Page 7 - Boca ViewPointe - December '22
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December 2022 Viewpointe, Page 7
Terror In Israel / End Of Year Campaign & Thank You
By Yishai Mizrahi Remembrance and choosing American Friends of Magen of you play in saving lives in Israel and we wish you a
David Adom as your organization to support. Proceeds Happy and Healthy New Year.
Dear Friends, this last totaling nearly $3500 were collected,
month has seen a rise in and those funds will be put towards the
terrorism facing Israelis lifesaving work Magen David does each
and the State of Israel. On and every day. Thank you for allowing
November 3rd, five people us to put your values into action.
were shot and wounded As many of you start to think of
outside a convenience store your charitable decisions before the
near Hebron. One of them new year, please know that Magen
was one of our own. David Adom is Israel’s largest Non-
Ofer Ohana is a senior Governmental Organization tasked
EMT with Magen David Adom who responded within with not only being Israel’s National
minutes. While attempting to treat one of the victims, Emergency Medical and Ambulance
who ultimately died of his wounds, Ofer was shot and Service, but also its National Blood
remains in critical condition. Thankfully, he is expected Service, securing the blood supply
to make a full recovery. needed for the entire State of Israel,
“When I ran to get the medical kit, I heard [Ofer] and the Israel Defense Forces. Every
shout, ‘I’m injured. I’ve been shot.’ We took cover and accredited paramedic and EMT in
while I provided lifesaving treatment to [Ofer], we called Israel goes through Magen David
for extra resources. He was severely injured,” said EMT Adom courses, and each combat
Israel Lior, who was first on the scene with Ofer. medic has experience working with
Days later, five soldiers were victims of two car-ramming MDA. We do not operate alone, and
attacks in Jericho, and like Ofer, Magen David Adom teams rely on donors abroad, like neighbors
put their lives on the line to treat the young men. in Boca Pointe, to help us provide
After that, another car-ramming attack severely the necessary lifesaving equipment
injured a 20-year-old man in the Jerusalem region, and our staff and volunteers use to save
this morning, a 30-year-old man was the victim of a lives. We do have many year-end
stabbing attack at the Western Wall. giving opportunities available, from
The brave men and women of MDA know the risks Medicycles to Defibrillators, from
they face when they are called to a scene of a terror attack, naming rooms at the New Marcus
but they respond swiftly and boldly, hoping to save as National Blood Services Center to
many lives as possible. supplying Magen David Adom First
MDA has reminded emergency personnel about taking Responders with EpiPens.
necessary precautions. They issued warnings that what may For more information on our year
be initially reported as car accidents, may turn out to be car- end sponsorship needs, please call:
ramming attacks and to be on alert for terrorists who attempt Yishai Mizrahi, Area Director for
to ambush first responders, as was the case with Ofer. American Friends of Magen David
Thanks to your support, our emergency personnel are Adom in Boca Raton/Delray Beach,
there to protect the people of Israel against this incessant at 561.288.5658 or email YMizrahi@
terror and violence.
Switching gears, I’d like to thank many of you at We thank you, and are eternally
Boca Pointe for once again putting together the Book of grateful for, the incredible role all
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