Page 7 - PGA Community News - September '23
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September 2023                                                          September 2023                                                  PGA C.A.N.!, Page 7
      Impact The Palm Beaches Announces

      Start Of $100,000 Grant Process For Local Nonprofits

         Impact the Palm Beaches is seeking applications from
      local nonprofits interested in receiving a $100,000 grant to
      create effective change in Palm Beach County. The 2023/24
      grant process opened on Aug. 7 and initial proposals must be
      submitted by Sept. 14.
         Eligible Central and Northern Palm Beach County
      nonprofits may apply for grant funding that supports their
      mission, programs, or services.
         Lisa LaFrance, president of Impact the Palm Beaches,
      emphasizes that the grants provided by the organization help
      local nonprofits to make a significant and long-lasting impact
      on the communities they serve. Charities in the community are
      encouraged to apply for the grant, even if they have applied in
      previous years. “As Impact grows its membership, we are able
      to fund more and more programs. In each of the last four years,
      we received roughly 70 applications, but our grants pool has
      increased from $159,000 to $377,000, meaning an agency’s   The 2023 Impact the Palm Beaches Grant recipients. Photo by Capehart
      chances of being awarded a grant have improved threefold in
      the last four years.”                                Last year, three local nonprofits each received $100,000 in   of Impact the Palm Beaches.
         For eligibility requirements and more information, please   grants. Grant recipients were Alzheimer’s Community Care-     To learn more about Impact the Palm Beaches, visit www.
      visit                  Fostering Independence program; Center for Child Counseling- or email
         Impact the Palm Beaches seeks to fund programs and   Keeping Kids Safe program; and Wounded Veterans Relief
      projects that reach underserved populations and address or   Fund-Emergency Dental Care for Disabled Veterans. The
      satisfy unmet needs, solve a problem, or create an opportunity   $77,000 merit grant was awarded to Families First-Infant Mental
      for strategic change, can demonstrate specific, measurable   Health-Head Start program. Since 2015, Impact has awarded   Wanted
      outcomes, and are sustainable well into the future.  over $1.5 million to area nonprofits.
         Nonprofits can submit applications that align with any      Impact 100 is a worldwide organization with more than 60
      of the five Impact focus areas: arts and culture, education,   chapters and steadily growing. Their motto is “One Woman, One   People are vandalizing
      environment and animal welfare, family, and health and   Meeting, One Vote.” It is designed for women who wish to find   golf courses after play
      wellness. The nonprofit’s program can be new or an expansion   an efficient and collaborative means of creating transformational   hours. Sand traps, greens
      of an existing program.                           change in their community. Women can become as involved as   and fairways are being
         “Impact has awarded grants that address a variety of needs   they wish in the process.                    damaged. If you see
      in our community, including mental health, affordable housing,      Impact members each contribute $1,000 annually and   anyone on courses after
      homelessness, food insecurity, job training, arts funding,   award at least one $100,000 Impact grant to a local nonprofit   hours, please call POA
      hygiene, high school graduation, marine preservation, foster   organization allowing for a significant grant to one organization   Security
      care, and so much more,” said Aleese Kopf, grant committee   rather than several smaller gifts. Impact grants fund the following
      chair. “We look forward to working with our area nonprofits   service areas: arts and culture, education, environment and   at 627-1600 or Resort
      to ignite change in our community.”               animal welfare, health and wellness, and family. Membership   Security, 627-2000.
         Impact grants will be awarded at an annual awards   for the new season is now open and will close on Feb. 29, 2024.          Thank you.
      celebration on April 17, 2024.                       The Town of Palm Beach United Way is the fiscal agent

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