Page 4 - Boca ViewPointe - December '22
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Page 4, Viewpointe December 2022
Finally Accepting The Help Of Others
By Robert W. Goldfarb Three miles later, we began looking for each other. Some them? I had to think differently about how I responded to
had been waiting for thirty minutes, others like me had just the generosity of strangers.
A recent incident on a school bus changed the way I feel crossed the finish line. There was no boasting of finish times, I told my children and grandchildren about what happened
about old age. I had entered a three-mile race and was being just embraces and congratulations. We exchanged phone on the bus. One granddaughter said, “Popop, accepting help
driven with other runners from a middle-school parking lot numbers, suggested other races we could run together, insisted isn’t suddenly going to make you dependent upon others.
to the starting line. A runner leafing through a list of those we run this race again next year and board the bus together. You’re just letting someone feel good because they helped
competing suddenly exclaimed, “Wow, there’s a 92-year-old I’ve run dozens of races from three-miles to marathons you. Why not give them that opportunity?”
guy in this race.” In the past, I would have remained silent, and never before experienced the bonding that took place I plan to enter other races as I press deeper into my
hoping no one would wonder if I were the old guy. on that bus. I wondered if it was because I had finally nineties, but will not let that stop me from accepting the
I was familiar with the reaction of younger people who acknowledged my age after years of insisting it was a offered seat. I think I’ve finally learned we’re all on the
encounter the elderly in unexpected places. Meant as praise, number that had nothing to do with me. It occurred to same journey and will eventually need someone’s help
their comments feel more like sympathy: “You look great for me that people on the bus were very much like those who along the way.
someone your age!” or “I hope I can still walk when I’m as old offered me their seats on other busses. Both understood
as you.” I don’t know why, but instead of my typical silence, something I did not; that in a world splintered by polarity, Bob’s articles have appeared in The New York Times,
I found myself turning and saying “I’m the 92-year-old.” people want to reach out to strangers. The San Francisco Chronicle and in Next Avenue, the
The responses to my admission were not what I expected. I reached back on one bus, but had stood apart on others. publication of the Public Broadcasting Service. His book,
No one commented on my age. Instead of reassurances Was that why people on one bus brought me close while those “What’s Stopping Me From Getting Ahead?” was published
that made me feel even older, runners began calling out the on another reacted to my rejection as though I had struck by McGraw Hill and is in five languages.
personal stories that brought them onto the bus. The big
for the first time in a year, a fireman hoping a recent injury Revocable Living Trust Important for
yellow van echoed with the voices of a new mother running
wouldn’t slow him, a couple who arranged family vacations
around races, ten-year-old twins running their first race. Out of State Property
Instead of setting me apart, my age had inspired strangers
to describe who they were under their running attire.
As I aged, I had become quick to decline an offered seat By Martin Zevin, Attorney For Canadian citizens, there are possible tax aspects to be
on a bus or subway. Flight attendants attempting to put my Are you a snowbird just considered before you create a Florida Trust. These should be
luggage into the overhead, were greeted with “Thank you, returning to Florida for the winter? discussed with your Canadian accountant or tax attorney. In
general, you will have to weigh the tax consequences versus the
Some of my clients have their
but I can lift it.” Cashiers about to place my groceries into a homestead in Florida; others money and time that your heirs would save by avoiding probate
cart were told, “No, I’ll do it.” When informed there was an declare their legal residence in in Florida.
elevator nearby, I always said I was looking for the stairs. I another state. Another favorable factor in creating a Revocable Living Trust
was convinced that accepting these offers would hasten my In either case, a Revocable is that you can always amend the Trust without having to change
slump into a walker. Living Trust is very useful to avoid the Deed. In addition, once you create the Trust, you can always
probate in both states. If you are a
buy new properties in any state in the name of the Trust.
Had I maintained my usual silence on the bus, there Florida resident, you can own your The Revocable Living Trust is recommended by most lawyers
would have been no shared stories. We would have been homestead property via a Revocable Living Trust without losing over a Deed which includes names of other persons, either as
thinking about our performance, not about those who would your homestead exemption. In addition, you are eliminating the joint tenants, tenants in common or a Life Estate Deed. Once
be running with us. A solitary effort was becoming a shared need for probate when you pass away. You can also transfer real another person’s name is on a Deed, there are potential risks
journey. Exiting the bus, we began hugging each other, estate owned in any other state to your Florida Trust. Generally, to you and your property. These include the possibility that
a Florida lawyer will prepare the Revocable Living Trust and
the other person may undergo a divorce, bankruptcy, have
something usually done at the finish line, rarely at the start. Quit Claim Deed to transfer the Florida property into the Trust. a judgment against them, or die before you or with you in a
The fireman thrust his callused hand into mine and said, If you are a Florida resident, the lawyer will also prepare a new common accident. It may also affect your homestead exemption.
“Let’s make sure we gather our team at the finish line.” Florida Last Will and Testament called a Pourover Will. This All of these risks should be discussed with your attorney before
provides for the transfer to your Trust upon your death of any deciding to put someone else’s name on your Deed. By contrast,
other assets not in the Trust or which do not have beneficiaries
the Revocable Living Trust eliminates those risks, since no other
Lease Renewals already designated. It is a security blanket to cover any assets name is on the Deed. You simply transfer it from yourself to
payable to your Estate. For example, if you were killed in a car
yourself as Trustee of your Trust.
accident due to the negligence of another driver, your Personal This article covers only some basics regarding Revocable
Representative would be able to settle your Estate’s claim and Living Trusts and Deeds. For further information, please feel free
Renters- If you plan to renew your lease “pourover” the proceeds into your Trust. to contact me. During this time of “social distancing,” I have been
consulting with clients via phone, e-mail and regular mail. In the
If you are not a Florida resident, you can still create a
at Boca Pointe, please provide the BPCA Revocable Living Trust and execute a Quit Claim Deed to put past, my free initial consultation would normally be a personal
Management office a copy of your renewal your Florida property into the Trust. Your Last Will and Testament meeting. In addition to Wills, Trusts and Estates, I also provide
lease and vehicle registration prior to your will be done by a lawyer in the state in which you have your legal free consultations regarding any issue pertaining to personal injury
claims and car insurance coverage. Call me at (954) 569-4878.
residence. In addition, that lawyer can prepare a Deed to transfer
lease expiration date. Both items are needed the out of state property into the Florida Trust. You can also do the My address is 3275 W. Hillsboro Blvd., Suite 204, Deerfield
to ensure that your transponder does not get Trust in your state of residence and have a Florida lawyer transfer Beach, Florida 33442. My web site is
your Florida property to that Trust.
My e-mail address is
deactivated when the lease ends. Please email Paid Advertisement
Thank you!
Boca Pointe
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