Page 26 - Boca ViewPointe - December '22
P. 26

Page 26, Viewpointe                                                 December 2022
      Is Virtual Participation

      In Community Association Meetings Here To Stay?

         As Community Association attorneys, something we’ve   to make sure that members are able to participate even if they   that he/she won’t be able to participate in any virtual votes during
      been asked often lately is whether associations may hold their   don’t have a computer, laptop or smart phone that uses Zoom   the meeting. We often recommend that a manager be the host as
      meetings strictly by Zoom or any other video conferencing   or another applicable app.               the manager is typically not a member of the association.
      or virtual process. The answer is Florida law does allow      Furthermore, for virtual meetings the association should      In conclusion, videoconferencing is an easy way to be able
      videoconferencing and provides the ability to do so for both   explore the ability to vote virtually, during these meetings. For   to address voting on member issues such as governing document
      members and board meetings.                        instance, Zoom has a feature allowing for polls to be set. The   amendments, and HOA elections, although there are still some
         For board meetings, the statute provides that directors   poll may be set up for anonymous results or to indicate how   challenges in this latter regard. Virtual meetings are beneficial
      may participate in any meeting virtually or by remote   each member voted. This feature not only allows for a poll, or   to all as they allow for greater member participation, and the
      communication, including voting on board matters, and that   vote, to be conducted but it also shares the results after the vote   ability to vote and take polls during the meeting. It is likely this
      remote communication is deemed to be “in person” participation.   is concluded. This allows for a report to be generated showing   is the way meetings will be handled in the future, beyond any
      Therefore, board meetings can be held in person, completely   the results of the vote. This is mandatory as the statute allowing   pandemic or other circumstances where the board and members
      virtual, or a hybrid of both. Importantly, the statute requires that   for member virtual participation requires a record of all such   cannot get together to conduct association business in person. We
      the directors attending remotely must be able to be heard by   member participations.                strongly recommend that you consult with association counsel
      everyone else attending the meeting. For virtual meetings, this is      Notably, with Zoom the host of the meeting cannot participate   prior to scheduling, noticing and holding virtual meetings.
      easily accomplished as all participating in the videoconferencing   in any voting. Therefore, it’s important to remember that any
      can hear each other when they speak. For in-person meetings,   board member who hosts a meeting through Zoom understands      Sachs Sax Caplan, P.L., Peter S. Sachs 
      it is necessary for a two-way speaker to be utilized so that any
      directors participating remotely can be heard by all in attendance.
         As to members meetings, Florida law also provides that
      members may participate remotely. In this respect, the statute
      requires the board to adopt guidelines and procedures to verify
      that each person deemed present and authorized to vote remotely,
      is a member or proxy holder. Once those procedures and      Do you need
      guidelines are established, members may participate in meetings
      remotely, are deemed to be present “in person” at the meeting
      and may vote remotely.
         Once  the  procedures  and  guidelines  are  adopted,
      members may participate in a meeting through Zoom or other
      videoconferencing methods either on their laptops, or by phone.                                      Help?
      The key is to be able to identify that the people participating are
      actually members or their authorized representatives (proxies)
      who can participate on behalf of the members. This is critical
      because it ensures that quorum requirements are complied with
      at virtual meetings.
         When preparing the notice for a meeting, it is recommended
      that the notice specifies in advance whether the meeting is going
      to be strictly virtual or if it’s going to be a hybrid, where some
      members are there in person and some are virtually attending.
      Then the owners know exactly how participation will take place
      and may plan accordingly. Also, the association should take steps

        Dear Boca Pointe

        Dog Owners:

           We have had a few recent complaints from
        residents who have had uncomfortable
        encounters with dogs off leash around
        the property. We are reaching
        out to our residents to                                               We have the help
        remind them of our rules
        concerning keeping dogs on
        leashes and cleaning pet litter.
        As a resident of Boca Pointe you must: Keep your dog on    that is just right for you!
        a Leash. All dogs must be controlled on a leash by an able-
        bodied person, at all times, whenever the dog is on property.
        Also, you must clean up and properly dispose of pet waste       Call or Email us for a
        when your pet relieves itself. Knowing and abiding by our
        community’s animal-related ordinances will help make our
        neighborhood a better place for everyone. Thank you!    FREE Consultation

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