Page 1 - The Jewish Voice - May '24
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VOL. 14 NO. 5                                                                                  MAY 2024

      MorseLife Presents Four Generations of Love and Art Exhibit

         The Levin Palace at MorseLife recently hosted                            us in classes. We also took several trips to Carrara,
      Four Generations of Love and Art featuring works                            Italy, which is famous for its marble, and sculpted all
      by  MorseLife Housing  Board  President  Stanley                            morning. They also enjoyed sculpting in Tuscany.”
      M. Katz; his daughter, the acclaimed international                             Roni Lynn Doppelt has also became an artist
      artist Roni Lynn Doppelt; granddaughter Stephanie                           unexpectedly after taking up painting as a hobby when
      Doppelt Fisher; and six great-grandchildren.                                she was pregnant.
         Katz has his own studio at his Levin Palace                                 “I took two paintings to a framer and he offered to
      residence but did not pursue an interest in art                             buy them both,” she said. “I said they were for me but
      while building a career as a successful attorney                            I soon made an appointment with an interior designer
      and developer. After much prompting, he walked                              and showed her 15 paintings. She bought them all!
      into his daughter’s studio and began to sculpt.                             I excitedly called my husband who said, ‘Start a
         “My  first  sculpture  was  one  of  her,”  Katz                         business.’”
      recalls. “We would meet once a week and sculpt                                 Since those early days, her work has been shown at
      or paint and then have lunch.  This has been                                the Amsterdam-Whitney International Fine Art Gallery
      an ongoing family tradition for 20 years. Her                                                                              Shades of Reflection by Roni
      daughter Stephanie majored in art and then joined  She Rhythm by Stanley M. Katz  MorseLife Presents on page 2             Lynn Doppelt
      Beth David Proudly Announces Ordination of Rabbi Bensimhon

         Temple Beth David                                                        soul through the languages of liturgy, Torah, and music
      is proud to announce the                                                    and to make Judaism accessible to all.
      ordination of Rabbi Danielle                                                   The ordination ceremony, at which Rabbi Bensimhon
      Bensimhon on  April 11.                                                     was introduced by Rabbi Matthew Berkowitz, was held in
      Rabbi Bensimhon has been                                                    New York and a livestream link was provided. A viewing
      serving as cantor at Temple                                                 party was held at Temple Beth David.
      Beth David since 2011,                                                         It was truly a day of immense joy not only for Rabbi
      providing warmth, support,                                                  Bensimhon and her family, but for the entire Temple Beth
      and beautiful music. Her desire to further guide the congregation lead her through   David family as well. All were kvelling as she walked down
      the Clergy Leadership program of the Institute for Jewish Spirituality and then to the   the aisle, across the stage, and received her smicha.
      Academy for Jewish Religion.                                                   Temple Beth David looks forward to welcoming everyone
         Rabbi Bensimhon says that working within and outside of congregation walls, she   to come and be inspired by the warmth and support, caring,
      has dedicated herself to cultivating kindness and compassion from an open heart with   and open atmosphere of their community. Under the leadership of Rabbi Bensimhon, they
      curiosity and love. It is her passion and vision to engage, inspire, and uplift the Jewish   will continue to build connections, one person at a time.

      Kosher Restaurant Featured at Chabad of Palm Beach Gardens

         Chabad of Palm Beach
      Gardens recently hosted a
      demo presentation and dinner
      by Chef Gabriel Israel of the
      new kosher restaurant, Esh, to
      a standing-room-only crowd at
      the shul.
         Rabbi Dovid and Chana
      Vigler introduced Chef
      Gabriel to the congregation
      and  also  announced  the
      opening of a 50,000-square-
      foot kosher market — KC
      Market — in Boynton Beach. The market will include dairy and meat
      kosher restaurants, bakery, butcher, grocery, pizza store, fresh sushi, and much more.  a Mediterranean dough cooked on the back
         The restaurant is named Esh (“fire” in Hebrew) and alludes to the unique way in which   of a wok that can then be used in a multitude
      dishes will be prepared. Chef Gabriel demonstrated two dishes both with the base of a lafa,   of ways. He used the dough to create a crispy
                                                                                 cracker to be eaten with beet tartare served
                                                                                 with a side of horseradish dipping sauce, an
                                                                                 ode to Ashkenazi tradition. On the same dough
                                                                                 base the chef crafted a deep-fried, pulled-beef
                                                                                 cigar served with an array of dipping sauces
                                                                                 and a squeeze of lemon.
                                                                                    Rabbi Vigler explained various nuances of Jewish law that allow the new restaurant to
                                                                                 conform to the highest standards of kosher supervision, under the auspices of the ORB.
                                                                                 The restaurant will be open on Shabbos for pre-paid patrons and food that has all been
                                                                                 prepared before Shabbos, according to Torah law. Rabbi Vigler also presented the large
                                                                                 crowd with kosher myths and fun facts.
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