Page 12 - Boca ViewPointe - January '24
P. 12

Page 12, Viewpointe                                                 January 2024
      Tax Talk

      Dear Friends,                                      answers to those questions and many more. There is      Victoria Green is a new member of my team, having
         Welcome to 2024! I hope                         also a monthly calendar to help you keep track of your   joined the tax collector’s office in October. She covers
      you had a wonderful holiday                        payment deadlines. We’ve made the guide easy to use   the southern part of the county. Green lives in Boynton
      season and  a happy New                            with color coding guides to services and QR codes that   Beach with her husband and two sons. To reach her, email
      Year. Once again, it is time                       will take you right to our website for more information or call (561) 355-1176.
      for the pesky New Year’s                           on a specific topic.
      resolutions that so many of                           Visit to request a copy and
      us make each year. Research                        view the guide in a convenient digital format. The digital
      shows that only 9 percent of                       version also contains links to corresponding content,
      people who make resolutions                        forms, and resources right on our website. I hope you
      actually complete them. In                         enjoy this publication as much as we enjoy providing it
      fact, 23 percent of people quit                    to you!
      them by the end of the first week and 43 percent quit by the
      end of January. While the odds may be against us, I wish you   Hello! We Are The
      great success with your resolutions!
         One of my resolutions for the new year was to update the   Community Engagement
      design of our monthly Tax Talk newsletter, so check that one off                                     Victoria Green          Amy Ebersbach
      my resolution list as complete! I hope you like the new design. Ambassadors
                                        Anne M. Gannon,
                                Constitutional Tax Collector,      Two of our staff who you may see out and about in
                                Serving Palm Beach County  Palm Beach County are our Community Engagement
                                                         Ambassadors, Amy Ebersbach and Victoria Green.
      Welcome To My Home                                    Among their other tasks, Ebersbach and Green attend
                                                         community meetings and events, where they provide
         You know me as the Palm Beach County Tax Collector,   information about the tax collector’s office and answer
      but what you may not know is that when I am not keeping   questions about our agency. Amy Ebersbach has been a
      track of distributing the ever-growing $4 billion in   member of the team since August 2021, and she covers the
      property taxes, I enjoy spending time decorating and   northern part of the county. She lives in West Palm Beach
      gardening at my historic Delray home. I was so honored to   with her two fur babies. To reach her, email AEbersbach@
      recently be featured in a video series by the city of Delray or call (561) 355-3357.
      Beach, where I reside with my two feline companions,
      Ms. Biden, and Ms. Bader.

                                                                     Two Boca Raton Offices: 151 N. Ocean Blvd. • 21073 Powerline Rd. #63
                                                                                                     “dedicated to Results”

                                                                                                       Boca Pointe Resident & cluB MeMBeR

                                                                                                                               just listed
                                                                                                                                  villa flora
                                                                                                                           3/3/2 renovated Single Story

          The video series, titled This Place Matters, highlights                                 sOld $726,000    sOld $839,000        sOld $485,000
       several historic homes and aspects of Delray Beach that                                     valencia iSleS     Boca Pointe caravelle     Boca pointe - el viento
                                                                                                                                          2/2 + den
                                                                                                                    3/3 2 car garage
       add to its quaint charm. In the video, I take you inside my                                  3/3 lake view  Beautifully updated  Spectacular golf views!
       home and point out some of my original art and restored                                     sOld $486,900    sOld $640,000        sOld $750,000
                                                                                                  coral lakeS villa
       furniture.                                                                                 1 car garage, lake view  Boca pointe - la mirada   deer creek golf eStateS
                                                                                                                   StUnning golf viewS!
                                                                                                                                        Updated 3/2 pool home
          I was so thrilled to be a part of the video series and to                                                remodeled 3/2.5 2 car garage  on golf course
       share my love for my neighborhood and community. In a   FULL SERVICE AGENT            sOld 7917 Travelers Tree Dr.  sOld 23291 FeatherPalm Ct.   sOld 7880 Travelers Tree Dr
       county where so many homes are newly built, I treasure   Ilene Polito                 sOld 4776 Sierra Lane   sOld 22652 Esplanada Circle W.   sOld 6670 Villa Sonrisa
       the character my “old” home has. It is an appreciation for   (561) 302-6669           sOld 22991 Clear Echo Dr, #86  sOld 7675 Via Grande
       the history of our area and how some things don’t need   ILENE@BOCAHOME.COM            
       to change too much!
          I invite you to take a look at the video and see what I
       see every day. To watch the video of my home tour with
       the City of Delray Beach, visit                                                                Norbert Graber, R. Ph.
                                                                                                                     and Lynn Graber, R. Ph.
       Hot Off The Press!

          It ’s t he  m ost
       wonderful time of
       the year!  Our  2024
       Tax Planner and
       Services Guide is
       now available in
       both print and digital
       versions. This award-
       winning publication
       is our most requested
       item and provides
       a  comprehensive
       overview of all the
       services our agency
       provides to Palm Beach County residents.
          If you have questions about renewing your driver’s                                                                          FREE
       license and vehicle registration or want to find out the          Family Owned & Operated                                 LOCAL DELIVERY
       easiest way to pay your bill, this publication has the   SERVING BOCA POINTE AND OUR COMMUNITY SINCE 2001                   Free for prescription
                                                           •  Easy Prescription Transfer      •  Prescriptions Filled Fast            drugs only
       Tele: (516) 317-0652                                •  All Medicare Part D Plans Accepted •  Professional Compounding
                                                           •  Most Private Insurance Plans For   •  Orthopedic & Surgical      FAST, FRIENDLY SERVICE
                                                             Prescription Drugs Accepted        Supplies                      SPECIAL ORDERS WELCOME
                     masTer TuTor
                                                             Including United Healthcare      •  Nebulizers & Supplies       HIGHEST-QUALITY MEDICINES
           dr. david b. jacobs                                and Tricare                     •  Compression Stockings           & HEALTH PRODUCTS

              Licensed in science and mathematics
                regents and sat preparation in                                        22191 Powerline Road • Boca Raton
               physics, chemistry, earth science                         SW Corner of Palmetto & Powerline • Mon-Fri 9am to 6pm • Sat 9am to 3pm • Closed Sun
         aLL LeveLs of mathematics incLuding caLcuLus                                
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