Page 2 - The Jewish Voice - March '23
P. 2

Page 2, The Jewish Voice
      An Open Letter to the Community:

      Hatred Has No Place in the Palm Beaches

      Dear Palm Beach County Community,                 must continue collaborating with our allies to aggressively   in a Holocaust-era cattle car used to transport Jews and other
         While hatred toward Jews is sadly nothing new, the   pursue ways to prevent and address antisemitic hatred in the   targeted groups to concentration camps. Several thousand Palm
      recent wave of attacks is startling and dangerous. Over the   Palm Beaches. As the city hall and convener of the Jewish   Beach County students have already visited the exhibit, and
      past few months, a dramatic increase in antisemitism against   community – now is the time for Federation to expand and   plans are under way to for more students to experience it.
      Palm Beach County’s Jewish community has reached a new   strengthen this work.                          • Launching a three-part series focused on antisemitism and
      intensity. Antisemitic activity, left unchecked, will escalate and   Here Is How Federation And Our Community Partners   the Holocaust to be featured on mosaic, Federation’s weekly
      spread rapidly.                                   Are Working Together:                              TV news magazine. mosaic airs weekly from January to April
         For years, Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County   Advocacy                                      on Sundays at 11:30 a.m. on WPBF 25, online at
      has collaborated with and invested in critical relationships      • Working with local and state elected officials, including   mosaic, and our new mosaic podcast available on all major
      with the Jewish and non-Jewish communities to combat   State Rep. Mike Caruso, to propose legislation that strengthens   platforms.
      antisemitism and all forms of hatred. On behalf of our whole   penalties for certain antisemitic acts.   Additional resources to help you do your part in combatting
      community, we are grateful for the swift and steadfast response      • Joining the Foundation to Combat Antisemitism and   antisemitism in our community:
      from local and state legislators, law enforcement agencies, and   Jewish Federations of North America in the “Stand Up To      • If you see or hear of a hate incident, please report it to
      leaders from diverse religious and ethnic groups who are in   Jewish Hate” campaign launching in late March. The campaign If you feel threatened or
      solidarity with us to confront the scourge of Jew-hatred.   will highlight real stories about the hatred Jews face and roll   unsafe, call 911 or contact your local police department.
         Palm Beach County is now North America’s fourth   out a universal brand identity for the fight against antisemitism.     • Learn how to combat antisemitism at
      largest and fastest-growing Jewish community, and fighting   Security                                standuptohate, where you can access fact-based articles,
      antisemitism requires a collective community effort. Amidst      • Providing over 40 Palm Beach County organizations   webinars, and resources about antisemitism.
      such a challenging time, it has been uplifting to see our network   with a continuum of proven safety and security resources and      •  Share  age-appropriate  resources  at
      of faith-based leaders, civic association representatives,   services — free of charge — through Federation’s J-Secure   studentresources, an online platform with videos, podcasts,
      educators, elected officials, and law enforcement professionals   initiative. The program includes security assessments, training,   newsfeeds, and social media links to help high school and
      continue to denounce antisemitism and show unwavering   and resources, working with vital local and national law   college students respond to anti-Jewish rhetoric and activity.
      support for the Jewish community.                 enforcement entities to protect Palm Beach County’s Jewish      • Request Antisemitism Today and Decoding the Narrative
         With attacks against the Jewish community escalating, we   organizations and synagogues.          programs for your social or civic club, presented by
                                                           • Accessing government grants to enhance physical security   Federation’s Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC).
                                                        for synagogues and Jewish agencies. Grant funding supports   Email to coordinate.
       The Lord’s Place Hosts from page 1               expanded threat, vulnerability, and risk assessments and funds      • Review Federation’s J-Secure program at
                                                        additional resources to secure nonprofits and synagogues   security to learn how our entire community can participate in
          Register to attend the event for free using the code   against hate crimes.                      free security education and training.
