Page 19 - Boca ViewPointe - December '22
P. 19

December 2022                                                   Viewpointe, Page 19
      Fun Exercises For The Elderly To Stay Active And Healthy

      By Leah Ploumis, CPT, Fitness Director,            benefits are those centered around yoga and Tai Chi, or   benefits of the exercise but with a much lower impact.
      Edgewater at Boca Pointe                           a mix of both. Increased flexibility, improved balance      Chair workouts can be one of the best ways for the elderly
                                                         and coordination, stress reduction, and increased strength   to safely incorporate strength training. Seated shoulder press,
      Dancing                                            can all be expected from ongoing participation in these   biceps curl, and torso twists are some great examples of
         Dancing  is  a  fun  way  to  forget  that  you  are  even   moves. All ways to help reduce the risk of falls.  exercises that can improve upper body strength. Lower body
      exercising! It covers the aerobic component, providing great      One  great  feature  of  yoga  and Tai  Chi  is  that  you   movement can also be done from a chair by doing exercises,
      cardiovascular benefits. Dancing can also improve balance and   can modify them to your fitness level. For example, one   such as moving from a seated to standing position, seated
      coordination, which is one of the key ways to prevent falls.  participant may be able to reach the ground in a stretch, and   calf raises, or seated hip marches.
         The social aspect is another plus, and there are many   one may be able to reach to their knees. In fact, there are   Home workouts
      classes you can attend where you do not even need a dance   entire yoga classes for the elderly that take place in chairs!     There are many exercise videos on YouTube that you can
      partner. Zumba, for example, is a salsa dance-inspired   Mall walks                                  follow along with at home. You could also consider getting
      fitness class for any age.                            Window shopping while you stroll through the mall can   a Nintendo Wii to do some video game-style exercises, or
      Swimming                                           be another fun activity for the elderly. The comfort of the   you could go for a walk when the weather permits. Before
         A workout in the water can be refreshing on hot days,   air conditioning, as well as protection from the elements,   hitting play, check the area for fall risks.
      and it is great for the older population, since the low impact   make mall walking a great option for seniors. Some malls      If you choose to walk or exercise outside, it’s important
      nature of swimming laps and other general water aerobics   even open their doors early for active older people who   to know the risks of weather-related illness whether in the
      takes it easy on joints. If there are stairs in the pool, you can   want to participate in this activity.  winter or summer. Always check the weather forecast before
      sit on the edge of the stairs and do kicks underwater, or you   Chair workouts                       going outside and dress accordingly. 
      can simply walk back and forth in the water.          Many  senior  fitness  classes  provide  the  option  to
      Yoga and Tai Chi                                   participate in fitness classes from a seated position. Many
         Another  low  impact  fitness  class  with  incredible   exercises can be done with this approach, providing all the   Stamp and Coin Club
                                                                                                                 Boca Raton Stamp & Coin Club asks you to start
         Tax Talk from page 18                           in the top right corner and if you are searching in Safari,   a new hobby.

                                                                                                                Visit with us at the Stratford Courts Auditorium
                                                         the search bar will be in the top right.             located at 6343 Via Sonrisa del Sur, off S.W. 18th
         hoping that clients can reclaim the                Happy searching!                                  Street, between Powerline Road and Military Trail.
         money due to them. We hold onto                                                                         We meet the second and fourth Thursday each
         these for one year, and if the funds            Noteworthy Dates                                     month at 7 p.m. Please call membership coordinator
         remain unclaimed, we forward                                                                         Harvey Golinger at (561) 752-4922. 
         those funds to the appropriate state            Dec. 1 - Tourist Development Taxes Due
         of last known address.                          Through March 31 - 2022 Property Tax Payments Due
            Visit Palm Beach County Unclaimed Funds and State   Dec. 18 to 26 - Hanukkah
         of Florida Unclaimed Funds to find out if there is money   Dec. 25 - Christmas                     Watch Your Speed!
         waiting for you, but before you start looking to see if you   Dec. 26 and 27 - Winter Holiday – Offices Closed
         have unclaimed funds, we have a few tips to help you search   Dec. 31 - Deadline for Property Tax 3 percent Discount*
         the document.                                   Dec. 31 - Deadline to make IPP Installment Payment      Speeding  fines  are  being
            If you are looking at the document on a desktop, press   No. 3*                                 enforced!  Fine  schedule:  6-20
         the keys Ctrl + f (Command + f for Mac users) and it   Dec. 31 - New Year’s Eve                    mph over the limit $50 and more
         will open a search bar in the document where you can   * Florida Statute extends discount/payment deadlines   than 21 mph over the limit $100.
         search your name. Different web browsers will bring the   falling on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday to the next   Please obey the posted speed limit
         search bar up in various locations. In Firefox, the search   business day. Payment(s) must be received in our office by 5   signs and drive safely! 
         bar is in the bottom left corner. In Google Chrome, it is   p.m. or online by 11:59 p.m. EST on Tuesday, Jan. 3, 2023.

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