Page 18 - Southern Exposure - November '23
P. 18

Page 18, Southern Exposure

                                                              finanCial foCuS                   ®

                              What Should You Know About RMDs?

                                                                         By Sally Sima Stahl

        You may spend decades                           does call for RMDs, you do need to take them, because if you   a qualified charity, avoiding the taxes that might otherwise
      contributing to various                           don’t, you could face tax penalties. Previously, this penalty   result if you took the RMDs yourself. After 2023, the
      retirement accounts. But for                      was 50 percent of the amount you were supposed to have   $100,000 limit will be indexed to inflation.
      some accounts, such as a                          taken, but SECURE 2.0 reduced it to 25 percent.      Of course, before you start either a Roth IRA
      traditional IRA and 401(k),                         When you take your RMDs, you need to be aware of a   conversion or a qualified charitable distribution, you will
      you must start withdrawing                        key issue: taxes. RMDs are taxed as ordinary income, and,   need to consult with your tax advisor, as both these moves
      funds at a certain point. What                    as such, they could potentially bump you into a higher tax   have issues you must consider and may not be appropriate
      should you know about this                        bracket and possibly even increase your Medicare premiums,   for your situation.
      requirement?                                      which are determined by your modified adjusted gross     But it’s always a good idea to know as much as you
        To begin with, the rules                        income. Are there any ways you could possibly reduce an   can about the various aspects of RMDs – they could play
      governing these withdrawals                       RMD-related tax hike?                              a big part in your retirement income strategy.
      – technically called required                       You might have some options. Here are two to consider:    This article was written by Edward Jones for use by
      minimum distributions, or RMDs – have changed recently.     •  Convert  tax-deferred  accounts  to  a  Roth  IRA   your local  Edward  Jones  Financial Advisor,  Edward
      For many years, individuals had to begin taking their RMDs   account. You could convert some, or maybe all, of your   Jones, Member SIPC.
      (which are based on the account balance and the IRS’ life   tax-deferred retirement accounts to a Roth IRA. By doing     Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in
      expectancy factor) when they turned 70½. The original   so, you could lower your RMDs in the future – while   all states and Washington, D.C., through Edward D.
      SECURE Act of 2019 raised this age to 72, and SECURE   adding funds to an account you’re never required to touch.   Jones & Co., L.P., and in California, New Mexico and
      2.0, passed in 2022, raised it again, to 73. (If you turned 73   So, if you don’t really need all the money to live on, you   Massachusetts through Edward Jones Insurance Agency
      in 2023, and you were 72 in 2022 when the RMD limit was   could include the remainder of the Roth IRA in your estate   of California, L.L.C.; Edward Jones Insurance Agency of
      still 72, you should have taken your first RMD for 2022 by   plans, providing an initially tax-free inheritance to your   New Mexico, L.L.C.; and Edward Jones Insurance Agency
      April 1 of this year. You will then need to take your 2023   loved ones. However, converting a tax-deferred account to   of Massachusetts, L.L.C.
      RMD by Dec. 31. And going forward, you’ll also need to   a Roth IRA will generate taxes in the year of conversion,     Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors
      take your RMDs by the end of every year.)         so you’d need the money available to pay this tax bill.   cannot provide tax advice. You should consult your
        Not all retirement accounts are subject to RMDs. They     •  Donate  RMDs  to  charity. In what’s known as a   qualified tax advisor regarding your situation.
      aren’t required for a Roth IRA, and, starting in 2024, won’t be   qualified charitable distribution, you can move up to     Contact us at (561) 748-7600, Sally Sima Stahl, AAMS,
      required for a Roth 401(k) or 403(b) plan. But if your account   $100,000 of your RMDs directly from a traditional IRA to   1851 W. Indiantown Road, Ste. 106, Jupiter, FL 33458.

                                                              Cleveland CliniC

                                                                  florida newS

                                Do You Need Lung Cancer Screening

                                                    If You Quit Smoking?

        According to the American Cancer Society, smoking   smoker, do you still need to think about having a lung   enough to tolerate the evaluation and treatment of any
      contributes to 80 and 90 percent of lung cancer deaths in   cancer screening?                        lung nodules or lung cancers that are found.
      women and men, respectively.                        According to pulmonologist Ivan Romero-Legro,      If  your  doctor  recommends  screening,  look  for  a
        But what if you quit smoking? Quitting has some health   M.D., who sees patients at Cleveland Clinic Weston   program whose experts take the time to discuss its risks
      benefits that start right away and others that can lead to   Hospital, lung cancer screening is recommended for those   and benefits with you and are experienced in lung cancer
      improved health over many                         meeting the criteria for high risk including:      evaluation and treatment.
      years.                                              • Age 50 to 80 with at least a 20 pack-year* history of     Meanwhile, tell your doctor right away if you have any
        The risk of having lung                         smoking and currently smoking or quit less than 15 years   of these worrisome symptoms – you may need testing to
      cancer or other smoking-                          ago, or                                            confirm or rule out the presence of lung cancer:
      related illnesses decreases                         • Age 50 or older with at least a 20 pack-year* history     • A new, persistent cough or coughing up blood
      after you stop smoking                            of smoking and a history of one additional risk factor such     • Unexplained shortness of breath or chest pain
      and continues to decrease                         as a family history of lung cancer, exposure to known     • Unintentional weight loss
      the longer you go without                         carcinogen, COPD, emphysema or other cancer.         To learn more and complete a lung cancer risk
      smoking, though your risk                           *Pack-year equals the number of packs smoked per   assessment, visit
      will  never  be  as low  as                       day multiplied by the number of years smoking.     LungCancer today.
      that of someone who never                           It is important to note that:
      smoked.                                             • Lung cancer screening is not recommended if your
        So,  i f  you’ve                                risk of lung cancer is low, because the harms of screening
      successfully kicked the                           may outweigh its benefits.
      habit and are now a former  Ivan Romero-Legro, M.D.    •  Screening  is  worthwhile  only  if  you  are  healthy


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