of survivorship.  to your Trust without changing the Deed. There are no risks
                                                          This is not a good idea. It would affect your ability to claim  involved, since your children’s names do not appear on the
                                                          your full homestead exemption. In addition, you lose control  Deed. The only disadvantage of the Revocable Living Trust
                                                          of your property and can only sell it if your children both agree  is that it will cost more money in attorney’s fees. When you
                                                          and sign all closing documents. If you wanted to take one of  discuss the options with your attorney, you should discuss
                                                          the children off the Deed, you would be unable to do so. If one  the difference in fees between the Revocable Living Trust
                                                          of your children files for bankruptcy, has an adverse judgment  and the Enhanced Life Estate Deed. You can then determine
                                                          or files for divorce, your property could be subject to liens or  whether it is worth saving the money and taking the risks
          Meridiana At Boca Pointe                        other legal action. Therefore, I recommend against a Deed  involved in the Enhanced Life Estate Deed.
                                                                                                              Please feel free to call me for a free personal or phone
                                                          with your children as joint tenants with right of survivorship.
               Seasonal Rental $5,000                       The second option is a Life Estate Deed. There are two  consultation regarding any issues pertaining to Wills, Trusts,
                        minimum of 4 months               types of Life Estate Deed: regular and Enhanced (also referred  Deeds, Probate, Power of Attorney or Health Care Surrogate.
           Beautiful one level villa for 4 month          to as Lady Bird). Both designate your children as having the  I am also available for a free consultation regarding personal
           seasonal rental. Corner unit, walk to          residuary interest when you both die. The regular Life Estate  injury claims or to explain car insurance coverage. Call me at
                                                          Deed requires that your children join in any sale or other  954-569-4878. My address is 3275 W. Hillsboro Blvd., Suite
          pool. Club membership optional. Very            changes on the Deed; therefore, you have lost control and  204, Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442. My website is www.
            bright, open, beautifully furnished.          cannot take your children’s name off the Deed if you choose and my e-mail address is martinzevin@
           Call Georgia (561) 403-9371                    to do so. The Enhanced Life Estate Deed gives you the sole
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