Page 25 - Boca ViewPointe - September '23
P. 25

September 2023                                                   Viewpointe, Page 25
      Living A Sustainable Lifestyle Part 2                                                                 Tax Talk from page 24

      By Steve Handwerker                                meat. Over 30% of greenhouse emissions (GHGs) come   No Nights! No Weekends! No
                                                         from our food system. If each of us created a healthier diet,
         How can I catalyze                              reducing meat consumption by 20 to 30% we could reduce   Problem!
      and invite the systemic                            global GHGs by 82 million metric tons each year. This means
      changes needed to address                          reducing the consumption of meat by one pound each week      Want to join our award-winning agency?  We
      an ecocentric lifestyle on a                       which translates to about three less meat meals per week.  offer several career paths with room for growth and
      local and global level? Wow,                          Clothing habits define up to 10% of global emissions.   development for those looking for opportunities
      quite a question but believe it                    That is, by buying fewer garments and repairing, re-tailoring,   in public service. Our agency consists of four
      or not it is quite simple!! IF                     reselling or donating clothing rather than throwing them away   departmental categories:
      each one of us acts in a more                      what you do here matters!                             •  Client  Care  and  Research  Center  (CCRC)  –
      thoughtful and conscious way. Here are some suggestions.     HAVE A  VOICE and ACT Meaningfully, to the   supports our clients’ inquiries via phone and email in
         For those of us who like to travel, consider doing so more   government and corporations that impact ecocentric living   our Contact Care Center.
      thoughtfully. Limiting air travel especially for shorter trips   on a local and national level.          • Service Centers – our service center team makes
      makes a difference. Taking a train or car instead of air flight                                       up 70 percent of our organization. They process in-
      is also significant.                                  Steven E. Handwerker Ph.D. D.div, RM            person transactions.
         When at home or work adjust the thermostat to a degree      Board Certified Licensed Psychologist     •  Tax  Services  (batch  processing  and  payment
      or two higher in the summer or a degree or two lower in the      50 years experience                  processing) – is made up of two departments that
      cooler times.                                                               handle services related to payments.
         Another variable in the sustainable formula is to eat less      Books and Blogs                      • Administrative Support
                                                                                                               Visit our website at for
                                                                                                            the latest open positions and you could enjoy our no
                                                                                                            nights, no weekends schedule!

           BUYER?                                  Call Joe Young         SELLER?

          THIS IS THE MARKET YOU                                          YOU NEED EXPOSURE &
          HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR!                                         AGGRESSIVE MARKETING!
         (561) 756-8508                                                 (561) 756-8508
         Hope everyone is doing okay during these challenging times. I am here to assist any way I can.
             REDUCED                                         FOR SALE                                                Open Call
                                                                                                               For Viewpointe


                                                                                                               We are looking for volunteers, whether experienced
                 6438 Via Rosa  $759,000                        7276 Via Palomar  $849,000                    or hobbyist, interested in writing an article or a column
                   3/2  2,539 total sq. ft.                         3/2  2,570 total sq. ft.                for the Viewpointe. You may be interested in writing
                                                                                                            just once, occasionally or on a regular basis. It’s a great
             CLOSED                                          REDUCED                                        way to sharpen your skills or develop your talent while
                                                                                                            enlightening your community. Some themes we would
                                                                                                            like to include in the Viewpoint are as follows:
                                                                                                               • Village Spotlight - write about your community. A
                                                                                                            different village will be featured each month.
                                                                                                               • My Story - featuring a member of the community
                                                                                                            with a unique or interesting story.
                                                                                                               • Student Life - High school students writing about
                                                                                                            school or a topic that interests them. Student writers will
                                                                                                            be eligible to earn community service hours.
                                                                                                               •  Global  Cuisine  or  Gourmet  Recipes  -  share  a
                                                                                                            special, gourmet recipe or a recipe from our international

                  6539 Via Rosa  $699,000                      7563 Imperial Drive $675,000                 community.
                                                                                                               • Share an idea you may have for a new column or

                    3/2  3,094 total sq ft                            Sq. ft. A/C 2,500                     article.
                                                                                                               A Meet & Greet event with refreshments will be
            For all your real estate needs call or visit our web page           Define Your Life in a Non-Mandatory Country Club  scheduled for current and new writers. Show your interest
                                                                                 Define Your Membership - Social, Golf, Tennis
                                                                                  Define Your Time from 3 months to a year
                                                    the Club at Boca Pointe  in joining the writing team by contacting Lisa Cammaleri
                                                                                                            at 
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