Page 17 - Abacoa Community News - October '22
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Abacoa, Page 17

      FAU Features from page 16                          literature. The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute provides      • On Tuesday, Nov. 8 at 9:30 a.m., “Face Recognition by
                                                         seasoned adults the opportunity to enrich their lives through   Humans and Computers,” taught by Oge Marques, Ph.D.,
      Department of English, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts   non-credit, university-level courses with no homework or tests.  professor of engineering and computer science at FAU. This
      and Letters                                           Fall one-time lectures, performances and courses take   one-time lecture will explore several aspects related to how well
         • Nov. 3 – “Is Your Immune System Boss of Your Brain?”   place in the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute complex at   we recognize faces and discuss how some of these findings have
      presented by Paula Kurdziel, Ph.D., postdoctoral fellow, FAU   FAU’s John D. MacArthur Campus, 5353 Parkside Drive,   been used to empower computers with comparable abilities.
      Stiles-Nicholson Brain Institute                   in Jupiter, and include:                             • On Tuesday, Nov. 29 at 7 p.m., “The Songs of Eric Clapton
         • Nov. 17 – Alan Berger, Ph.D., professor, theology      • On Thursday, beginning Oct. 13 at 9:30 a.m., “Stephen   and Van Morrison,” performed by Rod MacDonald and The
      department, and Raddock Family Eminent Scholar Chair   Sondheim: Revered Icon of American Musical Theater,”   Humdingers. This one-time performance celebrates these
      for Holocaust Studies, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts   presented by Rabbi Paul Offenkrantz, D.M., who has served   musicians along with their greatest hits, such as Layla, Tears in
      and Letters                                        congregations in New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, and West   Heaven, Gloria and Brown-Eyed Girl.
         • Dec. 1 – Reza Azarderakhsh, Ph.D., associate professor   Palm Beach. This multi-week course will explore Sondheim’s      • On Thursday, Dec. 1 at 9:30 a.m., “Human Genetic
      and I-SENSE fellow, Department of Electrical Engineering   unique genius with musical illustrations and video clips.  Diversity and Personalized Genomics” taught by Ericca
      and Computer Science, College of Engineering and Computer      • On Tuesday, Oct. 18 at 9:30 a.m., “The Russian Bear   Stamper, Ph.D., a biology instructor at the Harriet L. Wilkes
      Science, and CEO and founder of PQSecure Technologies   Unchained: Putin Attacks Georgia and Ukraine, Threatens   Honors College at FAU. This one-time lecture will provide
         For more information and the Zoom link, visit www.fau.  NATO,” presented by Andrew Kahn, Ph.D., a James Madison   participants a brief overview of how DNA encodes genetic
      edu/research/community/research-in-action/ or email fau.  Fellow in constitutional law at the University of Indiana, and   information, and how changes in the DNA sequence make                                  a Commonwealth Fellow in American and European history   each human genetically unique.
                                                         at Swarthmore and Haverford colleges in Pennsylvania. This      For more information about the Osher Lifelong Learning
      Osher Lifelong Learning                            one-time lecture will examine the invasion of Georgia in   Institute or to receive a free course catalog, call (561) 799-
                                                         2008 and Ukraine in 2014 and 2022.
                                                                                                           8547 or (561) 799-8667.
      Institute, Jupiter Announces                          • On Friday, Oct. 21 at 2:30 p.m., “Botticelli: Florence
      Fall Schedule                                      and the Medici,” presented by By Experience, a company   FAU Ranks In Washington
                                                         that broadcasts world-class theater and the Bolshoi Ballet
                                                         productions to cinemas in the U.K. and internationally. This   Monthly’s Top 100 In The
      By Kami Barrett Batchelder                         one-time presentation examines the Renaissance Florence of
         The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Florida Atlantic   Lorenzo de’ Medici, known as the Magnificent, a powerhouse  Nation
      University in Jupiter has announced its course offerings for   of art and culture coexisting with a dark side. This program
      the fall semester, which begins Wednesday, Oct. 12.  focuses on Sandro Botticelli.                   By Lisa Matcalf
         Taught by FAU professors and distinguished guest      • On Monday, Oct. 24 at 9:30 a.m., “Midterm Madness,”      Florida Atlantic University has been ranked No. 72
      lecturers, course offerings include such varied subjects as   presented by Kevin Wagner, Ph.D., a professor of political   overall among the nation’s best public and private universities
      foreign policy, political science, film, music, art history and   science at FAU. This one-time lecture will investigate and   by Washington Monthly’s annual College Guide.
                                                         review the midterm elections using a combination of media,      The rankings were based on social mobility, research, as
                                                         images, polling, political history, and public opinion data.  well as community and national service.
                                                            •  On  Monday,  beginning  Oct.  24  at  5  p.m.,  “Zany
                                                         Sophisticates: Great Screwball Comedies,” presented by
                                                         Kurt Stone, D.D., a bestselling author of two books on the
                                                         U.S. Congress and currently working on a massive history
                                                         of Hollywood titled In the Land of Mink-Lined Pools.
                                                         During this multi-week course, participants will view eight
                                                         comedies, including Twentieth Century, Bombshell, and
                                                         Theodora Goes Wild.
                                                            • On Monday, Oct. 31 at 2:30 p.m., “Tai Chi Class: Practice
                                                         Balanced and Happy Living,” taught by Kalindi Yuan, a
                                                         certified yoga and Tai Chi instructor. This one-time lecture
                                                         will introduce the practice of Tai Chi and its health benefits.  FAU Features on page 18

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