Page 22 - Boca ViewPointe - August '23
P. 22

Page 22, Viewpointe                                                  August 2023
       Gabriel Fernandez, Rising Senior From Saint Andrew’s

       School, Created “Footy’s” A Community Service Project

       It is a great moment to help

       young kids discover the

       wonderful world of soccer.
       Footy’s Made it Simple…

          I’ve always wanted to help others and make a difference
       in our community, so playing soccer since I was a kid set me
       on the path to pursuing a soccer initiative as a force for good.
       I’m in my final years of high school. I was inspired by the
       opportunity of playing on the Saint Andrew’s Varsity Team
       and competitive soccer with Team Boca to bring a similar
       experience to the kids in our community, particularly those
       who do not have the resources or access to soccer camps.
          This is the purpose of Footy’s, a community service
       initiative to assist children in discovering and learning
       from  the soccer  experience  during  their  spring break
       or summer vacations through an inclusive alternative
       that opens doors and welcomes kids to practice soccer,
       facilitating the resources to overcome the obstacles
       associated with the costs of practicing the sport in a camp
       during their school’s free time.

      How Footy’s is doing it?

         I’ve teamed up with the Colo Colo Soccer Academy
      and leveraged the GoFundMe platform to raise funds for
      the program. I invited a group of parents and children
      from our neighborhood churches or community service
      organizations to register and attend the upcoming soccer
      camp. The funds are collected, made public, and used to
      achieve that goal. We started our first camp in March 2023
      for the Spring Break Camp; currently, we are executing
      the second camp for the Summer 2023; I will continue
      repeating the process for the additional Colo Colo Camps
      to serve more families and children.
      Top 4 Kids’ Benefits of Soccer


         Improves Cognitive Skills, soccer for kids is a tried-  Are You Freaking Out About Your
      and-true method for improving cognitive abilities. Soccer
      training helps players develop their body awareness, quick   Elderly Parents Or Loved Ones?
      thinking, and hand-eye coordination.
         Increases Fitness Level, soccer is a very rigorous sport
      that raises your heart rate and keeps you in excellent physical                   I have solutions and answers to all your questions (even
      condition at any age. Kids are more sedentary than ever since                     the ones you don't know to ask)
      electronic games are becoming increasingly popular.
         Children  will  learn  important  lessons  about
      cooperation and teamwork and what it means to contribute                          You don't have to face these obstacles alone...... I have
      to a common cause. Soccer teaches young people about                              been helping families for 15 years and I have also been a
      collaboration, leadership, and excellent sportsmanship.                           caregiver for my parents.
         Fosters self-esteem by scoring a goal, making a pass, or
      stopping a goal. These accomplishments will stick with them                                  As a Certified Senior Advisor (CSA) ,
      long after the game is over. 
                                                                                        I have comprehensive experience in a wide range of issues
                                                                                                        plaguing seniors such as their
        Are You Watching                                                                  HEALTH, FINANCIAL CONCERNS, SOCIAL ISSUES, LONG
                                                                                           TERM CARE, REAL ESTATE, SENIOR HOUSING, GOV'T
        Your Speed?                                       Paul Solomon, PA, GRI, SRES, CSA         BENEFITS, & LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS.

          Please obey all posted speed limit                                   COMPLIMENTARY
        signs throughout Boca Pointe for the                                      30 minute
        safety of our residents. As a reminder,                                  consultation
        the speed limits are as follows:
          Boca Pointe Drive 30mph
          Via de Sonrisa del Norte 25mph         
          Promenade Drive 20mph
          SPEEDING  FINES ARE                                  954-540-6609
        BEING ENFORCED!! 
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