Page 17 - Boca ViewPointe - December '22
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December 2022 Viewpointe, Page 17
Wildlife In Boca Pointe What Legacy
Have you
captured any Do YOU Leave
images of Behind?
Wildlife in Boca
Pointe? By Steve Handwerker
We’d love to publish your WHEN was the last
pictures in our new section time you experienced
Wildlife in Boca Pointe! nature? When was it that
Please tell us where the photo Taking on the 14th hole of you really experienced
was taken. Your photos may be Boca Pointe Country Club the beauty, grandeur
published in The Viewpointe! golf course. Photo by Felice and awesomeness of the
Send your photos to lisa. Goose on umbrella in El Rosen–Meridiana/Boca Northern Mockingbird natural world?! It is a Viento. Photo by Jean Whitney Pointe resident Photo by Jane Lenzen childlike experience that
occurs when I visit with the ocean, or am in a magnificent
forest or expansive terrain. You have felt the same at
There Are Many Ways To Develop from page 16 After offering my condolences I turned my head toward some point. Try and remember that.
the window, but she kept talking. She told me the story of When we experience these natural settings something
trouble settling down and when she finally did, the back her husband’s death, how her parents died and lastly her occurs inside that helps us to Remember what is really
of the seat broke and almost landed in my lap. dog Charlie who died three months ago. of value in this life and on this planet. We are reminded
The steward came rushing over after witnessing this I patiently listened as she shared how grateful she was of that which is meaningful in this life. The hectic or
circus and tried lifting the seat back up. That’s when he to have had them all in her life. And, that’s when she told not so hectic goings on in our day to day lives shift
turned to me and said, “Miss, you can’t sit here, the seat in me how she prayed that she would sit next to someone into the background of our perceptions when we focus
front of you is broken and you will have to move. Please to talk to while traveling – someone who would patiently and Remember the awesome beauty and innocence and
take the first empty seat in any aisle and, please move listen - someone like me. After thanking me, she turned purity of nature and the creatures that truly and simply
quickly, we are about to take off.” her head and went to sleep. reflect it! What else could I/we do but love them and
I was tired, angry, frustrated, annoyed and most of all Our landing was uneventful and as I walked off the their habitat and respect all that they are and represent.
very impatient when suddenly I heard that inner voice plane I realized the broken seat was no coincidence, Creating this emotional connection to our planet
again telling me to find another seat and let the experience neither were all the other tests I faced that day. I was given leaves a legacy for our children and their children that
go. So with all the graciousness I could muster up, I exactly what was needed to grow and increase patience. will deliver and create a better chance of survival and
complied and headed down the aisle to find another seat. I know there will be other opportunities beside travel to even thrive, into the future. This will also engender a
Test #5 - The Passenger help me manage my impatience. The lines at the grocery love for what is of REAL VALUE and MEANING in
I allowed my emotions to control my inner dialogue store, the landscapers who forget to close my front gate, our lives.
and almost gave up on my intention, to grow and increase traffic delays and more. BUT, after all is said and done,
patience, until the lady I sat next to smiled. She introduced I also know learning to manage my impatient emotions Steven E. Handwerker Ph.D. D.div, RM
herself and shared the reason for her travel - it was to will be worth the growing pains. Board Certified Licensed Psychologist
attend her nephew’s funeral. She told me his death was 50 years experience
sudden and as tears began to flow, leaned over and For more information on learning and applying
whispered, “We can be here one minute then gone the coping strategies, contact Josette Veltri at josette@ Books and Blogs