Page 22 - Boca ViewPointe - December '22
P. 22

Page 22, Viewpointe                                                 December 2022

       Clowns On Call from page 21

         So I knock on a door and ask if I can come in. If the
      answer is yes, or perhaps no response, I enter the room
      and approach the occupant, who is either in a chair or in
      bed. The smile on my face and my relaxed body indicates
      I am not a threat! That immediately puts me in a different
      light, and generally arouses their curiosity. What is this
      strange looking person doing in my room?, they are
      probably thinking. In my experience, unless the resident
      is really not feeling well, they are pleasantly surprised
      by the happy face, cheerful voice and the possibility of
      a pleasant distraction.

          On behalf of The Club at Boca Pointe
        we would like to remind our
        residents that NO walking,
        running, bicycle riding or                       All eyes on Juggles at the Milagros Center
        dog walking is permitted
        on the golf course or golf                          During the next 5-8 minutes it’s my “show”, and I have   Florabelle, CutiePie, Juggles and J.J. at the Achievement
        cart paths. For safety                           many shticks at my disposal. We all have props that we can   Center in Delray Beach
                                                         use to elicit a positive response including simple magic, silly
        reasons, the paths are                           jokes or puns, familiar songs, items we can give out like   and the resident is aware they were able to answer a question
        for golf carts only.                             stickers or paper roses, or we can rely on our own skills and   correctly often when they can’t remember their own name.
                                                         repertoire to elicit a positive response and make this a brief      Of course these types of techniques can be used by
          Thank you for cooperating with The Club's      but worthwhile interlude. Whatever works both for the clown   therapists of various disciplines, but when it is part of a clown’s
        policy.                                         and the resident, the feeling of satisfaction and “do good” are   repertoire, with no threat or criticism or disappointment, it
                                                         truly enlightening!                               makes a huge difference. Some of my most positive memories
                                                            Bringing a smile, a hug, or a laugh to an elderly individual   of nursing home visits are when staff or family will comment
                                                         in this type of setting is very different than an interaction with   how they haven’t seen a smile or a reaction to anyone in a long
        Vehicle Information                              a child. These seniors are our contemporaries and they share   time, and I was successful!
                                                                                                             If anyone reading this has any thoughts or comments they

                                                         our memories of earlier times, which are often easy to access,
                                                         even with more severe dementia patients. For example, reciting   would like to share, please feel free to contact me, or write
           If you have purchased a new vehicle within the   nursery rhymes and letting them fill-in words, singing familiar   them and submit to the Viewpointe please.
        past 6 months, please make sure the Boca Pointe   songs like “You are my sunshine”. (Just as an aside, when we      We did have one event in November at The Achievement
        Community Association management office has a copy   do our “Wiggles and Giggles” performance and we play our   Center in Delray Beach. This is a very active after school
        of your current vehicle registration on file. Your gate   silly kazoos, that song is one of our regulars; however if we   program and we were asked to do balloons and face painting
        transponder is linked to your vehicle so it is important   have a kids audience, they don’t know it, so we have to do   for a volunteer event. We were very impressed with the facility
        that we have accurate information in our system.   “Wheels on the Bus”, which of course the elderly don’t really   and the wonderful kids who were very polite and remembered
        Please fax it to (561) 395-5936 or email it to admin@  know well.)                                 to say “thank you” with little prompting! On Dec. 3rd we are                                     I can’t tell you how frequently I have asked questions like   going to a Christmas Brunch sponsored by the Coconut Creek
           Thank you for your                            “do you remember the ice man who delivered ice to your   Women’s Club. Our magician, Candy Bar and our newest
        cooperation!                                     house” and what did he use to pick up the ice”? The words “ice   clown, Doc are planning to join us, so it should be great!
           BPCA Management team                         pick” will come out 90% of the time. It is really remarkable      Happy Chanukah, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
                                                         how certain areas of long long term memory can be elicited,   Wave when you see us on campus!

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                                                   YOUR ASSOCIATION OR YOUR PERSONAL HOME.
                                  If you are thinking about listing your home or buying a new one, call Crest Realty, LLC.
                            We would like to extend special thanks to the Board of Directors and all owners for their continued support:
                    COSTA BRAVA POA • LA MiRAdA AT BOCA POinTe COndOMiniuM • SOuThwindS AT BOCA POinTe COndOMiniuM
                                                          ViLLA FLORA hOMeOwneRS ASSOCiATiOn
                                                            Let Us Add Your Community To The List!
                                                         OFFICE: (561) 994-2334 | FAX: (561) 994-2242
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