Page 12 - PGA Community News - September '23
P. 12

Page 12, PGA C.A.N.!                                               September 2023                                                                                                                                                 September 2023
      Inflexible Children                                              Feeding Wildlife Is Against

      Struggle                                                                    Florida State Law

      By Jim Forgan, Ph.D.,
      School Psychologist                                                     And PGA POA Rules
         “We don’t spring any
      unexpected changes on him
      or he has a huge meltdown,”                                           The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission ("FWC") has several rules that prohibit
      explained one mom. Her                                              feeding  wildlife, including foxes, raccoons, pelicans, sandhill cranes, bald eagles, bears, coyote,
      8-year-old son had daily                                            alligators, and other wildlife. The FWC has modified the penalty system and in 2015 the Legislature
      tantrums when things did                                            approved  amendments to Section 379.412 Florida Statutes to create a tiered penalty structure for
      not go his way. Mom was                                             violations of all FWC's wildlife feeding rules, except Marine Fish.
      concerned he  might have                                              The new penalty system progresses from a civil penalty to a criminal penalty as multiple offenses
      ADHD so we evaluated him                                            occur. It starts with a civil penalty of $100 and gradually increases in severity:
      to determine the root cause of
      his meltdowns. Our evaluation showed it was not ADHD but   OFFENSE   CRIMINAL           FINES        INCARCERATION      APPLIES TO WHICH RULES
      rather he had executive functioning difficulty with shifting         PENALTY
      attention and cognitive flexibility.
         Perhaps you’ve heard the saying, “That person has a   1st            None             $100              None            All except Marine Fish
      one-track mind.” That saying captures what happens when
      inflexible people get something stuck in their minds and they   2nd  2nd Degree        Up to $500      Up to 60 Days       All except Marine Fish
      can’t get it out. They perseverate. Their brain is like a train     Misdemeanor
      riding down a track and it can’t make a shift to a new track         1st Degree
      until it gets to a junction. Unfortunately for some people,   3rd   Misdemeanor       up to $1,000      Up to 1 Year       Bear and Crocodilians
      their brain goes on for “miles” before it reaches a junction.
      As a parent you might think, “Just get over it and move on,”   4th  3rd Degree Felony   up to $5,000   Up to 5 Years       Bear and Crocodilians
      but it is not that easy for your child.
         Inflexible children often have difficulty making
      transitions at home and at school. They often see things      Coyotes were added in June 2015 by the FWC to the list of wildlife species in Florida Administrative Code (Rule
      their way and have difficulty going with the flow. This   68A-4.0001) for which feeding is prohibited. Coyotes are attracted to human-provided foods. Adding coyotes to the list
      contributes to their meltdowns and stubbornness. Inflexible   of species will further efforts to keep coyotes from frequenting human communities and becoming a public nuisance.
      children are not always pleasant to be around. They can
      be bossy when playing and want to do things their way.      IT IS ALSO ILLEGAL TO FEED SANDHILL CRANES PER SECTION 68A-4.001 (5) OF THE FLORIDA
      This inflexibility can create friendship issues with same   ADMINISTRATIVE CODE. Sandhill Cranes are protected from harm by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Florida Statute
      age peers and inflexible children might prefer to play with   372.0725, and Florida Administrative Codes 68A-27.003 and 68A-16.0001 and violations of these laws can result in
      younger children whom they can boss around.         jail time and/or extensive fines.
         The term executive functioning describes our brain’s
      management system. Kids with executive functioning      VIOLATIONS CAN BE REPORTED TO THE FLORIDA FISH AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION
      difficulty need to learn skill rather than take pills to help   COMMISSION AT (888) 404-3922
      them. Mom was happy medication was not the answer for
      her child. My Day is Ruined!: A Story Teaching Flexible      PGA POA RULES & REGULATIONS PROHIBIT FEEDING ANY WILDLIFE, INCLUDING
      Thinking by Bryan Smith is a book you can read with your   BIRDS OF ANY TYPE. YOUR COOPERATION AND COMPLIANCE IS APPRECIATED.
      child to teach skills.

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