Page 6 - The Jewish Voice - March '23
P. 6

Page 6, The Jewish Voice

      Local Happenings from page 5

         Co-chairs of the No Excuse for Abuse Evening were   region. Unable to see more than a foot before them, the PLO
      Cindy and Dr. Allan Schlossberg, Wendy and Geoff Stahl,   were stuck on their rooftops and unable to harm the Jewish
      and Dr. Paula Newmark and Joel Yudenfreund. Jennifer   soldiers.
      and Gary Lesser were recognized during the event with the      Mordechai told the Men’s Club that “3,300 years ago
      inaugural Alpert JFS Luminary Award in recognition of their   G-d miraculously protected the Jewish nation in the Torah
      philanthropy, leadership, and dedication to Alpert JFS.  portion this week. If you would have been there with us in
         “We  are  thankful  to  Mariel  for  her  willingness  to   Ramallah, you too would have undoubtedly declared that this
      share her personal story so that others could both learn   was nothing short of a modern-day miracle!”
      and benefit,” said Marc Hopin, CEO of Alpert JFS. “Year
      after year, this event and the guests we feature continue   It Takes a Village
      to both educate and inspire all those who participate.
      We are thankful for the continued support of Alpert JFS’      This year, Temple Judea has reinvigorated its focus on
      essential services, including our Domestic Abuse program,   volunteering in the local community. They have made an
      Addiction Outreach and Support Program, Suicide   effort to lend a helping hand to many local organizations,
      Awareness Groups, and more that provide professional   while proudly wearing coordinated “Team Tikkun Olam”
      counseling for those in need.”                    t-shirts. A group of 15 volunteers recently went to Feeding
                         Photo Credit: Arrow Photography

      Men’s Club BBQ Farbrengen

      with IDF Brigadier General

         Chabad Men’s Club
      recently welcomed IDF
      Brigadier General Mordechai
      Kahane, who  has  fought  in
      every war in Israel since 1989.
      Though much of his activities
      in the IDF are top secret, he
      shared a beautiful story of
      the Golani Brigade — one                                                                            Local Happenings on page 7
      of the IDF’s elite units — of
      which he was commander. In
      2002 during Israel’s Operation                      Experience Dentistry with a Woman’s Touch
      Defensive Shield, Mordechai
      was instructed to lead the Golani Brigade into Ramallah to
      take control of Yasser Arafat in his compound. Though this
      was an incredibly dangerous mission, very few shots were          Cosmetic & Comprehensive Restorative Dentistry
      fired and they quickly fulfilled their mission.
         In the debriefing, he was informed that the lack of conflict         State of the Art & Same Day Restorations
      was because the PLO had prepared an ambush for the Golani
      Brigade en route to their destination but, in an amazing turn          Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Sedation Available
      of events, an unexpected fog had suddenly descended on the
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              Happy Spring!                                        
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