Page 25 - Boca ViewPointe - August '23
P. 25

August 2023                                                    Viewpointe, Page 25
       Healthy Answers – A Guide To Healthy Living:

       ʽHow Well Are You Living?’

      By Dale Brown, B.S.,                                  People sometimes blame genetics on longevity, but   as older adults may experience changes in life, such
      M.A.,  C.E.C.  Dale  is  a                         that’s only partially true. Less than 20 percent of how long   as retirement, that can lead to feelings of isolation and
      motivational speaker who                           the average person lives is based on heredity. So if your   loneliness.
      has spent many years as a                          ancestors lived to be 100, don’t assume you will too. The      Having a sense of purpose is worth up to seven years
      Certified Life Coach and has                       fact is that the other 80 percent of your life span is actually   of extra life expectancy. It contributes to a feeling of
      written numerous articles                          up to you. We all have the ability to make lifestyle changes   well-being and adds to a positive outlook on life. Friends
      and e-books relating to                            that will affect not just how long we live, but how well.  can provide a sense of purpose and meaning in life. They
      self-improvement and ways                             The aging process brings with it physical and mental   offer support, encouragement and motivation to pursue
      to build a high-performance                        changes that are relatively inevitable. However, if you   new hobbies and interests, or to take on new challenges.
      team. She is the author of                         make  changes  to  your  habits  it  can  have  a  significant      Make family and friends a priority. With a limited
      the  book,  “Small  Steps...                       impact on your life span and quality of life. There are   amount of time and energy, it becomes increasingly
      Big Changes: The Personal                          many living examples of individuals in other parts of the   important to focus on what truly matters. This may mean
      Stories of a Life Coach.” Her education and years of   world who refuse to give in to growing old as an excuse   spending time with loved ones, pursuing meaningful
      experience in physical fitness and training of elite athletes   to becoming lethargic and unfit. What’s their secret?  activities or prioritizing self-care. This goes hand in hand
      has enabled her to sharpen her knowledge in many health-     How are you doing? What’s your lifestyle look like?   with being in a committed relationship, showing love and
      related areas. The following introduces a new approach   Here are the major healthy habits that have been found to   attention to your children and grandchildren and keeping
      to Brown’s series of columns devoted to many topics that   be key to increasing longevity.           your aging loved ones near to you.
      deal with the mind/body connection and the importance      “Stop eating when your stomach is 80 percent full.”      When  setting  priorities,  reflect  on  what  brings  you
      of living a healthy lifestyle. Dale, a Bocaire resident, can   Eating a balanced diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables,   joy and a sense of fulfillment. Try to make intentional
      be reached at         whole grains and lean proteins can reduce your risk of   choices that align with those values. Let go of certain
                                                         such chronic diseases as heart disease, diabetes and cancer.   obligations or commitments that are no longer fulfilling
         It seems every time I turn on the TV there is some   Limit meat to once weekly and only a small portion no   or necessary and exchange them for new experiences that
      commercial on drugs. Each one is for something different:   larger than your fist. Snacking on nuts, about a handful a   bring meaning and purpose to your life.
      eczema, asthma, cardio vascular disease – the list goes on.   day, can add an extra two to three years of life expectancy.     The secret of longevity is no mystery; the choice is up
      The ending is always the same. Ask your health provider about      Regular exercise can improve cardiovascular health,   to you. It’s never too late to start. Major improvements in
      (drug name), and let’s not forget the side effects. That alone is   boost immunity, and improve mental health. No matter   health can be restored by changing a few things you do
      enough to keep you from taking the medicine in the first place!   how little or how much you use your body, just keep   every day. 
         Did you know that the United States has a lower life   moving every day. Walk, take the stairs, and use your
      expectancy compared to many other developed countries?   arms and legs, get up off your chair, just move!
      The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the      Managing stress through practices such as meditation,   Stamp and Coin Club
      average life expectancy in the United States is 76.1 years,   yoga, or mindfulness can reduce the risk of chronic diseases
      which is lower than Canada (81.7 years), Japan (84.6   and improve overall health. Getting enough quality sleep is      Boca Raton Stamp & Coin Club asks you to start
      years), and Australia (83.3 years). The United States also   also important for maintaining optimal health and reducing   a new hobby.
                                                                                                                Visit with us at the Stratford Courts Auditorium
      has higher rates of such chronic diseases as diabetes, heart   the risk of chronic diseases. Find ways to calm your nerves,     located at 6343 Via Sonrisa del Sur, off S.W. 18th
      disease and obesity.                               leave the workday behind you, put your cell phone down,   Street, between Powerline Road and Military Trail.
         These startling statistics beg the question, why? What   turn your computer off and enjoy some quiet time.      We meet the second and fourth Thursday each
      are we Americans doing wrong? Millions of dollars are      Friendships are even more important as we age, for   month at 7 p.m. Please call membership coordinator
      thrown away trying to find medicines to solve all of our   several reasons. First, social connections have been   Harvey Golinger at (561) 752-4922. 
      health problems, rather than finding ways to prevent   linked to better mental health, including reduced rates
      illness in the first place.                        of depression and anxiety. This is particularly important

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