Page 8 - The Jewish Voice - March '23
P. 8

Page 8, The Jewish Voice                                   BW

      Local Happenings from page 7
      AmeriCorps Members                                JLI Wine & Cheese Reception

      Needed to Support Older                              A recent seminar

      Adults Living at Home                             t i t l e d  B o o k Sm a r t
                                                        provided a quick-moving
         MorseLife Health System and AmeriCorps, the federal   y e t  c om pre he n si ve
      agency for national service and volunteerism, have   understanding of the Torah
      teamed up to recruit and train year-round Palm Beach   and what it includes.
      County residents 55 years and older to provide support for   Through six sessions, the
      homebound older adults.                           course discovered the most
         The organizations are now actively recruiting new   important titles in Jewish
      AmeriCorps members who can offer companionship,   history and placed them in
      provide transportation to and from doctors’ appointments,   the proper context. In the
      assist with shopping and errands, and help with light   first lesson, participants
      cooking. Qualifying members will receive a living   experienced an executive
      allowance and may be eligible for a $1,700 education award   summary of the Torah that
      for each year of service.                         allowed students to feel a
         “MorseLife offers a full continuum of senior health   deeper rapport and familiarity with the Torah.
      services and is a lifeline to seniors in need throughout Palm      One participant commented, “The map of the entire
      Beach County, providing free services, nutritious meals,   Torah that was presented to each student was worth the full
      homecare, and financial assistance when required,” said   price of admission. The video that summarized the entire
      MorseLife President and CEO Keith Myers. “I can’t think   Torah was sensational — it was truly an executive summary
      of an area organization that is better equipped to partner   of the Torah.”
      with AmeriCorps and connect seniors with caring volunteers      The seminar began with a wine and cheese reception in
      throughout the community.”                        which students were able to mix and mingle.
         AmeriCorps members are expected to volunteer at least
      ten hours of service each week, and they must have a high   LiLi Champagne Brunch
      school diploma, GED, or attestation. Members also must
      be U.S. citizens or have resident alien status, a driver’s   By Deane Dubansky
      license, a reliable and air-conditioned vehicle, automobile      LiLi (Ladies in Leadership Initiative) recently held its
      insurance, and two written references.            annual Champagne Brunch. The shul was elevated with
         AmeriCorps members will enjoy a supportive role with   beautifully set tables, brunch foods and delicious dessert
      their assigned older adults, encouraging independence and   buffets, and topped off with a creative champagne display.
      alleviating feelings of isolation while providing respite
      for caregivers. Members will not be asked to assist with
      personal care, wheelchair transferring or lifting, heavy
      housework, or administering medication.
         AmeriCorps holds monthly trainings and ongoing
      support groups for members, connecting individuals to a
      large national network of more than one million likeminded
      individuals who are passionate about bringing Americans
      from all generations together and strengthening communities.
         For those interested in helping older adults age with
      grace and dignity, please contact Kathryn Powell at
                                                                                                           Local Happenings on page 9

                      Crossword Puzzle

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