Page 16 - Boca ViewPointe - December '22
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Page 16, Viewpointe December 2022
There Are Many Ways To Develop And Increase Patience.
For Me, I Travel. So I Booked A Trip To New York.
By Josette Veltri of stress and agitation. I was a few short steps away from the gate when a
BUT, not this time or passenger rushing to catch his plane pushed me aside and
My goal was to be so I thought. knocked the cup out of my hand. I was stunned, angry,
mindful of my thoughts and Test #3 - Starbucks frustrated and so was my internal dialogue - I must be
actions - not judge or be So far so good, I on Candid Camera because no one could be that stupid,
critical of them. I knew if I successfully passed didn’t he see me, what was he thinking or not thinking.
quickly identified with each the tests and was And, on and on I went until I heard my inner voice again
thought and the feelings positive I was growing telling me to give him a break, it was not intentional. To
that followed, my triggered and increasing this I impatiently thought REALLY, and proceeded ranting
emotions would reveal the patience. Now, with thirty-seven minutes remaining with thoughts unspeakable, until I heard my flight called.
areas I needed to develop and before takeoff, I looked for the nearest Starbucks. And, I walked on the plane in a not so good mood, found my
increase in patience. before long, I found it along with eleven very impatient, seat, hauled my carry-on into the above bin and sat down.
The evening before my travel, I checked my luggage unhappy customers waiting in line. I knew I was NOT on tract to accomplish the reason I was
twice, reconfirmed the time of pick-up, checked my flight I took my place at the back of the line, smiled at the traveling, yet could not quiet my frustrated inner dialogue.
which reported on time, then turned on the weather channel. agitated passengers but found no one smiled back. After Test #4 – The Broken Seat
The weather report - crystal clear for takeoff and landing. several unsuccessful attempts to make small talk, I thought I was hoping no one would be sitting in front of me
The morning of my travel the Uber driver thankfully was this would be the perfect opportunity to go with flow and be but that was not happening. Finding her way down the
on time, I was at peace and ready to go, OR so I thought. grateful for the additional time I had before takeoff. aisle was the passenger assigned to the seat, you guessed
Test #1 – Unexpected Traffic! Seven minutes later, it was my turn to order - Grande Chai it, right in front of me. I impatiently noticed her having
I noticed the traffic was unusually heavy which prompted Latte, almond milk extra hot please. It was my comfort drink
me to ask the driver if he thought we would arrive with and after taking a few sips I calmly walked back to my gate. There Are Many Ways To Develop on page 17
enough time for me to experience an easy check-in. I was not
in the mood to rush through terminals, jump over crowds or B’H
worse yet, miss my flight. I sensed my patience being tested Sabra Wall Decor
when the driver replied, “I hope we will?”
“You hope we will,” I shouted, “I can’t believe you hope
…,” and before I could utter another word, I heard a silent EstimatEs
voice deep within reminding me to increase my patience, I
needed to take a deep breath, sit back, go with the flow and
apologize to the driver. So I graciously complied. Painting & More ...
My instincts knew to develop patience I would need
to accept what was, without resistance. However, I was
surprised that the test of my patience would come so soon. • Popcorn Ceiling • Wallpaper Removal
Looking ahead I could see the traffic clearing which meant
I would arrive on time. I thanked the driver, praised him for • Knock Down
his keen driving skills and off I went to my assigned terminal. • Drywall Repair
Test #2 – The Security Line
My check-in was uneventful. Now, with my boarding pass Cell: (954) 931-4716 Licensed & Insured
in hand, I headed for the security line. I always found getting Office: (561) 395-3057 CC: 03-11120-P-K
through security a hassle which always put me in a snarly
less than patient mood. BUT, not this time or so I thought.
Once on the security line, I was greeted by a TSA agent
who handed me a bin with instructions: “Place all your ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT SELLING YOUR HOME?
belongings, computers, cell-phones, shoes and carry-on
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I heard my inner voice again reminding me to just let it go.
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I had a momentary flashback to 9/11 - two planes hitting the BEAUTIFUL HOME IN VILLA FLORA
towers and the once infamous World Trade Center was no
more. I cringed as I thought of the thousands of people who This home is pristine! Lovely, open, and bright with
lost their lives that day. And, after gathering my belongings, three bedrooms, two full baths, a powder room,
I took a moment to thank the TSA agents for their careful and a spacious private lanai with pool. Updated
screening and keeping us safe. and professionally decorated with volume ceilings,
As I looked back, I remembered all the times I allowed wood floors, french doors, plantation shutters,
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