Page 29 - Boca ViewPointe - December '22
P. 29

December 2022                                                   Viewpointe, Page 29
       Film Review: Canvas

      By Nils A. Shapiro                                 gentler, more gracious                            confidence and understanding that is a revelation; how
                                                         guy than Joey. One                                many other actors are trapped by typecasting and have
         “The more movies I                              evening, when one                                 such  unexplored  regions  within  their  talent?...Marcia
      see, the more I wonder at                          of my daughters was                               Gay Harden finds a fine balance between madness and
      what actors can do,” said                          visiting us from New                              the temptations of overacting ... and as the son, Devon
      the late Roger Ebert, in                           York with her family,                             Gearhart, who is at the center of many of the crucial
      his glowing review of this                         we went to dinner at                              scenes, has an unaffected and natural sincerity that is
      film when it was released                          a small neighborhood                              effective and convincing.”
      way back in 2007.                                  Italian restaurant. I                                It is not often one sees a film with as much heart as
         It no  longer surprises                         didn’t notice him, but                            Canvas. It is well worth your time.
      me that some of the most                           Joey spotted us, came                                                  *****
      beautifully made films,                            over and asked to                                    Aside from the studio’s DVD of Canvas, if you are
      and some of the finest acting performances, are    meet everyone. Since                              a Boca Raton public library cardholder you can see this
      completely overlooked at awards time if their casts don’t   he had just appeared                     film on your home TV by taking advantage of the library’s
      include one or more of the A-list blockbuster names, and   in the film  Jurassic                     Hoopla streaming service – one of two such services that
      their studios don’t provide Warner Bros.-style distribution   Park, they recognized                  come with the card, and just one of the many benefits of
      or heavy marketing campaigns running up to the Oscars.  him at once; it made                         signing up for a free library card. 
         That’s why most of you reading this column are likely never   their day.)
      to have heard of Canvas, which opened to unanimously rave      For anyone unfamiliar with the symptoms of this
      reviews by the nation’s most respected critics.    mental illness, Marcia Gay Harden’s portrayal of a                Advertise,
         Starring Joe Pantoliano, Marcia Gay Harden and   schizophrenic, even according to the experts, is near
      young Devon Gearhart, it is the story of how a man   perfection. Fully aware of her condition – but frightened,    Check out our website!
      and  his  10-year-old  son  deal  with  the  wife/mother’s   sometimes paranoid, unwilling to stay on her medications
      schizophrenia, a story of family love and loyalty stretched   – she veers from one mood to another.
      almost beyond what  the heart and mind can bear.  It      The situation is difficult enough for her husband,   or call (561) 746-3244
      should be noted that mental health professionals have   whose love for her provides a seemingly endless well of
      praised the film as unusually accurate and sympathetic,   patience, but the embarrassment the son faces in front
      an  achievement  due  in  no  small  part  to  the  fact  that   of his friends and classmates is even more horrific when
      writer-director Joseph Greco was influenced by his own   his mother “acts crazy” by being over-demonstrative,   Are You Watching
      childhood with a schizophrenic mother.             and then when the police arrive at their home to handcuff
         But it is the uniformly magnificent, understated   her “for her own safety” in front of the neighbors, and   Your Speed?
      performances by all three of the leading characters that   take her to an asylum for rehabilitation before she can
      make this film so convincing. Pantoliano (affectionately   be returned to her family.
      known to his friends in the movie industry as “Joey      In her quieter moments, the wife turns to oil painting      Please obey all posted speed limit
      Pants”) is widely considered to be one of today’s finest   as a release from the stresses in her life. Her husband, a   signs throughout Boca Pointe for the
      character actors. If his name doesn’t ring a bell, you will   construction worker, takes time off from his job to build a   safety of our residents. As a reminder,
      recognize his face from his many screen appearances and   sailboat in their backyard, hoping that, for her, sailing will   the speed limits are as follows:
      from his acclaimed role on several episodes of TV’s long   bring back memories of their early, happy days together      Boca Pointe Drive 30mph
      ago hit series, The Sopranos.                      and help the healing process. The title of the film refers      Via de Sonrisa del Norte 25mph
         (In the interests of full disclosure, I must say that I   to the canvas of the paintings and the sails.     Promenade Drive 20mph
      have been a fan of Joey’s ever since my wife, Linda, and      If you consider yourself to be someone who appreciates      SPEEDING  FINES ARE
      I got to know him when we were living in Los Angeles   fine acting performances, consider the following from one   BEING ENFORCED!! 
      before we moved to Boca. I cannot think of a sweeter,   critic: “Pantoliano brings to all of these dimensions a

          Holiday activities!                                                        SAT, JAN 14  •  10AM-2PM

    Holiday activities!                                                              SAT, JAN 14  •  10AM-2PM

          Holiday activities!
                                                                                     SAT, JAN 14  •  10AM-2PM

        Holiday activities!
                                                                                      SAT, JAN 14  •  10AM-2PM
            Stay tuned for dates and details on
            Holiday festivities at the museum.
       Stay tuned for dates and details on
           •  Gingerbread Man Decorating
            Stay tuned for dates and details on
          Stay tuned for dates and details on
       Holiday festivities at the museum.
           •  Holiday Music Circle
            Holiday festivities at the museum.
          Holiday festivities at the museum.
           •  Grinchmas
     •  Gingerbread Man Decorating
           •  Gingerbread Man Decorating
           •  Storyteller - Trixie the Holiday Pixie
         •  Gingerbread Man Decorating
     •  Holiday Music Circle                                                            A celebration of real heroes, princess
           •  Holiday Music Circle
         •  Holiday Music Circle
     •  Grinchmas
           •  Fabulous Fun Friday - Holiday Theme book
           •  Grinchmas
         •  Grinchmas
                                                                                        A celebration of real heroes, princess
                                                                                        A celebration of real heroes, princess
           •  Storyteller - Trixie the Holiday Pixie
     •  Storyteller - Trixie the Holiday Pixie                                      and fairytale characters, and superheroes
         •  Storyteller - Trixie the Holiday Pixie
           •  Fabulous Fun Friday - Holiday Theme book
     •  Fabulous Fun Friday - Holiday Theme book                                        A celebration of real heroes, princess
           •  And much more...
                                                                                    and fairytale characters, and superheroes
                                                                                   and fairytale characters, and superheroes
         •  Fabulous Fun Friday - Holiday Theme book
        reading                                                                    Boynton Beach Amphitheatre in Centennial Park
                                                                                    and fairytale characters, and superheroes
           •  And much more...
     •  And much more...                                                           Boynton Beach Amphitheatre in Centennial Park
         •  And much more...                Come Play                             Boynton Beach Amphitheatre in Centennial Park
                                                                                   Boynton Beach Amphitheatre in Centennial Park
                                            Come Play
                                         Come Play
                                           Come Play
                                                With Us!
                                                With Us!
                                              With Us!
                                                With Us!
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