Page 26 - Boca ViewPointe - September '23
P. 26

Page 26, Viewpointe                                                September 2023
      Film Review: Peace By Chocolate

       By Nils A. Shapiro                                   As a response to the                           the Peace by Chocolate company and President Joe Biden has
                                                         incident, Issam decides to                        enjoyed from Trudeau a gift of one of its chocolate bars. Today,
          The sweetness of this                          show others his skills, at first                  through Peace by Chocolate, the Hadhad family shares the
       film’s title seems far                            by just making a few sample                       message of love, hope, and above all else, peace. They donate
       removed from its subject                          chocolates as gifts for their                     3 to 5 percent of the company’s profits to the Peace on Earth
       matter: immigration and                           friends. Word spreads about                       Society, which is an organization registered in Nova Scotia
       the experiences faced by                          these very special treats.                        that donates to peace building projects around the world.
       families who must flee                            Soon,  Tareq and Issam                               In closing, I will remind you again that this is a true story,
       the horrors of their own                          are getting requests that                         one that points out the possibilities inherent in places – towns,
       homelands to seek refuge                          require them to set up a                          cities, nations – where immigration and immigrants become
       among  foreigners in new                          small facility for preparing                      a subject for compassion and cooperation, rather than hate
       places. But this is the true                      quantities of chocolates to                       and divisiveness.
       story of one family that turned such a journey into a   fill orders – an opportunity                   This is truly a heartwarming, beautifully acted and
       world-famous success!                             made possible only with the                       directed film, now streaming on Amazon Prime Video.
          For nearly 30 years, the Hadhad family in Damascus   help, once again, of their close friends and neighbors who   Ayham Abou Ammar, who played Tareq Haddad, won a
       created delicacies from its chocolate factory under the   first welcomed them to their new home.    Canadian award for Best On-Screen Performance. This was
       creative leadership of its patriarch, Issam Haddad (played      I will offer no more spoilers here, except to point out that   the final role for Hatem Ali, who brilliantly played the father,
       in the film by Hatem Ali) and shipped them all over the   Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has publicly praised   Issam; he passed away after the filming. 
       Middle East and Europe. However, in late 2012, as part of
       the Syrian civil war the factory was destroyed in a bombing   WHAT TO DO WHEN YOUR SPOUSE OR
       that forced their family to leave everything behind.
          In this film the son, Tareq Haddad (Ayham Abou
       Ammar in the role) emigrates to Antigonish, a small   PARTNER DIES
       town in Nova Scotia in hopes of sending for his parents
       and sister, who has a young child, to join him and then   By Martin Zevin, Attorney                    If you do not have a Revocable Living Trust, this appointment
                                                             Losing your spouse, partner or
       following his own dream of entering medical school.    significant other is a very traumatic        will be a good opportunity to discuss the creation of a Trust and
                                                                                                           preparation of a Deed in order to avoid probate on your home and
          A kind and empathetic local couple welcomes Tareq   event. It is most important for your         other real estate. You can also discuss the option of a Life Estate Deed
       and invites him to stay in their home. He begins the   physical and emotional health to             to avoid probate.
       process of sending for his family and, at the same time,   give yourself time for the grieving         If you do have a Trust, this may be an appropriate time to consider
       applies to medical school. Tareq’s fluency in English   process.                                    doing an Amendment to the Trust based on new circumstances. Your
                                                             Once you feel mentally and
                                                                                                           home and other real estate (in Florida and out-of-state) should be

       proves to be critically important, for when his parents   emotionally able to do so, you            owned by you as Trustee of the Trust. You may wish to name one of
       arrive he must use it to translate for parents who do not   should schedule an appointment          your children as Co-Trustee to make it easier to manage the assets
       understand nor speak a word of it. And when his sister   with an attorney to review all legal       in your Trust if you become incapacitated. You may also wish to
       and her child have been rejected for visas to travel to   documents.                                make changes in your Living Will, Durable Power of Attorney and
                                                                                                           Designation of Health Care Surrogate or create those documents if
                                                             You should bring your Will and/
       Nova Scotia to join the rest of the family, there is another     or Revocable Living Trust, Deed to your home and any other real  you do not have them.
       problem for Tareq to resolve.                      estate, certified copy of the death certificate and, if married, date of     In most cases, there is no urgency to contact an attorney. It
          Issam, the father’s, inability to speak English causes a   your marriage. If you have advanced care directives such as a Living  is much better to have peace of mind and clarity. Some lawyers,
       furor when, upon entering a local “sweet shop,” he sees   Will, Durable Power of Attorney and Designation of Health Care  including myself, will offer a free consultation. This consultation
       its assortment of candies. In his innocent excitement to   Surrogate, you should bring those as well.  should include your options and give you the opportunity to sleep
                                                             If your spouse or partner owned something in their name alone  on it before finalizing any new legal documents.

       show the owner his skills as a chocolatier, he tries to   with no designated beneficiary, probate may be necessary. Bring     In addition, when you are ready, there are actions you should take
       rush behind the counter, but she views it as an attack and   details of such assets to the appointment.   for which you do not need an attorney. This includes rolling over your
       screams, causing him to flee.                         If everything you owned was in both names, it is not necessary to  spouse’s IRA to yours, claiming life insurance benefits and naming
                                                          probate the Will. However, regarding your home, and any other real  beneficiaries on any joint accounts. If you have individual accounts
                                                          estate, it is important to “Clear the Title.” The lawyer will prepare and  or life insurance and your spouse is beneficiary, be sure to change it.
           Stamp and Coin Club                            have you sign a “Continuous Marriage Affidavit,” which is why you  However, your lawyer can advise you on these matters.
                                                          need the date of your marriage. The Affidavit will state that you were
                                                                                                             If you are going through the loss of a loved one, my prayers are
                                                          married on a certain date and remained continuously married without  with you.
            Boca Raton Stamp & Coin Club asks you to start a   divorce until the date of death. It will provide the legal description of     During this time of social distancing, I offer a free phone
         new hobby.                                       your home and other real estate and indicate your intention to clear  consultation for all matters regarding Durable Power of Attorney,
            Visit with us at the Stratford Courts Auditorium   title. This document will be recorded, along with an Affidavit of No  Designation of Health Care Surrogate, Living Will, Wills, Trusts,
         located at 6343 Via Sonrisa del Sur, off S.W. 18th Street,   Florida Estate Tax Due and the Death Certificate without the cause of  Life Estate Deeds, Probate and Estates. I am also available for a free
         between Powerline Road and Military Trail.       death. Recording these documents will clear title and allow you the  consultation regarding any issue pertaining to personal injury claims
            We meet the second and fourth Thursday each month   option to do a new Deed to avoid probate when you die. If you were  or car insurance coverage. Call me at (954) 569-4878. My address is
         at 7 p.m. Please call membership coordinator Harvey   not married but owned your home (or any other property) jointly,  3275 W. Hillsboro Blvd., Suite 204, Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442.
                                                          it is still important to clear title. Of course, a Continuous Marriage  My website is and my e-mail address is
         Golinger at (561) 752-4922.                     Affidavit will not be necessary.       

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