Page 17 - Southern Exposure - November '23
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Southern Exposure, Page 17

      in your CoMMunity  from page 16

      their dream to offer a welcoming expression of Jupiter’s
      exciting, nautical culture, and deep fishing roots within
      the community. Located along the waterfront of Jupiter
      Inlet Village, Charlie & Joe’s at Love Street is a unique
      escape to a tropical paradise inspired by Jupiter’s tranquil
      blue waters, laid-back lifestyle, and unique dining. Charlie
      & Joe’s at Love Street includes BEACON, Topside at the
      Beacon, and Lucky Shuck Oyster Bar & Taphouse located
      at 1116 Love Street, Jupiter, FL 33477. Visit Charlie &
      Joe’s at Love Street online at or call   Joe Namath, Lynda Pepper, Jemma   Marcia Williams, Teca Sullivan, Dennis  Joe Namath,  Amy Woods, Jemma
      (561) 532-3280.                                   Namath                            Carhart                          Namath

                                          it’S the law

               Did You Know That, In Florida…

                                             By Adam S. Gumson, Esq.

          Did you win the                                 Naming a beneficiary in your will or trust does not
        lottery? Print your                             guarantee that the beneficiary receives the particular asset               Mi Sun Donahue, Captain
        name on the back of the                         because a valid Beneficiary Designation Form (“BDF”)   Amy Woods, Jimmy Woods  Michael Donahue
        ticket  and  complete the                       takes precedence.
        information  requested                            So, make sure that your BDFs align with your present
        there  immediately. A                           wishes or the beneficiaries in your will/trust will not receive
        winning lottery ticket                          the assets in those particular accounts.
        is  like  a check: Anyone                          A guardian is a surrogate decision-maker appointed by
        in possession of it can                         the court to make either personal and/or financial decisions
        present it, along with                          for a minor or for an adult with mental or physical disabilities.
        a government issued                             After adjudication, the subject of the guardianship is called
        identification card (and                        the ward.
        Winner Claim Form if over $600) and walk away with     Jupiter Law Center is a private neighborhood law firm
        the winnings. Don’t make any other alterations as doing   located in the RiverPlace Professional Center, 1003 W.
        so could delay the payment of your winnings.    Indiantown Road, Suite 210, Jupiter, Fla., (561) 744-4600,
          More than 13 million parents are separated or divorced The firm provides peace of mind by   MaryAnn Seidman, Barry  Tamra FitzGerald, Michelle
        in households where children are under the age of 21 with   solving problems with integrity and compassion in the areas   Seidman  Noga
        the vast majority of custodial parents being the mother.   of estate and business planning; probate, guardianship and
        Sadly, less than one-half of those awarded child support   trust administration; probate and guardianship for personal   Photos by Tracey Benson Photography
        actually collect the full amount.               injury firms; family law; and real estate.
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