Page 22 - Abacoa Community News - October '22
P. 22

Page 22, Abacoa
       Financial Focus

      Should You Consolidate                               believe, but many people abandon their retirement accounts,     you will need to start taking withdrawals — called required
                                                                                                              • Greater ease in calculating RMDs – Once you turn 72,
                                                           • Less likelihood of “lost accounts” – It may be hard to
      Retirement Accounts?                               leaving thousands of dollars behind and unclaimed.   minimum distributions, or RMDs — from your traditional
                                                            In fact, at the end of 2021, there were nearly 25 million   IRA and your 401(k) or similar plan. If you don’t take out
      By Sally Sima Stahl                                forgotten 401(k) accounts, worth about 20 percent of all   at least the minimal amount, which is based on your age and
         One of the rewards for                          401(k) assets, according to an estimate by Capitalize, a   account balance, you could face a penalty. If you have several
      working over several decades                       financial services company that helps individuals roll over   accounts, with different providers, it could be cumbersome
      is the ability to contribute to                    retirement plan assets into new accounts. It’s possible that   and difficult to calculate your RMDs — it will be much easier
      tax-advantaged retirement                          employers can even move small, old accounts out of their   with all accounts under one roof.
      accounts, which can help                           401(k) plans and into an IRA on behalf of their former      So, if you do have multiple retirement accounts, give
      provide needed income for                          employees, thus increasing the chances that savers will lose   some thought to consolidating them. The consolidation
      you when you do retire. As                         track of their money. By consolidating your retirement plans   process is not difficult, and the end result may save you time
      the years went by, you may                         with one provider, you can ensure you don’t lose track of   and hassles, while also helping you manage your retirement
      well have accumulated several                      your hard-earned money.                           income more effectively.
      retirement accounts, such as                          • Ability to follow a unified strategy – With multiple      This article was written by Edward Jones for use by
      IRAs and 401(k)s or similar                        retirement accounts, and different investment portfolios, you   your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Edward Jones,
      employer-sponsored plans. But you might find it advantageous   might find it difficult to maintain a unified financial strategy   Member SIPC.
      to consolidate these accounts with a single provider.  that’s appropriate for your goals and risk tolerance. But once      Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in
         Consolidating them can provide you with several potential   you’ve consolidated accounts with a single provider, you’ll   all states and Washington, D.C., through Edward D.
      benefits, including these:                         find it easier to manage your investment mix and to rebalance   Jones & Co., L.P., and in California, New Mexico and
         • Less confusion and clutter – If you have multiple accounts   your portfolio as needed. The need to rebalance may become   Massachusetts through Edward Jones Insurance Agency
      in different locations, it may be difficult to keep track of tax   more important as you near retirement because you may want   of California, L.L.C.; Edward Jones Insurance Agency of
      documents, statements, fees, disclosures and other important   to shift some of your assets into investments that aren’t as   New Mexico, L.L.C.; and Edward Jones Insurance Agency
      information. Consolidating accounts could help provide clear,   susceptible to swings in the financial markets.   of Massachusetts, L.L.C.
      simplified account maintenance.                       • Possible improvement in investment options – Often,      Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors
                                                         401(k)s  may  have  limited  investment  selection,  so   cannot provide tax advice. You should consult your qualified
                                                         consolidating accounts with a full-service firm may allow   tax advisor regarding your situation.
        Helping                                          for a wider array of products and strategies. This broader     1851 W. Indiantown Road, Ste. 106, Jupiter, FL 33458.
                                                                                                              Contact us at (561) 748-7600, Sally Sima Stahl, AAMS,
                                                         exposure can potentially help you improve your overall
        Unmotivated Teens                                retirement income strategies.

        By Jim Forgan, Ph.D.,                              Adventures In Alaska
        Licensed School
        Psychologist                                       Report and Photos by
           Unmotivated, lazy, not                          Penny Sheltz
        applying himself, and not                             Escaping  from the
        working to his potential                           Florida heat in July and
        were words a mom used                              August, we took off to
        to describe her 16-year-                           Alaska. First, we flew
        old son as we discussed                            to Vancouver to board
        her concerns. This 11th                            the  Holland America
        grade adolescent seemed                            Line’s Zuiderdam three-
        to be a lost soul since he                         day cruise from Juneau.
        did not care about school grades, was defiant at home,   Our adventures included
        and was pushing others away. Mom was concerned about   taking the tram to the
        him and as she put it, “He doesn’t even realize how much   top of the mountain for
        he’s messing up now and how much it will come back to   great views, hiking to
        haunt him later.” We decided to test him to help give her   see totem poles, and
        direction and determine if his struggles were due to an   perusing the gift shop
        underlying disorder or something else. Testing revealed   to see stuffed animals.
        no learning disabilities, but the teen was depressed which
        was causing him not to care about now or later. Based on
        this information, mom obtained the right help for her son.
           Depression in teens is real and anxiety and depression
        often co-occur. These are mental health issues that do
        not go away on their own and can appear as your teen
        being agitated, unmotivated, disinterested, flippant,
        argumentative, withdrawn, and experimenting to fill an
        unmet void. If you suspect your teen has depression or
        anxiety, seek treatment. We offer testing to rule out other
        problems and determine the true issue. Alternatively, you
        can talk to your medical provider.
           Counselors offer support to teens willing to participate
        in the process. A type of effective counseling is cognitive
        behavioral therapy. This goal oriented counseling helps
        your teen reframe negative thinking and change thought
        processes which, in turn, change behavior. Counselors
        are available at or If your
        teen is open to reading a self-help type of book check out
        the book, Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change
        Your Life…And Maybe The World or Anxiety Relief for
        Teens by Regine Galanti.
           If you have an unmotivated teen, call our office as      Dyslexia, ADD/ADHD,
        we test children ages 5.5 through college for dyslexia,
        ADHD/ADD, depression, anxiety, and other processing
        disorders. Visit or call (561) 625-4125.                 Gifted Testing

                                                                                 NOW OFFERING:                 Dr. Jim Forgan & Associates
                                                                                 • Jupiter & Stuart Offices           Licensed School Psychologist
                                                                                 • Testing for Processing
        Captain’s was established in 1980 servicing                                                        
        Palm Beach County and is a privately                                       Problems, Anxiety,
        owned and managed company.                                                 Defiance                          (561) 625-4125
        Captain’s is committed to providing
        dependable, reliable and professional                                    • Weekend and After
        ground transportation to and from all                                      School Appointments
        South Florida Airports and Seaports.  PBCVH212
           To reserve your vehicle:                                                    “Helping Parents Help Children”
       561-798-2180 or 800-634-7890
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