Page 9 - Boca ViewPointe - January '24
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January 2024                                                     Viewpointe, Page 9
      Sandler Family Major Gifts Event

         The Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County   and David Pratt, along with
      welcomed former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett as   JFNA National Campaign
      the keynote speaker of its recent Sandler Family Major Gifts   Chair David Heller, who
      event on December 6, 2023.                         highlighted the vital role
         Chaired by Gail Meyer Asarch, Dr. James Satovsky and   donors play in building and
      Beth and Joe Mishkin, the exclusive evening brought together   sustaining a strong, caring and
      esteemed guests and community leaders for an insightful   vibrant Jewish community
      discussion led by Eric Fingerhut, President of the Jewish   locally, in Israel and around
      Federations of North America (JFNA).               the world.
         The former Prime Minister shared his insights about      The  Sandler  Family
      Israel, emphasizing the need for a united front to successfully   Major Gifts Event provided
      overcome the challenges faced by Jewish communities   a meaningful platform for
      worldwide.                                         inspiring dialogue and
         “The work that we have to do as a Jewish people here   thoughtful reflection. For
      in South Florida, the Jewish people in North America, and   more information on how
      in partnership with our brothers and sisters in Israel, we   to  become  a  Major  Gifts
      cannot do alone,” said Bennett. “We can only do it if we are   Donor, please contact Janice
      working together; if we act collectively. That is what this   Obuchowski at 561-852-3271
      beautiful room, full room tonight, is saying. It’s saying that   or
      we all understand that it takes every single one of us, and      The event was graciously
      that’s what the work of your federation is.”       sponsored by Proskauer, The  Rich Steinberg, Eric Fingerhut, Jill Rose, Gail Meyer Asarch, James Satovsky, Naftali Bennett,
         The program also honored the generous philanthropists   Colony Group, Kaufman  Matt Levin, Beth Mishkin, Joe Mishkin, David Heller, Becky Heller, David Pratt
      who made $10,000+ household contributions to the   Rossin, Boca Raton Observer
      Federation’s 2024 Annual Campaign and recognized those   magazine, Southern Glazer’s Wine and
      being accepted into the Ketubah Society, King David Society   Spirits, and Atlas Event Rental.
      and Newman Society. The significance of philanthropy was      Deepest thanks to Boca Pointe
      underscored by Annual Campaign Co-Chairs Rich Steinberg   Federation Campaign Chairs: Jane and
                                                         Dan Fishkoff, and to Committee Members:
                                                         Rhoda Berkow, Allen Brayer, Richard Glazer
                                                         & Elaine Kaplan, Harold Katz, Joel Meisner,
                                                         Arlene Penner, Murray Pitkowsky, Mel
                                                         Schoen, Doris & Stuart Zeuner, for their
                                                         continued dedication and leadership.
                                                            If you or a neighbor are in need of help,
                                                         please contact Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish
                                                         Family Services at 561-852-3333. In addition,
                                                         our main Federation telephone number,
                                                         561-852-3100, is monitored regularly for
                                                         voicemail messages.
                                                            Learn more about our Federation and how
                                                         you can help at - or
                                                         contact Shirley Gross at shirleyg@bocafed. Lawrence Schnurmacher, Andrea Schnurmacher, Gary Rubin, Robin Rubin,
       Benjamin Metzger, Kim Fields, Alisa Metzger, Steven Fields  org or 561.852.3182 (leave a voicemail).   Amy Ross, David Ross

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