Page 6 - Boca ViewPointe - December '22
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Page 6, Viewpointe December 2022
Does Your Dietary Supplement Pass The Test?
By Harold Katz, R.Ph. 4. Should the supplement maker or distributor choose to
place a cure or relief claim on the package of the product,
In 1994, Congress passed the FDA is then authorized to swoop in and have the product
the “Dietary Supplement Health removed from the market as misbranded for false claim.
and Education Act” (DSA). 5. Advertisers and marketers have come into the game
This gave birth to a whole new since the DSA law was passed. They have had wonderful
market for dietary substances. creative time coming up with phrases such as those
By definition, they are intended mentioned above and others which describe in a vague way
to add to (or supplement) the results we may wish to see from using the product, but in
diet, are taken orally, cannot be What is this “come from nowhere” entity and how fact, promise nothing.
called drugs, nor are they foods. does it affect us Boca Pointers and ViewPointe readers? A 6. A common ploy is to offer testimonials, often from
By the year 2026, it is estimated that the Dietary/Nutritional dietary supplement may be just a single vitamin, or it may well-known persons, Hollywood stars, or celebrities who
market will exceed $349 billion in volume. contain several vitamins. It may contain chemicals, natural laud the product and its expected results.
substances, or manufactured ingredients. It cannot contain So what’s a Boca Pointer or ViewPointe reader to do?
what the USP (United States Pharmacopeia) defines as a How do we distinguish between the fluff of the advertisers
2023 drug; and therein lies the reason for the existence of the CRN and testimonials and the results we would like to achieve by
(Council for Responsible Nutrition). In 1994, this parent
buying the product?
First, it must be stated that there are many well-researched
Mah Jongg Cards organization of the supplement sellers petitioned Congress to supplements on the shelves of pharmacies. They bring
pass the DSA bill. From that point forward, the FDA (Food
the expected results of the research that occurred before
and Drug Administration) had minimal control over marketed
dietary or nutritional supplements. The actual results of this marketing of the product. As for the hundreds of other
Orders are now being taken for the 2023 MJ Card Congressional action are: supplements, the same sage wisdoms apply:
Standard Card - $14.00 1. Supplements can come to market without FDA approval. If the information offered sounds flimsy, it probably is.
Large Card - $15.00 2. They must prove they are safe to take, but no proof of If the information sounds reasonable, look for its source
effectiveness is needed (as compared to prescription drugs to decide.
which must show evidence of both safety and effectiveness.). If the claims seem extreme and there is no source,
3. Supplements can make no claim for cure, for relief disbelieve them.
of pain, reduction of swelling, etc. In other words, no If it sounds too good to believe, it probably is not true.
indications for any malady are permitted unless there is Being a good consumer in the age of instant
scientific evidence for the claim. (Non-specific wording such communications is a challenging task. In choosing
as “Useful in Heart Health”, “Promotes Better Outcomes’, supplements and other health decisions, good research, with
“Useful in Cholesterol Control”, More Energy Stamina”, the assist of our doctor or pharmacist if needed, will lead us,
“For Health of Skin and Hair”, “Assists Healthy Body hopefully, to choices that pass the test.
Composition”, and a plethora of similar statements are
allowable under the act, which defy definition or meaning, Harold Katz R.Ph., Edgewater Estates.
and are visible on the packaging.
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