Page 1 - Boca ViewPointe - June '24
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VOL. 32 NO. 6                                                                                 JUNE 2024

      From The Manager

      By April Narine,                                      Check your homeowner’s policy for any windstorm   dismissed. The gates will not be manned during a hurricane
      LCAM General Manager                               exclusions if you have any questions contact your agent.   and the gate arms will be removed.
                                                         Most companies will not accept new applications when a      After a storm, adhere to instructions from official sources.
         It is that  time of  year                       “hurricane watch” is posted in your area.         Avoid electric shock, watch for trees that may have fallen on
      again, Hurricane season.                              Make sure you have adequate coverage, your home has   powerlines or low hanging wires, etc. Use your phone for
      Hurricane season is from                           most likely increased in value over the past several years, you   emergencies only.
      June 1st to November                               may have made home improvements or purchased expensive      Stay off the roads so that first responders may address
      30th and we all need to be                         items. Review your insurance policy carefully and be aware   issues unencumbered. Utility service may be interrupted,
      prepared. Before hurricane                         of your coverage limits. Know what your policy does and   and we may be electricity without water and sewer facilities
      season begins make sure to                         does not cover.                                   for many hours or days.
      check your homeowner’s                                Condominium residents should be aware of the coverage      Be aware of official announcements from the National
      insurance to see if coverage                       you have through your COA and know the coverage for which   Hurricane Center and local officials.
      is adequate. The following information provides a checklist   you are separately responsible.           If you have any suggestions for our staff at the Community
      for reviewing your policy and otherwise preparing yourself      When a storm is threatening our area, securing your home is   Association, please do not hesitate to contact me at april.
      for the worst. During hurricane season, pay attention to the   key. Bring in any objects outside, hurricane winds can transform 
      National Hurricane Center or the National Oceanic and   the most benign item into a destructive missile, causing damage
      Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) either on your radio or   to not only your property but your neighbors as well.
      the internet so that you will be aware of storms and warned   food, water and medicine on hand to last for several days. Save The Date
                                                           Make sure you have adequate amounts of non-perishable

      of their approach. After a storm occurs, refer to these sources
      for pertinent information regarding appropriate action to keep      If you plan to evacuate, secure your property, and prepare
      yourself and your family safe.                     in advance providing enough time to arrive safely at your   Community Shred Event
      Before the Storm                                   destination prior to the storm’s arrival. Please be sure to
         Standard homeowner’s policies do not cover flood damage   update your emergency contact information with the Boca      Our next community Shred Event will take place
      caused by rising water. If you live in a flood-prone area, you   Pointe Master Association.           on Friday, July 12th from 10am-1pm.
      should contact your insurance agent to discuss obtaining      During a hurricane watch, the Community Association      For everyone’s safety, this shred event will be
      flood insurance. Normally there is a five-day waiting period   will begin preparations to secure Association property.  contactless. ALL  DRIVERS ARE TO  REMAIN
      between the time flood insurance is issued and the time      If a warning is issued, gatehouses will be secured and   INSIDE THEIR VEHICLES. Please place shredding
      coverage is in force.                              when the winds are increasing in force, the guards will be   boxes/bags inside your trunk. When you pull up, please
                                                                                                            pop your trunk and an attendant will remove the items.
      From The Desk Of

      Commissioner Marci Woodward

      A Message from Marci                              Hurricane Resources

         Last year, I had a blast                          As we head into the 2024 hurricane season (June 1st
      showing Assistant County                          – November 30th), I want to remind all county residents
      Administrator Todd                                of the importance of hurricane preparedness.
      Bonlarron around some of                             Get informed and prepare with these resources:
      my favorite places during my                         • PBC DART App: Download  the PBC DART  app         The event will be held at The Club at Boca Pointe
      Commissioner Spotlight.                           (Palm  Beach  County  Disaster Awareness,  Response   (parking lot). For those residents that do not live on the
         We visited Florida                             & Training) for vital information such as storm surge   west side, you can enter into the main gate on Powerline
      Atlantic University’s                             evacuation areas, flood zones, shelter locations, and even   Road or through the gate on SW 18th St. and proceed to
      basketball stadium, a beach                       locations of open gas stations and building supply stores   the guest lane with photo ID. Please state that you are
      park, and topped it off with a                    with generators during storms.                      attending the Shred Event for entry. Follow the signs
      stop at Arun’s Indian Kitchen                        • AlertPBC: Sign up for AlertPBC, the county’s   indicating where the MicroShred truck will be parked.
      Taco Marsala – where I can                        Emergency Alert and Notification System. This system      Please note: Paper only, 5 boxes or bags per household.
      never resist their vegan tacos! It was a fun way for me to   will notify you of imminent threats via text message,   No plastic or metal, no media devices (hard drives, USB
      share a slice of my life with you all.            email, or phone call.                               drives), no x-rays, CD’s, DVD’s or cardboard.
         Sadly, it was pre-Fritz era, but don’t worry, he’ll be                                                Let MicroShred destroy your unwanted personal
      stealing the spotlight next time for sure! Check it out at   From The Desk Of Commissioner Marci Woodward   documents safely and securely!                                on page 3

                                                                                     Please Help

                                                                                        Now is the time to clean out your closets! The homeless shelters are accepting
                                                                                     used clothing. Please bring any clean, gently used clothing that you would like
                                                                                     to donate. The drop off location is at the BPCA office located at 6909 SW 18th
                                                                                     St., Suite A120 in the Boardwalk shopping plaza. The donations are distributed
                                                                                     to local churches and homeless shelters. Thank you for your generous donations
                                                                                     this past year! It is greatly appreciated! 
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