Page 16 - PGA Community News - September '23
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Page 16, PGA C.A.N.! September 2023 September 2023
Uluru: Red Center Of The Australian Continent
Previously submitted by turned to blood red. The
the late Don Kiselewski, surface of this vast area,
MCC, D.S., Palm Beach affectionately referred to by
Gardens Travel Leaders the locals as the Outback,
There is perhaps no is broken by strange rock
place on earth that leaves a formations, completing the
more indelible impression intrigue of the area.
in the mind than the geology The flat surfaces of the
of Australia. The land at area have been touched by
the center of the country, in a smattering of trees, small
the southern portion of the scrubs and needle-sharp plugs
Northern Territory, is truly of grass. The tallest of the trees
unique. The perimeter of the continent starts with light is no more than 20 feet, with Uluru (also known as Ayers Rock)
shades of tan that meet the blue ocean water. From the the brush not getting much
outer perimeter, moving toward the center of the country, higher than 5 feet. The effect at the red center becomes one It is in these harsh surroundings that the Aborigines
the sandy soil intensifies with redder and redder hues of of contrast, with the greenish-brown surface being penetrated made their home, starting some 20,000 years ago. Recent
color until, at the center of the continent, the earth has by the blood red, majestic monoliths of the area. findings, still in the process of being re-confirmed by
Uluru is perhaps the most well-known and photographed carbon dating, place this civilization some 130,000 years
of these unique land features. Projecting more than 1,000 ago. The people who then lived at the base of these huge
feet in the air, the red stone monolith has a circumference monoliths were hunters and gatherers. Traveling in bands
at the base of 9 km. (5.4 miles). When Ernest Giles sighted of 20 to 30 people, they left their marks at the base of
the rock in 1872, he named it for the former South Australia the rocks, in caves and overhangs that have protected the
Minister, Sir Henry Ayers. Today, most of the world refers artwork for these many thousands of years.
to the world’s largest monolith as Ayers Rock, however, Life in this barren wasteland was far from simple.
Australian maps still use the Aboriginal name, Uluru (the The women, who were the gatherers and diggers, soon
monolith itself) and Kata Tjuta (the rock domes located stripped the area of edible berries and fruits. They used
west of Uluru). their digging sticks to break the surface of the earth in
their search for edible roots and tubers. The men found
themselves going farther and farther from the sheltering
rocks to find kangaroo and other game that would provide
food for the colony. It has been estimated that these first
inhabitants stayed only a few months at the rock in their
quest for life, based on the food sources of the area. Water
was a very precious commodity, with the area only having
an average of 10 inches of rainfall a year. However, there
have been dry spells for up to 10 years where there has
This camel is a descendant of the camels that were imported been no rain at all … and then deluge.
to Australia from Afghanistan to carry the ties and telephone No mention of this area would be complete without
poles from Adelaide to Alice Springs when the telegraph mention of the flies of the Outback. These flies, about
line repeater station and rail line were built there. After half the size of our flies here in Florida, swarm in huge
completion, the camels were let loose and it’s currently numbers. They become real pests, and even though they
estimated that more than a quarter million camels run free don’t bite, they tend to land on your face and neck, and
in the western portion of the country. This one was captured you wind up finding yourself doing the Aussie salute – by
and put into use carrying tourists to the Outback. waving both of your hands in front of your face to chase
the flies away. Solutions to the problem come in many
Drainage Information From forms: speed stick repellents, hats with corks tied around
the edge, and most effective, netting that covers the hat
Northern Palm Beach County and head. The net really works.
The rocks continue to be sacred places of worship by
Improvement District the Aborigine. Although you can travel the entire base
of Uluru (Ayers Rock) and even climb to its top, the
Why do some yards flood after large quantities of Kata Tjuta (the Olgas) some 40 kilometers farther to the
rain? The simple answer is according to most approved west, have the major portion of their multiple monoliths
drainage designs, some water is meant to be temporarily These heart-shaped holes in the smooth face of Uluru were
stored in public recreational areas, yard swale and created by erosion. Uluru on page 17
streets. The excess surface water slowly drains to
community lakes or on-site ponds via street and yard
drainage grates and/or via swales, ditches and canals.
The more complex answer is that each yard is different.
Some yards have drainage swale areas. These are areas
that are sloped to catch water and filter out pollutants
as water is absorbed into the ground. Some yards direct
water to the community drainage system as run-off with
very little water retained in the yard. Familiarize yourself
with how your yard was built to determine how water
drains from your home.
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