Page 14 - Boca ViewPointe - January '24
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Page 14, Viewpointe                                                 January 2024
      Inaugural Boca International Jewish Film Festival

      Unveils 2024 Line-Up

       Bombers & Masterpieces & Remembering Gene Wilder      Bombers & Masterpieces is a documentary mosaic   with Richard Pryor in movies like Silver Streak to the comedy
       To Open Festival Sunday, February 25, Closes With The   recounting the life, times, and diary of Rene Gimpel, an   classics of Blazing Saddles, The Frisco Kid and Young
       Catsksills Sunday, March 17                       important Jewish art dealer, friend of almost all major French   Frankenstein. Opening Night festivities will take place on
                                                         artists of the first half of the 20th century, and resistance   Sunday, February 25 at Cinemark Palace 20.
       By Hillary Reynolds                               fighter who died in the Neuengamme concentration camp.     Other special premiere films include:
                                                            Remembering Gene Wilder tells the story of the beloved      • Seven Blessings – Winner of Best Picture – 10 Israeli
          Festival Presents 70 Feature Films & Shorts, 10 Florida   comedic genius. Gene Wilder was born Jerome Silberman to   Academy Awards and Israel’s Submission to the Oscars -
       Premieres, 23 Palm Beach County Premieres & 24 Films   an assimilated Milwaukee Jewish family, and his childhood   Marie was just two years old when her mother gifted her to
       from Israel including the film ‘Seven Blessings’ Israel’s   buddies called him Jerry. The world would come to know   her infertile sister, a common Moroccan custom at the time.
       submission to the Academy Awards.                 him as Gene Wilder (1933 – 2016), an endearing comic   40 years later, Marie travels from France to Israel, where her
          The Inaugural Boca International Jewish Film Festival   genius through an extraordinary string of film roles that   family now lives, to marry her one true love.
       (BIJFF) announced its highly anticipated film line-up for its   seem to grow deeper, funnier and more humane with time:      • Kidnapped: The Abduction of Edgardo Mortara - In
       first edition, February 25 – March 17, 2024. BIJFF will   from the timid Leo Bloom in Mel Brooks’ The Producers   1858, the Pope’s soldiers burst into the Jewish home of the
       present features, documentaries and short films from the U.S.   to the strange and magical title role in Willy Wonka and the
       and around the world, including Israel, Canada, Switzerland,   Chocolate Factory, from his inspired on-screen partnership   Jewish Film Festival on page 15
       Poland, Italy, France, Germany, and Australia, and will play
       host to filmmakers, producers and actors to represent and
       discuss their films at Cinemark Palace 20, Movies of Delray   How To Add Your Guests To The Gate
       and Lake Worth and the Wick Theater.
          “Cinema, as a universal language, transcends cultural
       divides and speaks to the common threads of the human      The Boca Pointe Community Association offers a      • Access  Control-  Call  561-395-3392  or  leave  a
       experience,” said Wendy Honig, co-founder. “While this   few different methods to add guests to your visitors   voicemail message at 561-395-3369
       festival celebrates Israeli and Jewish culture, the art of film   list, so please ensure that you add your guest BEFORE      The advantage of using or the app
       becomes a powerful force, reminding us that, irrespective   they arrive. If your guest is not on the list, they may   is the ability to:
       of our backgrounds, we are all storytellers sharing the same   be denied without a phone call being placed to get      • Add a guest for the day or permanently
       narrative of humanity.”                              your approval. Phone calls are placed as a courtesy      • Remove a guest
          Opening Day kicks off with two Palm Beach County   depending on how busy the guard is when they arrive.     • Send a pass with barcode
       Premieres, Bombers & Masterpieces: Recovering the Life,      To add a guest to your visitor list, you have several      • Receive notification of guest arrival
       Art and Diary of Rene Gimpel with a talk by a curator from   options:                                  If  you  have any  questions regarding access
                                                                                                                                                 Klein | law | Group
       the Boca Museum of Art; and the evening opening film event      • Website-       methods,  please call the Boca  Pointe Community
       Remembering Gene Wilder - Honoring the Festival Grand      • Cell phone app- Download ABDI/Gate Access   Association 561-395-7551. 
       Benefactors – Billi & Bernie Marcus and Marilyn & Jay   from the app/play store
       Weinberg. There will be a patron get together at 5pm at the                                                                                          freedom to start fresh
       theater followed by the film at 7pm. The film will have an
       introduction by Mel Brooks.
                                                                                  Alisa R. Lebensohn, Esq.*

          On behalf of The Club at Boca Pointe                                                    (561) 777-2233
        we would like to remind our
        residents that NO walking,                                                 *Licensed in FL and NY with 30 years combined experience
        running, bicycle riding or                                           Boca Pointe Resident, Providing Concierge Legal Services to Palm Beach and
        dog walking is permitted                                                  Broward County Residents since 2015 (practicing law since 1992)
        on the golf course or golf
        cart paths. For safety                                      Specializing in family law matters, estate planning, business contract
        reasons, the paths are                                                           drafting and dispute resolution
        for golf carts only.
                                                                      RESuLtS DRivEn; tRuStWORtHY; CARinG; EFFiCiEnt
          Thank you for cooperating with The Club's                            lebensohn law, p.a.
        policy. 
                                                                          T: 561-777-2233                             

                 Open Call                                                             Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center

          For Viewpointe



           We are looking for volunteers, whether experienced
        or hobbyist, interested in writing an article or a column         Be a part of Boca Raton’s Original
        for the Viewpointe. You may be interested in writing
        just once, occasionally or on a regular basis. It’s a                          Jewish Film Festival
        great way to sharpen your skills or develop your talent
        while enlightening your community. Some themes we                       presented by the Levis JCC
        would like to include in the Viewpoint are as follows:
           • Village Spotlight - write about your community.
        A different village will be featured each month.
           • My Story - featuring a member of the community                  February 10 - March 4, 2024
        with a unique or interesting story.
           • Student Life - High school students writing about
        school or a topic that interests them. Student writers      Cinemark Palace 20 Boca Raton • Movies of Delray • Levis JCC
        will be eligible to earn community service hours.
           •  Global  Cuisine  or  Gourmet  Recipes  -  share
        a special, gourmet recipe or a recipe from our                           561-464-3086 •
        international community.
           • Share an idea you may have for a new column or             Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center • Toby & Leon Cooperman Campus
        article.                                                                       21050 95th Avenue S., Boca Raton, FL 33428
           A Meet & Greet event with refreshments will be
        scheduled for current and new writers. Show your
        interest in joining the writing team by contacting Lisa
        Cammaleri at 
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