Page 30 - Boca ViewPointe - December '22
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Page 30, Viewpointe                                                 December 2022
      Travel: Postcards From Jessica

       By Jessica Flores. Jessica                           Visiting Croatia on a cruise ship will give you a taste   Trogir: Half an hour up the coast from Split, this tiny
       has worked in the travel and                      of this culturally rich country, but it would not compare   island city is like a miniature Dubrovnik, shaped by nearly
       tourism  industry  for  well                      to what you can see beyond these walled coastal cities. If   four centuries of Venetian rule and thoroughly unspoiled.
       over a decade. She holds                          you want to go beyond the Instagram selfies of the Game   Surrounded by water, Trogir feels more like Venice than
       both Bachelor’s and Master’s                      of Thrones locations and enrich yourself into the towns   any other outpost along the Dalmatian Coast. When Trogir
       Degrees  in  Hospitality  &                       that offer so much more with few people, then I highly   was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1997, the
       Tourism  Management.  As                          recommend entertaining a land tour instead.       citation described the city as “an excellent example of a
       owner of AWAY Travel in Boca                      Your Road Map To Croatia                          medieval town.”
       Raton, Jessica and staff bring                      Dubrovnik. Most everyone has  heard of, or even      Even if you’re not into quaint cobblestone streets and
       25  years of  personal  travel                    visited, Dubrovnik and probably enjoyed this mini   palm-lined waterfront promenades, the Cathedral of St.
       experience  to  an  exclusive                     medieval town set directly on the coast and fortified by a   Lawrence – with its iconic Venetian-style bell tower and
       clientele  looking  for  luxury                   huge stone wall. This city is easily navigated, but having   extravagant Radovan’s Portal – should put Trogir on your
       travel planning.                                  a guide is favorable to completely understand the local   Dalmatian bucket list.
                                                         history and architecture. Also, the best time to avoid the   Zadar: Lodged between a photogenic yacht-filled
       To: Luxury Travelers                              heaviest crowds is by exploring this old town before and   harbor and the island-spangled Adriatic, Zadar’s old town
                                                         after the high tide of cruise ship passengers at dawn or   offers a setting every bit as magical as Dubrovnik.
       From: Croatia–One Of Europe’s Most                late evening.                                        From a ruined Roman forum and Romanesque
                                                           Split: Encircled by factories and sprawling suburbs,
       Popular Destinations                              Split isn’t the most attractive Dalmatian destination,   churches to its sturdy Venetian walls and an occasional
                                                                                                           communist-era structure that almost looks vintage, the old
                                                         but there is plenty to ponder. The city’s pride and joy   town’s architecture is a mashup of the various people who
                                                         is Diocletian’s Palace, erected in the 4th century A.D.   have ruled Zadar over the years. And there is something
                                                         and a UNESCO World Heritage site. Split’s waterfront   special about the city at dusk as lights twinkle around the
                                                         bustles with ferries bound for popular Adriatic islands   harbor, the waterfront sea organ plays a wave-generated
                                                         such as Brač, Hvar and outlandishly handsome Vis, where   tune, and the old town’s cafes and bars spring to life.
                                                         Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again was filmed on location      Traveler’s  Note:  When the summer wind comes
                                                         (rather than real-life Greece).                   blowing in the Dalmatian Coast, the award-winning
                                                           Pula: One of the northernmost cities of the Croatian   beaches of Croatia earn the blue flag status for their
                                                         coast, Pula lies along the western edge of the Istrian   remarkable purity on land and in the sea. Much of this
                                                         Peninsula, not far from Venice. A star-shaped Renaissance   is thanks to the white pebbles that cover most beaches
                                                         castle crowns the old town. But Pula’s claim to fame is   in the country, keeping the water a clear, jewelry-grade
                                                         Roman relics. Nearly 2,000 years after it was built, Pula   tone of turquoise.
                                                         Arena remains one of the world’s best-preserved Roman      Wheels Up: So, if you want to change up your mode
         Pack Your Bags: As many of you might not know,   structures. Nowadays, the colossal stadium provides a   of travel, I highly recommend that Croatia is a perfect
      Croatia pre-pandemic was a hot spot destination. In 2019,   venue for plays, concerts and the annual outdoor Pula   destination to switch from cruise to land touring. Why take
      over three million tourists poured into the fabled walled   Film Festival.                           a slice of pizza when you can eat the whole pie? There is
      towns along Croatia’s Dalmatian Coast. Well, now again   Ston: Just an hour’s drive up the coast from   so much more to Croatia than the high tourist cities of the
      the warning lights are glowing as local authorities expect   Dubrovnik, Ston is one of Dalmatia’s best-kept secrets.   coast. The best part is, your touring can be done in total
      that number to expand over the next few years.     Founded by the ancient Illyrians, the laidback seaside   luxury. Expert private guides, five-star hotel/resorts, and
         This rise in visitation is unfortunately going to be   village is renowned for its stone walls and incredible   some of the best dining options in the world. Hopefully,
      fueled by a new cruise ship terminal in the popular town   seafood. Like a Croatian version of the Great Wall of   I have given you enough reasons to visit this amazing
      of Dubrovnik, which will handle five ships at once. So I   China, the 14th century battlements crawl up and over a   country, so now is the time to start your travel planning!
      know this probably sounds like a place you don’t wait to   mountain behind the village. It takes a few hours to trek          Wishing You Safe Travels,
      go to ... but hear me out.                         Europe’s longest fortified structure (3.5 miles).                                        Jessica 

