Page 30 - Boca ViewPointe - August '23
P. 30

Page 30, Viewpointe                                                  August 2023
       Tax Talk

      By Anne Gannon                                      Current Florida Sales Tax Holidays
      Dear Friends:
         With the arrival of                              Back to School (most school supplies $50 and less, plus more!)
      August, we find ourselves,                      July 24 to Aug. 6
      once again, gearing up
      for property tax season. It                         Freedom Summer (recreation and outdoor items)
      all starts this month when                      Now to Sept. 4
      the Palm Beach County
      Property Appraiser  sends                           Gas Ranges and Cooktops
      out a  TRIM (Truth-In-                             Now to June 30, 2024
      Millage) Notice to all                              Home Hardening (impact resistant doors, windows, and garage doors)
      property  owners. This
      notice contains the property’s value as of Jan. 1, the  Now to June 30, 2024
      millage rates proposed by each local government entity,   Energy Star  (Energy Star  appliances)
      and finally, it contains an estimate of the proposed property
      taxes.  The  TRIM Notice also contains information   Now to June 30, 2024
      about local governments’ budget hearings, providing
      each property owner with the opportunity to attend and   For more information on all sales tax holidays, visit
      comment on the proposed millage rates. Then, by Nov. 1,
      my office will send out more than 600,000 2023 tax bills      • Tourist  Development Tax  collections  were  more   such as bake sales and donation drives throughout the
      to each property owner that must be paid by March 31.   than $77,800,000 with April being the highest collection   year. Our office remains dedicated to lending a helping
      You can visit the Property Appraiser’s website at www.  month?                                       hand in the community and providing exceptional for more information about the TRIM      • Palm Beach County Tax Collector employees donated   customer service for our clients.
      Notice and the Value Adjustment Board appeals process.  $17,594 to our two charity partners, Living Hungry and      For more information on our community involvement, visit
         So, watch your mail this month for your TRIM Notice   Making Every Day Count. Employees also raised more 
      from the Property Appraiser and then in early November,   than $2,400 to our Tax Collector colleagues in both Lee
      watch your mail for your tax bill sent by my office and   and Charlotte Counties, who were impacted by Hurricane
      remember to pay early and save!                    Ian in September 2022?
                                       Anne M. Gannon,      For  more  information  about  our  office,  visit  www.
                             Constitutional Tax Collector,
                              Serving Palm Beach County
                                                         Out And About
      Florida Sales Tax Holiday                             As an elected official and longtime resident of Palm

      Savings!                                           Beach County, it is my honor and a privilege to serve
                                                         this community. My community engagement team and
         Going on now are several sales tax exemption holidays   I are always available should you ever need anything
      on several consumer items from washing machines and   from our office. We take great pride in being active in
      clothes dryers to tickets for live events and everything in   the community and so far, this year, we have participated
      between! During the sales tax holiday window, sales tax   in more than 45 community events, ranging from the
      is removed from the purchase of qualifying items. For   Palm Beach Pride Festival to the Jupiter Jubilee, Black
      example, during the home hardening sales tax holiday   Gold Jubilee, and many more. Our goal is to work
      impact resistant doors, garage doors and windows can be   collaboratively within our communities to achieve
      purchased without the addition of sales tax on the final   longstanding and sustainable outcomes and implement
      purchase price, but only during the specified dates (July   processes to increase the efficiency of each transaction
      1, 2023 to June 30, 2024). The same concept applies to   for our clients.
      all other sales tax holidays. Make sure to read about each      Our dedication to driving positive change in the
      tax holiday, some exclusions and parameters may apply.   community extends well beyond our core services.
                                                         Every two years, our employees select two nonprofit
      Report To Citizens                                 organizations to support through our Community
                                                         Involvement Program. Every dollar raised and/or item
         As we are near the end                          donated comes directly from our employees. This year’s
      of another property tax                            charities are Living Hungry and Take Stock In Children
      cycle, I’d like to share                           Serving Palm Beach County. In addition to supporting
      some interesting facts with                        those initiatives, we also conduct fundraising activities
      you about our office. Did
      you know in 2021/22:                                DANGERS OF TRYING TO BE YOUR
         •  Over  $4.4  billion
      was distributed to local
      taxing authorities with the                         OWN LAWYER
      School District of Palm
      Beach County receiving                              By Martin Zevin, Attorney                        asking for trouble.
      the largest amount, more                              You have probably heard                          In October of 2011, the Florida Legislature passed a new
      than $1.5 billion?                                  the saying: “The lawyer who                      law regarding the Durable Power of Attorney. This law makes
         • Our Client Care and Research Center answers more   represents himself has a fool                the document much more complicated and detailed than it
      than 230,000 telephone calls a year and responds to more   for a client.” If that is true, what      used to be. I worked with other law firms for many months to
      than 32,000 email inquiries. The No. 1 inquiries are   about a non-lawyer who tries to               create a proper document to conform to the complex new law.
      driver’s license (calls) and property tax (email)?  represent himself?                               It is highly unlikely that such a document (our current format
         • Our website has more than 1.9 million visits yearly?    In this age of the internet,            is approximately 26 pages) is available on the internet.
                                                          I see many people attempting
                                                                                                             Likewise, there is specific language regarding the Federal
         • Our six service centers saw more than 719,000 clients.   to prepare their own legal             HIPAA Act which must be included in all Florida Designation
      The Central Palm Beach Service Center in Greenacres   documents. Typically,  this                    of Health Care Surrogates to make them “HIPAA compliant.”
      had the most visits with more than 198,000. The No. 1   involves accessing some do-it-yourself legal website which  The correct language is not likely to exist on the generic Health
      transaction was motor vehicle, more than 395,000?   provides generic forms. These forms include the Durable  Care Surrogate forms.
                                                          Power of Attorney, Designation of Health Care Surrogate,    Regarding Revocable Living Trusts, attempts to create
                                                          Living Will, Quit Claim Deed, Revocable Living Trust and  this document and then transfer property frequently results
                                                          Last Will and Testament.                         in a total mess which requires that a lawyer revoke all of the
                                                            In over forty years of experience as a Florida attorney, I have  previous documents and start from scratch.
                                                          seen very few non-lawyers successfully create and properly    There are individuals and companies that advertise
                                                          execute any of the above legal documents. Documents are  themselves as paralegals and claim they are not providing legal
                                                          created and/or executed improperly, resulting in a legal can  advice but only forms. In my opinion, it is virtually impossible
                                                          of worms.                                        to provide a legal form without providing legal advice.
                                                            Deeds are a common example of where an attempt to save    The bottom line is: there is no guarantee that hiring a
                                                          a few dollars in attorney’s fees results in what can often end up  lawyer will mean a good result. However, you certainly
                                                          being major title defects. Properties are improperly transferred,  stand a much better chance than doing it on your own.
                                                          thereby creating a defect in the title which needs to be corrected    Please feel free to call me for a free phone consultation
                                                          either while someone is alive or during a probate process  regarding any issues pertaining to Wills, Trusts and Estates.
                                                          after death. The defects can involve improper dates, names,  I am also available for a free consultation regarding any
                                                          lack of proper witnessing and/or notarizing, incorrect legal  issue pertaining to personal injury claims or car insurance
                                                          descriptions, etc. Lawyers make mistakes, too, particularly  coverage. Call me at (954) 569-4878. My address is 3275
                                                          those who are not experienced in real estate.    W. Hillsboro Blvd., Suite 204, Deerfield Beach, Florida
                                                            Each of our fifty states has its own unique set of laws.  33442. My website is and my
                                                          Therefore, attempting to use a generic form for Florida is  e-mail address is

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