Page 27 - Boca ViewPointe - September '23
P. 27

September 2023                                                   Viewpointe, Page 27
       Travel: Postcards From Jessica

       …A More Intimate Affair Onboard A Floating Hotel

       By Jessica Flores. Jessica                           Stamp  My  Passport:
       has worked in the travel and                      My river cruise along the
       tourism industry for well                         Danube River actually
       over a decade. She holds                          began  in Budapest,
       both Bachelors and Master’s                       Hungary, but not until
       Degrees in Hospitality &                          I had a few days in the
       Tourism  Management. As                           magnificent city of Prague.
       owner of AWAY Travel in Boca                      This is one city that should
       Raton, Jessica and staff bring                    be on everyone’s bucket
       25 years of personal travel                       list. As one of the oldest
       experience to an exclusive                        cities in Eastern Europe,
       clientele looking for luxury                      it was spared the devastation of bombing during World      When you are in need of some exercise most cruise lines
       travel planning. Ready for your own journey to begin?   War II. In this beautiful city you’ll marvel at colorful   offer bicycle adventures. I truly enjoyed my 20-mile bicycle
                                                         baroque buildings, Gothic churches, and even a medieval   trip on an e-bike along the Danube River from Durnstein to
      To: Anyone Who’s Thinking Of Going On A            Astronomical Clock in its original form.          Milk through picturesque little villages and local vineyards.
      River Cruise                                          After traveling through the countryside of Czech      But the best part of the day was throwing off my shoes,
      From: The Danube River                             Republic and Slovenia, I arrived in Budapest for a tour   taking a shower and heading down to the dining room for
                                                         of the city and boarded my ship that would eventually   a great dinner, a couple of glasses of local Riesling, and
         Pack Your Bags: As you know, I love cruising. Most   pass Vienna and conclude in Amsterdam, Netherlands.   retiring to my room for a well-deserved sleep on Egyptian
      of my cruises in the past have been on the ocean, but   Let the fun begin!                           cotton 600-thread count sheets. Gute Nacht!
      lately it’s been river cruising that seems to be gaining      A Path Well Traveled: How can anyone explain the      The other highlights of my river journey included
      a lot of popularity. I often have clients who have never   beauty of river cruising? Well, let me give you a glimpse   Christmas shopping in Nuremburg (even in May!), walking
      been on a river cruise and are sometimes hesitant when I   into my journey. Imagine opening your balcony window   the ancient streets of Bamberg, and visiting the historic
      recommend this option. Maybe it’s because it seems less   from your cabin to feel a slight breeze, the mild scent of   Anne Frank House in Amsterdam.
      luxurious or less entertaining. But that’s so far from the   river foliage, and the calming motion as your ship glides      Wheels Down: I know they say there is no place like
      truth!                                             across wakeless waters. Endless colors bounce off the   home … but I have personally had plenty of home in recent
         First, river cruising is obviously on smaller ships. This   building walls of charming medieval towns and villages.   years! When considering the health crisis we all experienced
      is mainly due to the fact that rivers are affected by the rise   The sights are breathtaking.        during the pandemic, the idea of a small ship without
      and fall of river water levels and these ships must be able      Your days will be busy. Once your riverboat is docked   crowds would seem to be just what the doctor ordered.
      to pass under low bridges. That limits capacity to only   and tied off, you’ll step off the small gangplank into   And the best part is, you won’t need to contemplate sea
      100 to 175 passengers. The main thing to keep in mind is   adventures  that  unfold  like  a  fantasy  storybook. Your   sickness!
      that you won’t find all the bells and whistles you would   choice of activities is endless, either by touring with      I have to admit that I didn’t regret choosing to travel in
      on an ocean ship. No casino, no big Broadway shows, no   private guides or joining small group cruise excursions.   luxury. Some river cruise lines – such as Uniworld, Tauck,
      huge gyms or spas, and limited specialty restaurants.     I especially loved my private guided tour in Vienna   Scenic and AmaWaterways – will definitely meet your
         But hear me out … that might not be so bad!     that started at the elegant Schonbrunn Palace and   expectations for upgraded accommodations, exceptional
         Imagine a more intimate, personalized experience   preceded through this historical city. Don’t miss the   service, gourmet cuisine and amazing excursions. In
      onboard, a crew that actually knows your name, charming   famous Spanish Riding School to witness firsthand the   most cases a luxury river cruise will offer an all-inclusive
      little village port visits, cultural entertainment nightly,   graceful dancing of the Lipizzaner horses. And if you’re   program. I’ll say cheers to that!
      and foods locally sourced at the town markets. What a   hungry you have to try Weiner Schnitzel at the famous                  Wishing You Safe Travels,
      unique way to travel!                              Figlmuller Restaurant.                                                                   Jessica 

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