        Fast Track To Heart Care At Delray Medical Center

        What would you tell patients who may ignore heart issues
        and delay care?

        cardiovascular care
        can lead to serious
        consequences,” says Dr.
        Eric Lieberman, National
        and Regional Medical
        Director of Cardiology
        at  Tenet Healthcare and
        on-staff at Delray Medical
        Center. Dr. Lieberman
        says one of the golden
        rules in cardiology is “time
        is muscle.”

           “For a patient who is
        having a heart attack the
        quicker an artery blockage
        causing a heart attack is
        opened up the greater the                        Delray Medical Center's 1,000-square-foot  EP lab includes  a new Image-Guided Therapy System which provides
        likelihood of significant                        doctors with 3D images to optimize treatment outcomes with a reduced X-ray radiation dose.
        cardiovascular recovery and  Dr. Eric Lieberman, National
        normalization to the function  and  Regional  Medical     “At Delray Medical Center, we are able to provide non-  disease and stroke. Monitoring blood pressure, cholesterol,
        of the heart muscle,” says  Director of Cardiology at   invasive diagnostic services including echocardiography,   and sugar levels are essential to identifying patients are at
        Dr. Lieberman.          Tenet Healthcare         invasive services including cardiac catheterization and  higher risk who would benefit from treatment. Smoking
                                                         electrophysiological testing and cardiac  interventions   cessation,  maintaining  a normal weight and regular
           In other conditions such as stroke, Dr. Lieberman  with stents to improve blood supply to the coronary   exercise are also essential to reducing cardiovascular risk.

        explains, delays can have life changing implication.  arteries in patients who have blockages,” said Dr.   In addition, diagnostic testing is available to identify patients
        Treatment is now available for patients having a  Lieberman.                                      at higher risk who asymptomatic who might benefit from
        stroke who present within the first few hours that can                                            earlier aggressive risk factor modification to reduce the
        dramatically limit the neurologic deficits caused by a     We specialize in surgical intervention for heart valve  risk of developing a heart attack or stroke. Dr. Lieberman
        stroke. Early presentation and intervention are essential.  disease as necessary and employ the newest techniques  concludes by saying, “Ultimately the ideal way to treat
                                                         in replacing heart valves with less invasive procedures  cardiovascular disease is to prevent it in the first place.”
           Dr. Lieberman works with a team of cardiologists,  such as transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR),”
        nurses and technicians at Delray Medical Center  said Dr. Lieberman.                                 For more information, or to find a doctor please call
        specializing in cardiovascular treatments including                                               (866) 592-1423 or visit
        coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, valvular     Dr. Lieberman also emphasizes the importance  cardiovascular
        heart disease, cardiac arrhythmia, cardiovascular risk  of prevention of heart disease and stroke by early
        assessment and cardiovascular risk reduction.    identification of the risk factors associated with heart
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