Page 15 - Boca ViewPointe - January '24
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January 2024                                                    Viewpointe, Page 15

      Jewish Film Festival from page 14                     Additional Boca International Jewish Film Festival   the Movies of Delray from March 3 – 17.
                                                         highlights include:                                  Passes for both in-theater and virtual films before, during
      Mortara family to take Edgardo, their seven-year-old son who      • Support Israel and Israeli film on Tuesday, December   and after the festival are on sale now for all films excluding
      had been secretly baptized by his nurse as a baby and the papal   12 at 2 p.m. at the Movies of Delray with a free screening of   the Cinebash opening and the Closing films. 20-Film Passes
      law is unquestionable: he must receive a Catholic education.  the film On the Map, presented in-person by the acclaimed   are available for $199, and it includes a free one year
         • Less Than Kosher – In-person appearance with film   filmmaker, Dani Menkin who will also present his “work in   membership to ChaiFlicks to watch films at home; 10-Film
      star and singer Shaina Silver-Baird - When self-proclaimed   progress” antisemitism film, “Colleyville.” Donations will   Passes are $108 ; 5-Film Passes are $59); and All Virtual
      bad Jew Viv lands ass-backwards into a job as a Cantor at   be accepted for Israel.                  Film Passes are $199 and includes all films offered virtually
      her family’s synagogue, she’s thrown into a wild ride of      • A screening of Into the Arms of Strangers on Thursday,   during the Festival, as well as a free one year membership
      illicit affairs, drug trips, tense family drama, self discovery   January 18 at 2 p.m. at the Movies of Delray. The film won the   to ChaiFlicks to watch films at home. Individual tickets will
      and some serious Jewish bops.                      Oscar for Best Documentary. Filmmaker, Deborah Oppenheimer   be also available starting at $12.
         • Rabbi on the Block – In person appearance with Tamar   will be interviewed after the film by Dr. Robert Watson as a part      For tickets, sponsorship opportunities and more
      Manasseh, the charismatic rabbi and community activist from   of the Marilyn and Jay Weinberg Holocaust Film Series.  information, visit
      the south side of Chicago, wants African Americans and Jews      • The Festival Cinebash Patron event will feature the   About the Boca International Jewish Film Festival:
      to become closer allies. Tamar Manasseh is a big star and has a   Florida Premiere of Last Man Standing: The Chronicles      The Boca International Jewish Film Festival is a non-
      show in development with Oprah Winfrey. Oprah Winfrey sees   of Myron Sugerman, a film about a Jewish gangster, on   profit all volunteer organization celebrating Jewish culture
      Tamar as the successor to what Oprah has been able to achieve.  Tuesday, January 30 at 7 p.m. at the Wick Theater. Myron   through the medium of film. Founded by Wendy Honig,
         The fest will close with the South Palm Beach County   Sugarman, the subject of the film, and the film’s Director   Lesley Rich and Arleen Roberts, the festival aims to bring
      Premiere of the 2024 documentary, The Catskills, directed   Jonny Caplan will be in attendance. Patron dinner will be at   together diverse audiences to explore and appreciate the
      by Lex Gillespie. The Catskills is a humorous and nostalgic   5 p.m, film at 7 p.m.                  rich tapestry of Jewish spirit, culture, traditions and humor.
      tribute to what became affectionately known as the Borscht Belt.      • The  Billi and Bernie Marcus Year-Round Film   With a thoughtfully curated selection of films, year ‘round
      Stand-up comedians share their best shtick while former waiters,   Program will offer films throughout the year to our   programming, discussions and special events, the Boca
      entertainers, and dance instructors recount tales of the family-run   community and is included as a benefit to our Patrons and   International Jewish Film Festival promises to be a cultural
      resorts and bungalows that inspired films like Dirty Dancing.   Passholders.                         highlight for the Boca Raton community and beyond. 
      Director Lex Gillespie (The Mamboniks) maps the development      • The Marilyn and Jay Weinberg Holocaust Film
      of the vacation destination, from a refuge for working-class   Series will present 8 films during the Festival and films
      Jews seeking a respite from poverty in overcrowded New York   throughout the year, and is included as a benefit to our Patrons
      City tenements to a lavish summer playground for the affluent.   and Passholders.                     M          O        V          I       E
      Closing Day Catskill festivities will take place at the Movies      Screenings of this year’s films will be held at Cinemark
      of Delray on Sunday, March 17 at 1:30 p.m.         Palace 20 in Boca Raton from February 25 – March 2 and

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                                                                         101 Palmetto Road, Boca Raton

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