Page 9 - Boca ViewPointe - December '22
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December 2022 Viewpointe, Page 9
Board Of Directors Book Review from page 8
priests from marrying did not take hold until the eleventh
May 2021 – May 2023 Officers/Executive Committee century, while marriage was deemed to be a sacrament
only in the twelfth century. She renders a rich narrative
Chairman and President Barry J. Haberman District 5 Howard Weinstein (El Dorado) and catalogue of offensive behaviors and the severity of
Vice Chair Steve Retzer Esplanada, Caravelle, Palomar, La Corniche, their punishments that have been recorded for posterity.
Secretary Steve King and El Dorado These punishments can be interpreted as examples of sado-
Treasurer Harvey Kaplan District 6 Connie Murray (Villa Flora) masochistic practices known as “sessions,” “scenes,” and
Villa Flora, Montego Bay, Villa Del Sol, and Palladium “games” in contemporary parlance.
District Directors District 7 Alan Markoff (The Plum) BDSM is a system of mastery and control, which
District 1 Mary Ann Frazier (Palms) The Plum/Cortina, Villa Sonrisa and Pointe 100 occurs in the bedroom as well as in society outside.
Encantada, Valencia and The Palms District 8 Robert Cornell (Costa Brava) One recalls the mantra utterance of Meta founder Mark
District 2 Steve King (Imperial Royale) Costa Del Sol and Costa Brava
Promenade, Imperial Royale, Imperial, Regency District 9 Robin Gliboff (Edgewater) Zuckerberg at the conclusion of meetings: the shout
and Panaché Edgewater Pointe Estates and Stratford Court “Dominance”. In an age of noblesse oblige, the practices
District 3 Harvey Kaplan (Meridiana) At Large Directors allowed or assumed by the aristocracy contained clear
La Mirada and Meridiana abuses. The most common reference is to the so-called le
District 4 Michael Ehrentreu (El Viento) Through 2023 Through 2023 droit de seigneur, the practice of allowing the feudal Lord
El Viento, La Paz, and Southwinds Chandra Stewart-Keith (Panaché) Barry J. Haberman (Encantada) of the Manor, the first right to the nubile virgin brides
Bob Greenstein (Lakes of La Paz) Marvin Lazarowitz (Villa Del Sol) in his demesne. Professor Harvey debunks the notion
Steve Retzer (La Mirada) Carsten Bethge (Valencia) arguing that it was, in fact, rarely utilized. Nevertheless
the records show that knights for example often saw their
status as privilege to have their way with low born ladies
without consequences. Indeed Professor Harvey points to
the different standards applied in sexually compromised
situations, the man would be forced to marry his partner;
though the claim that the woman was his social inferior
would negate that obligation to marry her, and she would
be whipped and he merely fined.
Christopher Vaccaro has organized a baker’s dozen
of scholarly essays exposing the subtext of social
sadomasochism, fetishism, early Queer consolations,
Scott Cohen is Here to Help! and secular and courtly contexts and other perverse
Your fellow Boca Pointe Resident is available to performances long before the terms sadism, masochism,
Queer, or transgender gained currency. Yet the scholars
help with Property Insurance Claims to ensure cited by Vacarro go to studious lengths to argue how these
your insurance company treats you fairly! performances occurred within the sanction of religion.
The suffering of Christ rendered Him as the icon and
Do You Have an INSURANCE CLAIM? validation of pain, and replete were practices deriving
from that example. The ritual prostrations of abject
● Water damage? ● Fire? submissiveness such as described by the fifteenth century
● Roof leak? ● Mold? pious Christian Margery of Kempe, drove her to view
the Savior as her dominant partner, and she abjectly
● Damaged floor tile? ● Storm damage? submissive as He sat present at the foot of her bed.
● Plumbing leak? ● Kitchen/Bathroom damage? Similarly the extraordinary catalogue of diverse practices
● Cabinet damage? of Penance according to the manuals produced at the
Scott Will Get You the Settlement YOU Deserve! time justifies the conclusion that “social sadomasochism
played an important role in the discipline of sinners.”
Closed, Denied, Underpaid Claim? He can help! Call for a FREE no obligation inspection! Kersti Francis connects the utensils described in E.L.
No recovery? No fee!! James’ erotic novel Fifty Shades of Grey to implements
derived from medieval times, such as the rack, shackles,
Your insurance company has experts on their side – SHOULDN’T YOU? chastity belt, paddles, etc. The dominant theme is power
Call Scott directly (954) 937-1224 / and abuse, but requires the pliable victim, the submission
of one human being to the willfulness of another, even as a knight suborning and prostrating himself before
his Dominant lady, Lancelot before Guinevere, Troilus
Policyholders who hired public adjusters for non-catastrophe claims received 574% more money than those who did not hire a P.A, Filing a claim can
not legally affect your coverage. This is a solicitation if you have filed a claim and are happy with your settlement please disregard this advertisement. before Cressida, and finding secret pleasure in such
obeisance and suffering. These can be connected to ideas
about human nature put forth by Hobbes, Kant, Freud,
and Foucault, and further illustrated in contemporary
Everyone deserves a doctor who they headlines of sexual abuses by heads of movie studios,
Chief Officers of television stations, and even Presidents
trust and like. One who listens and with consenting or non-consenting partners. The Marquis
de Sade in his eighteenth century pornographic novel
takes their time to answer questions allows his heroine Justine to be reminded by her captors
of grim necessity: “You must serve our interests, your
and address concerns. A doctor who is poverty imposes this yoke upon you, and you have to
adapt to it.”
Juliana Dresvina argues that little effort was made
available when you need them most. to understand the psychodynamics of female sexuality,
besides suggesting that upper class marriages of
I provide proactive, preventive, wellness & sick care to convenience tended to be pre-arranged and loveless.
That is why adultery would be attractive and celebrated
adult patients at my concierge medical practice. in the literature. For all the talk of le droit de seigneur,
upper-class husbands were typically well beyond their
prime and probably responsible for their wives’ frigidity
To discuss your health needs, and my care model, you or indifference.
Nevertheless noble women as well as ordinary
are invited to a complimentary meet and greet with women were subject to continual sexual indignation. The
me - by video, phone or, when the pandemic permits, unscientific medieval period was ignorant of so much,
in-person at my practice. including a woman’s sexual anatomy about which male
authors showed little interest or objectivity. The Humours
Theory, the prevailing sociological and psychological
Please call 561.368.0191 to schedule your meet and dogma, taught that women’s humours were cold and moist
greet with me. I look forward to meeting you. and she likely was always eager like a man. The literature
of the time shows that upper class woman were able to
maintain control and not so much the victim of tyrannical
Steven E. Reznick, MD, FACP abuses suffered by lower class born; such was Patient
Recognized as a “Best Doc”. Practicing in our community since 1979. Griselda depicted in Chaucer’s tale as pathologically
submissive to the unfeeling and arrogant Marquis of
Saluzzo, a parable perhaps of submission to divine will.
7280 W. Palmetto Park Road | Suite 205N | Boca Raton | 33433 Dr. Ronald J. Meyers, a resident of La Paz, is an
Emeritus Professor of English.