Page 18 - Boca ViewPointe - December '22
P. 18

Page 18, Viewpointe                                                 December 2022
      Tax Talk

      Dear Friends:                                                                                        Fourteen of our tax collector colleagues in Lee and Charlotte
         As the end of 2022 nears,                                                                         counties lost their homes and had their lives changed forever
      I want to take this time to                                                                          by Hurricane Ian. When my employees and I learned of
      wish you a happy holiday                                                                             this news, we immediately wanted to help. So, we held a
      season  and  a  wonderful                                                                            special “Pizza-Palooza” event where employees purchased
      new year. I am honored to                                                                            tickets for a pizza lunch, with all the proceeds going to
      be  your  constitutional  tax                                                                        those impacted by the hurricane. Our colleagues in these
      collector and I join the 320                                                                         counties are committed to providing essential services to
      tax  collector  employees                                                                            their residents, and it was an honor and a privilege for us to
      in saying that we are                                                                                be in a position to give back to them and provide a sense of
      privileged  to  provide  you                                                                         comfort and healing this holiday season.
      with  service  throughout
      the year. Whether you visit us in person at one of our   Hurricane Ian Help                          Are Unclaimed Funds Waiting
      six service centers, or transact with us online or through
      the  mail,  our  mission  continues  to  provide  you  with      The true spirit of the              For You?
      unparalleled service that inspires trust. We stand ready to   holiday season is about
      meet your needs in 2023 and are committed to delivering   giving and spending                           Did you know there could be thousands of dollars waiting
      exceptional service whenever you need us.          time with loved ones.                             for you? Yes, you read that right – some clients overpay their
         And  don’t  forget,  if                         Unfortunately,  with                              transactions, and once this happens, we issue a refund for
      you missed November’s 4                            the recent destruction                            the amount overpaid. If the refund goes undelivered, we will
      percent discount for your                          of Hurricane Ian, this                            continue to attempt to issue the refund. Once we have explored
      property tax payment, you                         holiday  season  will                              all refund options, we post a list of unclaimed funds online
      can take advantage of the                         be much different for
      3 percent discount if you                         many than in years past.                           Tax Talk on page 19
      pay  your  property  taxes
      in  December. Visit  us  at to use our convenient online payment
         On behalf of the entire tax collector team, have a safe
      and happy holiday season and a healthy New Year!
                                       Anne M. Gannon,
                             Constitutional Tax Collector,
                              Serving Palm Beach County

      New Kiosk Open For Business
                                                                                                                             Servicing PETS of Boca Raton
         If you live in West Palm Beach I                                                                                          for over 20 years
      have exciting news for you! Renewing                                                                                      “Caring is our Specialty”
      your vehicle registration just became
      more convenient with our latest MV                                                                                    Complete medical, Surgical and Dental
      express kiosk now available in the                                                                                       Facility SPA Bath & Grooming
      Publix Super Market at Village
      Commons located at 831 Village                                                     ME
      Boulevard in West Palm Beach. With                                  VT
      five locations in Publix Super Markets
      throughout Palm Beach County, our                                          NH
      self-serve, ATM-style machines allow
      you to skip the line and renew your                                                           As the #1 family-owned real estate company
      motor vehicle registration and print                                   MA                     As the #1 family-owned real estate company
                                                                                                    in  Florida  and  the  Northeast,  nobody  connects
                                                                                                    home buyers from the Northeast to Florida better
      your decal on the spot in minutes.                                                            in Florida and the Northeast, nobody connects
         Thousands  of  our  county                         NY                                      home buyers from the Northeast to Florida better
                                                                                                    than William Raveis.
      residents have used these kiosks and                            CT            RI              than William Raveis.
      I am pleased to hear how accessible
      and convenient these kiosks are. I invite you to try the
      kiosk next time you renew your motor vehicle registration
      – it’s the fastest option we offer! If you don’t live in West
      Palm  Beach,  visit  to  find  the
      location nearest you.

        How To Add Your                                                                                                           FL

        Guests To The Gate                                         Migrating to Palm Beach County and Martin County
                                                                       The Northeast is the #1 Source of Residents
                                                                        The Northeast is the #1 Source of  Residents
                                                                   Migrating to Palm Beach County and Martin County
        By Yvonne Rivera, BPCA Administrative Assistant

           The Boca Pointe Community Association offers a
        few different methods to add guests to your visitors
        list, so please ensure that you add your guest BEFORE
        they arrive. If your guest is not on the list, they may             Your Realtor and Boca Pointe Resident
        be denied without a phone call being placed to get       Connecting Homebuyers to Homes in Boca Pointe and Beyond
        your approval. Phone calls are placed as a courtesy                             Today. Tomorrow. Together.
        depending on how busy the guard is when they arrive.
           To add a guest to your visitor list, you have several
           • Website-
           •  Cell  phone  app-  Download ABDI/Gate Access
        from the app/play store
           • Access  Control-  Call  561-395-3392  or  leave  a                        the C&C Team
        voicemail message at 561-395-3369
           The advantage of using or the app
        is the ability to:                                                 Christina Soave | C: 561.577.2805
           • Add a guest for the day or permanently                        Cynthia Hauber | C: 561.827.7130
           • Remove a guest                               |
           • Send a pass with barcode                                
           • Receive notification of guest arrival                    193 E Palmetto Park Rd | Boca Raton | FL 33432
           If  you  have  any  questions  regarding  access
        methods,  please  call  the  Boca  Pointe  Community
        Association 561-395-7551.                                     CALL FOR A FREE MARKET ANALYSIS OF YOUR HOME

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