Page 27 - Boca ViewPointe - August '23
P. 27

August 2023                                                    Viewpointe, Page 27
      Film Review: Blackberry

      By Nils A. Shapiro                                 however, when Doug reminds them that it’s “Movie Day,”   Operating Officer
                                                         a time when everyone relaxes for a few hours to watch a   is hired to change
         Now  is  the right time                         film during office hours.                         the office’s working
      for this film to have been                            It soon becomes clear that, while Mike Lazaridis is a   atmosphere from
      made, when we who                                  true technical genius and Doug Fregin is a fiercely loyal   such fun as “Movie
      have lived through the                             friend and instrumental in keeping the employees happy and   Day” to strictly
      events it describes and                            productive, what the Research in Motion company lacks is   business. Then,  in
      felt its impact can finally                        business executive know-how and leadership.       the midst of one
      know and understand the                               That comes, unexpectedly and surprisingly soon, in   crisis after another,
      background story behind                            the form of a phone call from Jim Balsillie, who had   t he  Se c uri t i e s
      how and why it happened –                          rudely dismissed them from his office without apparently   &  E xc ha n ge
      the incredible success and                         giving them an opportunity to fully present their proposal.   Commission shows
      sudden death of the technical device that changed our   After first apologizing for that, Balsillie offers his own   up as part of an
      lives: the first cell phone, the Blackberry, which many   proposal: He will make a financial investment in Research   investigation into
      who owned and used it wish it was still around as having   in Motion, own 50 percent of the company, take over as   certain aspects
      been highly reliable and excellent for its purpose.  CEO and provide the business knowledge and leadership   of Research in
         This Canadian production, released several months   needed to make PocketLink an enormous success.  Motion’s early
      ago and streaming now on Amazon Prime Video, makes      After some telephone negotiation, with the ownership   financial activities
      it abundantly clear without stating so outright that such   settled at one-third instead of 50 percent and both Jim   involving Jim Balsillie.
      a promising technical project was doomed from the start   Balsillie and Mike Lazaridis as co-CEOs, the deal is      Scene after scene, with twists and turns following one after
      because it brought together at the top of a company three   agreed upon. (Balsillie tells them that he is quitting his   another, we begin to wonder what more can possibly challenge
      men who did not belong together and who proved to be   executive job in order to join them. Only years later does   this creative and resilient history-making tech company.
      an explosive combination.                          he admit that he had been fired because of his selfish,      And then … we view a TV screen of Steve Jobs
         The film’s opening scene is brilliant in that it   stab-in-the-back action against a business associate at the   announcing the introduction of the iPhone, with a flat
      introduces us to the personal characters of all three of   earlier meeting and was now jobless.)     screen keyboard and a list of features from Apple. When
      these men. Mike Lazaridis (played by Jan Baruchel) is      Regardless of the reason for the new corporate setup,   Verizon asks tech head Mike Lazaridis how he intends
      the  technical  genius  and  CEO  of  Research  in  Motion   Balsillie’s business know-how proves to be the missing   to overcome this new competition, he is faced with a
      (RIM), a start-up company that has developed a prototype   ingredient for the success of Lazaridis’s new mobile   question that doubts the superiority of his own original
      mobile device they call the PocketLink. He and his best   device, now rebranded as the Blackberry.   keyboard concept.
      friend and co-founder, Doug Fregin (Matt Johnson,      His contractual arrangement with Bell Atlantic as the      How he answers that question; the eventual fate of the
      who also directed the film), have come to present their   phone time provider – which becomes Verizon – helps   Blackberry; the ensuing behind-the-scenes  drama that
      new invention to Jim Balsillie (Glenn Horverton) a top   the Blackberry to become enormously popular, and the   unfolded around us all and changed our lives during that
      executive at a major firm in hopes of securing funding   company successful and profitable.          impactful time, are yours to discover when you watch the
      to begin manufacturing.                               In 2003, after the wealthy CEO of a competitor, Palm,   entire film on Amazon Prime TV. Highly recommended.
         We quickly sense that Balsillie is largely ignoring his   threatens a hostile takeover of their company, Balsillie     *****
      guests, anxious instead to return to the important meeting from   pulls  out  all  the  stops  and  on  his  own  pushes  a  sales      Note: This is not the first time that I watched a film I
      which he had excused himself to meet with them, planning   effort of so many Blackberry phones that it overwhelms   considered serious, even sad, only to learn that it was being
      to rejoin it with the intention of making a move to selfishly   Verizon’s capacity to handle the communications traffic.   touted as, at least in part, a comedy! A film I reviewed some
      advance his own self-interest over that of one of his associates.   He responds by pouring millions of dollars into the   months ago, The Menu, was very dark, yet was entered in
         Although somewhat intrigued by the PocketLink   pockets of the nation’s most expert telecommunications   the comedy category by its studio for an Academy Award!
      concept, Balsillie cuts this meeting short and dismisses   engineers to solve the problem.           Now it turns out that Blackberry has been named as “one
      his guests, who return disappointed to their office with      Along the way, in 2007, he fires Doug – one of   of the best comedy-dramas ever to come out of Canada.”
      the bad news to their employees. The atmosphere lightens,   the original partners – who resents when a new Chief   To me, it is closer to tragedy than comedy. 


                                                                                 Shayna Franco

                                                                                 YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD REALTOR                 ®

                                                                                 Shayna is a luxury real estate professional who grew up in Boca Raton,
                                                                                 Florida, which has allowed her to gain a profound understanding of the
                                                                                 local  market.  She  holds  a  degree  in  hospitality  management  and  her
                                                                                 experience working in luxury hotels and resorts across the United States
                                                                                 has shaped her skills to a unique hospitality-meets-real estate approach.
                                                                                 Shayna strives to provide her clients with Five-Star Luxury Service - No
                                                                                 Reservations Required.

                                                                                 Her unwavering commitment to excellence ensures that every client feels
                                                                                 like a VIP. Whether you’re buying your  rst home or looking to sell your
                                                                                 current property, Shayna is dedicated to helping you achieve your real
                                                                                 estate goals. She takes great pride in guiding her clients through every
                                                                                 step of the buying or selling process, o ering professional support and
                                                                                 guidance along the way. With Shayna by your side, you can rest assured
                                                                                 that you’re in the hands of an exceptional real estate professional.

                                                                                 Shayna Franco

                                                                                 GLOBAL REAL ESTATE ADVISOR
                                                                                                                            BOCA RATON OFFICE
                                                                                 561.445.8964                            200 E PALMETTO PARK RD
                                                                                 SFRANCO@ONESOTHEBYSREALTY.COM              BOCA RATON, FL 33432

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