Page 20 - Abacoa Community News - October '22
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Page 20, Abacoa
      scieNce ON the cUttiNG edGe

      The Scripps Research Institute News

       University Of Florida’s (UF),                                                                       Scripps Research’s longstanding commitment to training
                                                                                                           future generations of scientific researchers. The Florida
       Scripps Florida Complete                                                                            branch of the Skaggs Graduate School of Chemical and
                                                                                                           Biological Sciences continues to operate as part of the
       Integration To Create Science                                                                       Scripps Research bicoastal graduate program, with ongoing
       Research Powerhouse                                                                                 support from UF Health. It has approximately 85 doctoral
                                                                                                           students taught by faculty members in Florida and operates
                                                                                                           in close collaboration with graduate school faculty at Scripps
          Two of the nation’s most respected research institutions                                         Research in California.
       have closed their transaction that adds a Florida powerhouse                                           Additionally, UF Scripps Biomedical Research will
       meant to accelerate the pace of biomedical discoveries that                                         launch a new program meant to nurture science careers
       benefit patients. Effective April 2, the Florida campus of   The UF Scripps Biomedical Research campus in Jupiter,   among recent college graduates. The Postbaccalaureate
       Scripps Research is integrated with and will now be part   Fla. Photo by Matthew Sturgess, 4th Avenue Photography   Research and Education Program, or PREP, is a yearlong
       of the University of Florida’s academic health center as UF   and Video                             immersive research experience that gives recent bachelor’s
       Scripps Biomedical Research.                                                                        degree recipients additional academic and laboratory skills in
          The transaction between these two leading organizations      Work to bring additional prominent biomedical scientists   preparation for application to high-caliber, research-oriented
       – Scripps Florida with its stellar global reputation for   to the faculty is underway, as are efforts to add personnel   Ph.D. programs. The deadline to apply to join the first PREP
       biomedical research and UF Health, which has a wealth   with expertise in artificial intelligence and computational   class is April 15.
       of clinical and biomedical research expertise – results in a   biology.                                UF Scripps Biomedical Research is maintaining its
       facility with the ability to translate biomedical discoveries      “UF Scripps Biomedical Research is poised to build on   presence at the three-building, 30-acre Jupiter, Fla., campus
       into improved patient outcomes in Florida and around the   a strong legacy of innovation at the University of Florida   that was opened in 2009. Scientists there have joined the
       world, leaders from both organizations said.      and at Scripps Research, translating the art and science of   UF faculty while retaining an additional Scripps Research
          “For patients and scientists alike, this is a momentous   discovery into enormous benefits for the state of Florida,   affiliate title.
       day. When basic scientific discoveries move rapidly from   the nation and the world,” said Mori Hosseini, UF Board of      The Scripps Florida-UF Health integration was facilitated
       the laboratory to the patient’s bedside, all of humanity sees   Trustees chair. “The amazing discoveries that I know will   by Herbert Wertheim, a UF alumnus, member of the Scripps
       a benefit,” said David R. Nelson, M.D., senior vice president   be coming from this team will bring hope and healing for   Research Board of Directors and honorary chairman of UF’s
       for health affairs at UF and president of UF Health. “Scripps   millions of people.”                Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering.
       Florida scientists have impeccable reputations in their fields.      UF President Kent Fuchs said UF Scripps Biomedical
       Bringing them into UF’s research and educational enterprise   Research ushers  in  a new era of even  more  scientific  New Research Model
       will nurture many scientific and clinical breakthroughs.”  collaborations that will also include other state university   Illuminates How Organs
          Scripps Research, located in La Jolla, Calif., began   system institutions such as Florida International and Florida
       working with the state of Florida in 2003 to establish a   Atlantic Universities. Recent collaborations between UF and   Communicate With Each Other
       secondary campus in Jupiter. Since then, Scripps Florida   FAU have included Alzheimer’s disease research and work
       researchers have been responsible for pioneering discoveries   on emerging drug abuse trends.          Scripps Research, University of Southern California
       that have led to hundreds of patents and numerous spinoff      “I am truly excited by the prospect of the former Scripps   and collaborators uncover the proteins involved in key
       companies. Their work has also been strongly funded: The   Florida faculty joining UF. The breakthroughs that our   communication networks, which could help us better
       approximately 45 Scripps Florida researchers comprise one   combined efforts will bring about will exemplify one of our   understand conditions like cancer and obesity.
       of the state’s top National Institutes of Health-supported   most important missions: Bringing science to bear on some      Our  many  different  organ  systems  are  in  constant
       research centers. Discussions to integrate UF and the Scripps   of the world’s most pressing problems,” Fuchs said.
       Florida campus began in mid-2021 and were formalized in      UF Scripps Biomedical Research will also build on   Scripps Research on page 21
       November. Operations at the primary campus of Scripps
       Research are unaffected by the transition and the 175-plus
       active faculty there continue to pursue critical scientific
       discovery and drug development.
          “Our Jupiter campus has specialized resources that allow
       for drug discoveries that are more typically associated with
       the pharmaceutical sector and all of this happens in an
       academic, nonprofit setting,” said Patrick Griffin, Ph.D.,                 Changing the way we
       scientific director and professor of molecular medicine for            find love, one date at a time.
       UF Scripps Biomedical Research. “Our new connection with
       the clinical and scientific expertise at UF Health provides an
       exceptional opportunity to accelerate scientific discoveries
       for the benefit of people who need them.”
          With the integration of the former Scripps Research
       campus into UF, UF Scripps Biomedical Research blends the
       clinical expertise of Top 5 public university with the creative   We Connect
       energies of one of the world’s leading biomedical research
       organizations, Nelson said.                               Real People
          “Together, UF Health and UF Scripps Biomedical
       Research can more effectively fight disease threats, address   In Real Life!
       lingering medical challenges and create new science
       education opportunities. Ultimately, that ensures generations
       of people in Florida and elsewhere have brighter, healthier
       futures,” Nelson said.

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