Page 17 - PGA Community News - September '23
P. 17

September 2023                                                          September 2023                                                 PGA C.A.N.!, Page 17

      Uluru from page 16

      restricted to tourists. During a
      visit to these major monoliths,
      one does not always see the native
      people of the land, but somehow
      their presence is felt.
         The most dynamic experience
      of  a  visit  is  visually  capturing
      the various lights and shadows
      as they fall on the monoliths. As
      the sun rises across the semi-arid
      land of the Outback, the graying
      silhouette of these monoliths
      emerge from the black sky behind
      them. As the daylight slowly
      grows and the sun peeks over the  This kangaroo was photographed at the watering hole in the desert garden near Alice Springs.  This gold-colored animal that looks like a dog is actually
      earth’s edge, the colorless gray                                                                     a dingo; these came to Australia from China and most are
      melts into dark brown. As the sun continues to rise higher   daytime appearance. The shadows at sunrise from the   wild. This one happens to be domesticated.
      and higher into the sky, the rocks likewise become an ever   deep ridges and valleys on the rock continually change
      changing picture of color – through the brown range, into   the appearance and perspective on the start of a new day.  visual beauty as the rocks in daylight. The solid red rock
      the purples and then the reds, before projecting its true      Very few places on earth present such contrast and   monoliths penetrate the tan/green surface of the earth’s
                                                                                                           surface at an almost perpendicular slope, culminating
                                                                                                           in a nearly flat-topped surface that presses against the
                                                                                                           cobalt-blue sky. Just add a few white puffy clouds, and
                                                                                                           you’ll have a sight that will remain with you forever.
                                                                                                              The setting sun completes the daily cycle of images,
                                                                                                           reversing those of the early morning. At the right time
                                                                                                           of the month, the full moon’s rays, when cast against the
                                                                                                           rocks, create unique shadows that intrigue the viewer.
                                                                                                           After an hour or so, when the light of day has completely
                                                                                                           slipped below the horizon, the stars of the Southern
                                                                                                           Hemisphere twinkle in the heavens of the Outback. There
                                                                                                           are few times when one feels so insignificant and distant
                                                                                                           from the rest of the world.
                                                                                                              Uluru and Kata Tjuta, to some who have never visited
                                                                                                           them, are just rocks in the Outback. But to the many who
                                                                                                           have had the opportunity to see them, they are a way
                                                                                                           to truly focus on one’s surroundings. Quoting a fellow
                                                                                                           traveler after our experiences in the Outback, “We’ve had
                                                                                                           a good day at Red Rock.”
                                                                                                              The  late  Don Kiselewski  wrote  from  his  personal
                                                                                                           experiences, having traveled in 122 countries and cruised
                                                                                                           the oceans, seas and rivers of the world. Palm Beach
                                                                                                           Gardens Travel Leaders, his family owned and operated
                                                                                                           agency, is located at Mirasol Town Square, 11360 North
                                                                                                           Jog Road, Building A, Suite 102-6, Palm Beach Gardens.
                                                                                                           The agency has been serving the travel needs of the South
                                                                                                           Florida area for over a quarter of a century. Contact them
                                                                                                           at (561) 694-9696 or
                                                                                                                                    Photos by Don Kiselewski

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