Page 23 - Boca ViewPointe - September '23
P. 23

September 2023                                                   Viewpointe, Page 23

         Residents Are Registered on                                                                              Transponder

 Are You?                                                                                  Trouble?

                                                                                                                TRANSPONDER FEES
            If  you  have  never  registered  on  the  Community   web site Residents Only page and click on the “User
         Association web site, call Access Control for our   Profile” link.
         “Community Code,” then go to      Once you are a registered user, to log onto the web      The transponders that you use to gain entry through
         Click on the “Not registered yet?” link right under the   site, you simply go to and you will   the gates work off of batteries. The batteries are built
         log in box.                                     find the User name and Password boxes in the top right   into the device and cannot be replaced. At the end of
            If you think you are registered, but just can’t   hand corner. Fill in your information, then click on the   their life, the entire device must be replaced. Most
         remember your User Name and Password, click on the   small blue forward arrow. The log in is “case sensitive.”  of our devices have been in use for over five years
         “Forgot your password?” link and it will be mailed to      If you are a smartphone user, we now have a mobile   now and are beginning to fail. If your device is no
         the email address you used when you registered.  version of the web site for your use that even includes   longer working properly, it may be time for you to
            Want to update your email address or add your   a Comment Form. Let us know what you think and   purchase a new one. Replacement devices are sold
         mobile number to receive text messages? Go to the   give us your suggestions for improvements.    at the discounted price of $50. Please call for an
                                                                                                            appointment (561) 395-7551. Driver’s license and
                                                                                                            vehicle registration required. 

                                                                                                                        $75.00 - New transponder
                                                                                                                     $50.00 - Replacement transponder
                                                                                                                     $5.00 - Transponder plastic holder
                                                                                                              Effective October 1, 2023, the cost of purchasing
                                                                                                              a new transponder device will be $100.00, and a
                                                                                                              replacement transponder device will be $75.00.
                                                                                                              **Homeowners, tenants and club members will be
                                                                                                             issued a transponder to the village they reside in and
                                                                                                               into the Boca Pointe Club if they are a member**

                                                                                                               ACCEPTABLE FORMS OF PAYMENT
                                                                                                                 CHECK or MONEY ORDER ONLY
                                                                                                                    NO REFUNDS ARE ISSUED

                                                                                                             Golf Carts

                                                                                                             Please Drive

          Embark on an exceptional wellness voyage at Hunyuan  this therapy facilitates relaxation, melts away stress, and    Meet Dr. Yaron Seidman, a revered 35-year senior holistic
        Life - The Art of Healing, nestled in the heart of Boca Raton.  promotes an overall sense of tranquility.  doctor, esteemed acupuncture physician, and prolific wellness
        Our visionary holistic expert, Dr. Yaron Seidman, has crafted a    Indulge in transformative facials by Juliana Moreno,  author. His expertise has garnered international acclaim,
        sanctuary that brings extraordinary services to your fingertips,  encompassing cleansing, exfoliation, steam, specialized masks,  making him a sought-after speaker in holistic health.
        redefining the wellness experience.              LED therapy, massages, and more. Prices start from $130. Your    Yaacov Heller, the artistic visionary of Gallery 22 at Royal
          Step into the enchanting waiting room adorned with the  path to rejuvenated skin begins here.   Palm Place, has crafted significant works for dignitaries,
        masterpiece “Waterfalls” by acclaimed artist Yaacov Heller.    It is no wonder that in the first month of operation we  celebrities, and leaders worldwide. Explore his remarkable
        Here, healing expertise intertwines with artistic grandeur,  garnered 59 Google reviews, boasting an impeccable average  talent at
        promising a unique journey of restoration and rejuvenation.  of 5 stars. Experience the epitome of holistic well-being at    Ready for transformative well-being? Visit us at 21301
          Immerse yourself in a world-class massage by Austin Vivolo,  Hunyuan Life, where each therapy is a gateway to a renewed  Powerline Rd, Suite 206, Boca Raton, FL 33433. Reserve your
        igniting your day with renewed vitality. Starting at just $40,  sense of harmony and vitality.    journey at or call 561-400-6743.
        this massage offers not only relaxation but also invigorating    But that’s not all – a visit to Gallery 22 at Royal Palm Place,    Join the revolution of holistic healing at Hunyuan Life,
        energy that resonates throughout your day.       mentioning “Hunyuan Life,” rewards you with a stunning Ten  where art, science, and wellness unite for an unparalleled
          Experience the profound energy harmony of acupuncture  Commandment Pin designed by Yaacov Heller, adding a touch  renewal. Embrace the art of healing and unlock your best
        sessions led by the renowned Dr. Yaron Seidman, starting at  of splendor to your journey.         self today!
        $95. Rooted in ancient tradition, these sessions stimulate
        your body’s natural healing mechanisms, promoting holistic
        balance and overall wellness.
          Soothe yourself in the gentle embrace of our zero-emission
        infrared sauna, starting at $60. This experience goes beyond
        relaxation, deeply penetrating muscles and joints to relieve
        tension and encourage detoxification.
          Uncover the transformative effects of Halo salt therapy
        with SaltPerfect technology, beginning at $55. Beyond the
        refreshing ambiance, this therapy enhances lung function,
        rejuvenates  skin  health,  and  promotes  a  revitalized
        respiratory system.
          Dive into relaxation on our vibroacoustic therapy full-body
        sound lounge, starting at $65. Beyond relaxation, this therapy
        supports memory enhancement, concentration, and an
        overall sense of calm, allowing you to unwind and rejuvenate
        your mental faculties.
          Discover the intelligent V6 massage bed, tailored to
        provide precise relief to your back and spine, starting at $40.
        Experience not only relaxation but also a targeted release of
        tension, allowing for optimal spinal alignment.
          Recharge cellular energy and hasten recovery with
        PEMF magnetic field therapy, starting at $40. Known for its
        revitalizing effects, this therapy promotes the restoration of
        cellular function, boosting overall vitality and well-being.
          Elevate your vitality and address various ailments with
        ancient herbal therapy by Dr. Seidman, starting at $125.
        Drawing from centuries of wisdom, this therapy offers
        personalized support for your unique health journey.
          Immerse yourself in the deep relaxation of oriental hot
        stone therapy, starting at $40. Beyond its warming embrace,
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