Page 24 - Boca ViewPointe - September '23
P. 24

Page 24, Viewpointe                                                September 2023
       Tax Talk

      Dear Friends:                                      Agency Wins Communications                        Community Engagement
         Your home is one of your                                                                          Ambassador and Chandler
      biggest investments and to help                    Awards!                                           Randall, Communication
      you protect that investment, I                                                                       Specialist, attended the Gold
      recommend that you sign                               I am proud that our Communications             Coast PR Council’s Bernay’s
      up for Property Fraud Alert.                       & New Media Group (CNMG) has been                 Award Luncheon. There, Amy
      What is Property Fraud Alert?                      recognized for outstanding work in                and Chandler accepted the
      It is a free service offered                       communications for our office. First, in          award for  Best Marketing
      by the Palm Beach County                           early July, the team was honored to               Material for our re-designed
      Clerk of the Circuit Court &                       receive a national Communication                  2022 Tax Planner and Services
      Comptroller that will protect                      Concepts  Apex  Awards  for                       Guide. It is an extreme honor to receive this local award and to
      your property from fraud by                        Publication Excellence Award for the work that was done   be recognized for producing the “best”!
      monitoring the documents that are recorded in the Official   to deliver our revamped employee roundtable program,      CNMG is committed to continue to produce innovative
      Records of the Clerk. It is free to register, and it only takes a   TCTalk. This Award of Excellence recognizes outstanding   communication campaigns and publications and is honored to be
      few minutes to complete. To sign up, visit the Clerk’s website   accomplishment in employee engagement programs, and   recognized both nationally and locally for the innovative work to
      at  we are very proud to have been selected in recognition of   educate the public and celebrate our employees. Congratulations!
         Once you sign up, you will receive an alert either by email   the TCTalk program!
      or phone, when there is activity associated with your property.      Then on July 18, CNMG team members, Amy Ebersbach,   Tax Talk on page 25
      This could save valuable time to stop criminals in their tracks
      if the activity is not initiated by you. I’ve signed up and I have
      peace of mind knowing that I will be alerted should there be   Are You Freaking Out About Your
      fraudulent activity associated with my property. You should too!
                                        Anne M. Gannon,
                                Constitutional Tax Collector,   Elderly Parents Or Loved Ones?
                                Serving Palm Beach County

      Anne Gannon Honored                                                               I have solutions and answers to all your questions (even

                                                                                        the ones you don't know to ask)
         At this year’s National
      Association of County
      Collectors, Treasurers                                                            You don't have to face these obstacles alone...... I have
      and Finance Officers                                                              been helping families for 15 years and I have also been a
      (NACCTFO) conference                                                              caregiver for my parents.
      I was honored to receive
      the “Outstanding County                                                                      As a Certified Senior Advisor (CSA) ,
      Collector, Treasurer  and
      Finance  Officer Award.”                                                          I have comprehensive experience in a wide range of issues
      This national organization                                                                        plaguing seniors such as their
      presents the distinguished                                                          HEALTH, FINANCIAL CONCERNS, SOCIAL ISSUES, LONG
      annual  award  to  a  person                                                         TERM CARE, REAL ESTATE, SENIOR HOUSING, GOV'T
      who “…serves as a leader                                                                     BENEFITS, & LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS.
      in their home state and as a professional of the highest
      caliber in the operation of their own county office.”   Paul Solomon, PA, GRI, SRES, CSA
         In a letter of recommendation, Congresswoman Lois J.
      Frankel said, “Anne M. Gannon has transformed her agency                 COMPLIMENTARY
      with modern technology and common sense. She has taken                      30 minute
      the frustration out of things like renewing driver’s licenses              consultation
      and paying taxes. Anne is truly an innovator and leader.”
         Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections Wendy
      Sartory Link said in her nomination letter, “As a fellow
      constitutional officer in Palm Beach County, I know
      first-hand the impact Anne has made since she first took
      office as Tax Collector in 2006. The precision she exhibits   954-540-6609
      in collecting more than $4 billion in tax dollars and
      ultimately returning those dollars to the taxing authorities
      is extremely admirable and valuable to the residents of
      Palm Beach County.”
         I am honored to be recognized by the NACCTFO as          Everyone deserves a doctor who they
      2023’s Outstanding County Collector and to be recognized
      for the agency’s commitment to delivering exceptional            trust and like. One who listens and
      service to the residents of Palm Beach County. This
      recognition would not have been possible without our           takes their time to answer questions
      dedicated team of 320 employees whose mission is to
      provide unparalleled service that inspires trust.            and address concerns. A doctor who is

          On behalf of The Club at Boca Pointe we would              available when you need them most.
        like to remind our residents that NO walking,
        running, bicycle  riding  or  dog
        walking is permitted on the golf                   I provide proactive, preventive, wellness & sick care to
        course or golf cart paths. For
        safety reasons, the paths are for                  adult patients at my concierge medical practice.
        golf carts only.

           Thank you for cooperating                       To discuss your health needs, and my care model, you
        with The Club's policy.                           are invited to a complimentary meet and greet with
                                                           me - by video, phone or, when the pandemic permits,

                    Attention                              in-person at my practice.

                 Boca Pointe                               Please call 561.368.0191 to schedule your meet and
                                                           greet with me. I look forward to meeting you.
                   Residents!                                                                                         Steven E. Reznick, MD, FACP

                Flatten All Your Boxes!                                  Recognized as a “Best Doc”.  Practicing in our community since 1979.
               Our recycling trucks do not pick up your
          cardboard boxes if they are not flattened. Instead,        7280 W. Palmetto Park Road | Suite 205N | Boca Raton | 33433
        they go to trash and are burned with regular refuse....
            lost revenue for residents of Boca Pointe.                        
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