Page 21 - Boca ViewPointe - August '23
P. 21

August 2023                                                    Viewpointe, Page 21

       Summer Lovin’ At The Club At Boca Pointe

         Club Members are having fun in                     Members of all ages look forward to the holidays at   SUMMER CAMP FOR ADULTS
      the sun seven days a week. Did you                 the Club! Next up is September bringing a packed Labor   Monthly Club Programming
      know that Boca Pointe homeowners                   Day Weekend of activities and the High Holy Days.      The activity calendar is
      receive an exclusive initiation fee                Did you know that Boca Pointe residents are invited to   packed with something for
      upon enrollment? If you and your                   join us for the Rosh Hashana and Kol Nidre services?   everyone. Area excursions,
      family are under the age of 55,                    Contact Margie Alphonse for details and to register:   game nights, classic movie
      we have introduced a NEW Executive Golf and Sports   561.864.8500.                                   matinees, popular speakers,
      membership! Contact the Membership Team for all the   SUMMER KIDS                                    Member mixers, pool
      details. See the contact information below.        New Monthly Programming                           parties, wine dinners, and
      WELCOME NEW EXECUTIVE CHEF MARK                       Boca Pointe kids are now enjoying a monthly Story   classes including mixology,
      HEINEMANN                                          Time event. Classic children’s literature is combined   dancing, art, and cards.
         We are pleased to                               with arts, discovery and games generated from the book.   Weekly  Golf, Tennis,
      welcome new Executive                              Great fun for children                            Pickleball, and Fitness
      Chef Mark Heinemann to our                         ages 3-10.                                           Members enjoy learning
      team! Mark has extensive                              A monthly Parent’s                             from our professionals!
      experience overseeing food                         Night Out begins in                               The Club offers classes for the novice golf, tennis, and
      and beverage operations for                        August! Children enjoy                            pickleballer to advanced clinics and lessons for those who
      companies like Samsung, Google, and Catered Too. Mark   a movie, crafts and game                     want to take the next step. If health is your goal, the Club
      has also held many roles at Starwood Hotels and Resorts,   night while parents enjoy                 offers a wide variety of complimentary classes that get and
      including Executive Chef, Director of Food and Beverage   time to themselves.                        keep you on track.
      Operations, and Project Manager overseeing the opening      Kids have fun while                      RESERVE YOUR SPOT IN THE SUN
      of eight hotels. Mark brings a unique skill set to the Club   parents enjoy their                       Contact the Membership  Team to schedule your
      at Boca Pointe that is different from that of the traditional   favorite activities at the           tour today, 561.864.8538. Roxanne Domer, rdomer@
      chef. We look forward to an excellent dining experience   Club – 7 days a week.            , Director of Membership
      for our Members.                                   Kids enjoy creative play,                         & Marketing,  Alexis Robertson, arobertson@
      SUMMER CELEBRATIONS                                arts and crafts, and games              , Membership Director
         Independence Day celebrations began with a bang at the   during this time.                           Friends become family here at the Club at Boca Pointe!
      Rockin’ in the USA Party and continued through the weekend   Kid’s Parties                           Visit our new website for more Club details and information,
      with Star Spangled mixers in golf, tennis, and pickleball.      Need a fun and fuss-free space for your next kids’ Follow the fun through Boca Pointe social
      Members ended the weekend celebration at the pool with a   event? Contact to get   media:
      giant slide, dunk tank, pool games, and BBQ.       details and book your next party.        
      Clowns On Call

      By Harriet Rubin,                                  trainer here in Boca. I had
      aka Florabelle the Clown                           large classes, sometimes as
                                                         many as 40.  There was a
         Summer is flying by and                         charge for the training, as the
      by the time you read this issue                    organization was a non-profit
      the kids will be back in school.                   training group out of the mid
      I skipped the June newsletter                      west and there were many
      as I was very disappointed                         groups around the country. It
      with  the  zero  response  to                      lasted about 7 years and then,
      my June article offering free                      like so many other activities,
      Junior clown training. All                         it dwindled although there
      of us in “Clowns on Call” are forced to accept the lack   is still a fairly large active
      of interest in learning clowning. When one has devoted   group in Bergen Co., N.J.
      28 years to a special kind of hobby or activity, which has   I also taught volunteer
      resulted in thousands of hours of involvement, it is really   clowning at Boca High at
      hard to acknowledge; however, a shortage of young clowns   their night school. I did
      is a national problem.                             this for 4 years and trained
         About 18 years ago, when I was a snowbird, returning   at least 50 clowns who of
      to N.J. or PA for the summer months, I took a course in   course were adults. Many of  Milagros Center
      Mitzvah Clown Training. Since I was already a trained   them used their training to
      clown, the classes were very basic. The costumes provided   become working clowns, but several stayed as volunteers.   Call” is down to 5 all year round clowns and 2 snowbirds.
      for the students were just mismatched items, the wigs and   It was a wonderful experience for me and I loved keeping in   This past week Cutie Pie, J.J., Twinkle Toes. Juggles and
      makeup very basic, but the group of at least 25, ranging in   touch with many of my students. Coming up to the present,   Florabelle performed at the Milagro Center for 35 delightful
      age from 12- 70 were enthusiastic, happy, and dedicated   I have had to accept the fact, that in spite of all our efforts,   kids. We have been doing our “Wiggles and Giggles” show
      to learning how to be a clown on a volunteer basis. It   especially mine, to interest both teenagers and seniors to   there for 7 years. We started out with 12 clowns, sharing all
      was especially impressive to me, coming from my clown   try clowning, it’s just not going to happen. Our “Clowns on   the parts and looking like a real performing troupe. Well,
      background and for several years I was a Mitzvah clown                                               we did our best! The kids still laughed and cheered, but it
                                                                                                           wasn’t the same for us. We all miss the wonderful clowns
                                                                                                           who have unfortunately passed away, as well as the few
                                                                                                           who retired from the group. Life goes on, and hopefully
                                                                                                           we will as well. I have now turned into a “sad” clown, but
                                                                                                           my spirit will soar again, as soon as I see those beautiful
                                                                                                           smiling faces in front of me, and I realize I am responsible
                                                                                                           for that smile!
                                                                                                              Gigs are picking up, especially since International Clown
                                                                                                           Week is August 1-8. Our schedule includes performances at:
                                                                                                           The Hab Center in Boca and The Fuller pre-kindergarten
                                                                                                           classes at both East and West campuses. We will also do two
                                                                                                           Red Nose Readers Classes for 70 kids at the Boca YMCA.
                                                                                                           We may also perform at the Club for their great Day Camp. I
                                                                                                           hope some of our pre-covid fund-raising walks are scheduled
                                                                                                           this season as we miss this kind of activity.
      Juggles performing Tight Rope Walker               J.J. and Twinkle Toes in “Please Don’t Pick The Flowers”      Don’t forget to wave if you see us on campus! 
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