       “FreeEvent” or make a donation:   Education                                  The people of Palm Beach County take pride in preserving,
       The Honorable Ann Brown is matching dollar-for-dollar, up      • Expanding our collaboration with the School District   protecting, and building on our values and principles of
       to $350,000, of all money raised for SleepOut. A minimum   of Palm Beach County to ensure the full implementation of   diversity, tolerance, and inclusion. We boldly confront those
       donation of $25 per attendee is requested.       Florida’s Holocaust education mandate. This includes training,   whose words and actions harm our community. Thank you
          Attendees are also encouraged to bring hygiene items   programs, and resources for students, teachers, principals,   to our neighbors and friends who stand with us in solidarity,
       and non-perishable food items for kit assembly that will be   and administrators about the facts of the Holocaust and the   insisting that hate will not be tolerated here. In this defining
       given to those in need.                          consequences of antisemitism.                      moment, we have a powerful opportunity to let the world know
          Food and beverages will be available for purchase, and      • Reaching out to students and the community-at-large   that hatred has no place in our community.
       water and snacks will be on hand.                to promote understanding and tolerance. In collaboration                              With gratitude,
          500+ community members (including The Lord’s Place   with InSIGHT Through Education, we are bringing to area       Susan Shulman Pertnoy, Board Chair,
       staff, volunteers, clients, community leaders, supporters,   schools and community sites a multi-media exhibit housed   Michael Hoffman, President & CEO
       and friends) clad in The Lord’s Place SleepOut t-shirts
       will enjoy volunteer opportunities, children’s activities,
       games, and interactive booths to learn more about the
       programs, services, and clients of The Lord’s Place. A
       45-minute program will take place outdoors featuring music,
       inspirational client stories, ways to be a part of the solution,
       and a closing candlelight ceremony.
          Homelessness is a serious social and economic issue
       impacting all levels of our society. The Lord’s Place
       recognizes that all people deserve respect and a place to
       call home. SleepOut is part of The Lord’s Place’s effort to
       spread community and national awareness and raise the
       much-needed funds to provide the resources, programs,
       and services needed to break the cycle of homelessness. As
       SleepOut has evolved over the last 16 years, its mission to
       educate participants and change the lives of those who are
       homeless remains the same.                                       driveway                                       courtyard
          No one should have to worry about whether they have
       a roof over their heads. The reality is that homelessness is
       a widespread problem that affects far too many people.
          In the United States, many Americans are forced to
       choose between basic necessities like purchasing food,
       paying rent, or going to the doctor. The facts are: 549,000
       Americans are homeless on a typical night.
          Palm Beach County is the portrait of a paradox. Hidden
       in the shadows of paradise is the reality that on any given
       night there are an estimated 3,000 men, women, and children
       who do not have a safe place to call home. Since 1979,
       The Lord’s Place has been finding solutions and providing
       services to take more people off the streets and into homes.
          Everyone from every walk of life is invited to participate
       in SleepOut 2023 — a free, unique, and interactive view
       into the agency’s 40-plus-year mission to break the cycle of
       homelessness. This signature event educates the community
       on life-saving work, encourages participants to advocate for
       the most vulnerable and neglected, and inspires individuals      rec room                                      wine cellar
       to be a part of the solution.
       About The Lord’s Place
          For more than 40 years, The Lord’s Place has been
       working to break the cycle of homelessness for men, women,
       and children in Palm Beach County, FL, through innovative,            This Feels Like Home
       compassionate, and effective services. It provides supportive
       and graduate housing at twelve locations; operates social                     Three Nicklaus Championship Golf Courses
       enterprises including Joshua Catering; provides job training
       and placement services, clinical and care coordination, and               Homes from $300K to $3Million  •  West Palm Beach
       community engagement services; and has a highly successful            For your personal tour, call 561.624.8000 or visit
       reentry program helping men and women transitioning from
       incarceration. For more information visit
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