Page 16 - Southern Exposure - November '23
P. 16

Page 16, Southern Exposure

                                                             in your CoMMunity

                                Special Olympics Florida ‘Yacht Hop’

                                                    Sails Into Palm Beach

        Special Olympics Florida will host the Palm Beach     Sponsors include Cleveland Clinic, AMG and Garda     To buy tickets or learn more about Yacht Hop, contact
      Yacht  Hop  on  Dec.  5,  from  6  to  9  p.m.  at  the  West   Capital Partners.                    Jacqueline Draizin at
      Palm Beach Lake Pavilion. Guests will enjoy signature     Special Olympics Florida President and CEO Sherry     Special Olympics Florida provides year-round sports
      cocktails, live music, incredible food, and much more.   Wheelock thanked event sponsors for joining the mission   training and competition, crucial health services, and life-
      Fundraiser proceeds from the event will benefit Special   to ensure people with intellectual disabilities are treated   changing leadership programs to people with intellectual
      Olympics Florida and the more than 60,000 athletes and   with dignity and given the opportunities they deserve.  disabilities, at no cost to the athletes or their caregivers.
      families that it serves.                             “For more than 50 years, Special Olympics Florida has   The organization serves 60,000 athletes statewide and
        The evening will feature luxurious yachts, specialty   used sports as a catalyst for social change,” said Wheelock.   seeks to build communities where people with intellectual
      cocktails, dazzling entertainment, and an array of culinary   “We are profoundly grateful to the sponsors and partners   disabilities are treated with respect and given the
      delights prepared by the renowned Chef de Cuisine of   who make events like the Yacht Hop possible. Their   opportunities they deserve. To learn more, visit www.
      Laura Ashley Catering. Guests will have the opportunity   commitment to helping the athletes of Special Olympics
      to meet and talk with Special Olympics Florida athletes   Florida  and  to  building  communities  of  inclusion  and
      and fellow Special Olympics Florida supporters.    acceptance is truly inspiring.”

            Community Celebrates Book Launch Of Amy Woods’

                          100 Things To Do In Jupiter Before You Die

        Friends and supporters of local author Amy Woods     Guests enjoyed complimentary light bites and drinks, a   Charlie & Joe’s At Love Street
      gathered for the book launch party of 100 Things to Do   special “Love Bucket” cocktail, raffles, and a beautiful view     One Vision. Three Experiences. Founded on a longtime
      in Jupiter Before You Die on Thursday, Sept. 28. Charlie   of the Jupiter Inlet. Proceeds from the cocktail and raffles were   friendship between Charles Modica and Joe Namath,
      & Joe’s at Love Street hosted the event at Topside at the   donated to the Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse & Museum. Football   Charlie  &  Joe’s  at  Love  Street  is  the  embodiment  of
      Beacon to celebrate being listed as the No. 1 destination   legend Joe Namath made a special appearance to support Charlie
      in Jupiter.                                        & Joe’s at Love Street’s recognition in the new guidebook.  In Your Community on page 17

      Joe Namath, Jason Nuttle  Wendy Barr, Jeff Barr


                                                          DR. RYAN CHIZNER

                                                          HAS JOINED PALM

                                                          BEACH CARDIOLOGY
      Tammy Roggen, Mary Oneil, Steve Vancoppenolle, Mary
      Inglis, John Inglis                                 CENTER

                                                          P.B.C.C. is pleased to welcome Dr. Ryan Chizner. Dr. Chizner
                                                          completed fellowships in cardiology and interventional
                                                          cardiology for which he is board certified.

                                                          In addition he holds board certification in Internal Medicine,
                                                          Echocardiography,  Nuclear  Cardiology  and  Vascular

                                                          He has a Bachelor’s of Science degree from the Honors
                                                          Program at the University of Florida. He went on to complete
                                                          dual degrees with a Doctorate of Osteopathic Medicine and
                                                          Master of Public Health from Nova Southeastern University.

                                                          Previously, Dr. Chizner practiced Interventional Cardiology in
                               Anna Wyckoff, Debbie       Central Florida and Georgia.
      Phillip Ballard, Kayla Griffin Calabria
                                                          He is the Co-Author of a Bestselling textbook on Cardiac Drugs
                                                          for healthcare providers, which is now in its second edition.
                                                          He is thrilled to move closer to family in South Florida.


                                                                  3365 Burns Rd., Suite 101, Palm Beach Gardens, FL  33410
      Craig Wandoff, Chris Small  Katrina Heller, Tyler Benson
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